Part Eight

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Laura's POV

I run out of the hospital, past the sliding doors, out into the cold air. It's snowing outside and I shiver as the cold snowflakes hit my face and melt in with my tears. I don't want to stay here. I just want to go home. I get into my car, buckle up, and turn the ignition on. I see Jonathan running through the sliding doors. We make eye contact for a second, but then I drive off. My sadness is replaced by anger at him. My phone starts blowing up with messages, first from Jonny, then Kami and Corey. I ignore Jonny's texts, but pull my car over for a couple blocks to respond to Corey and Kami.

To: Kami, Corey

From: Laura

I'm going home. I need to clear my head right now.

I drive for 15 minutes hten pull into my driveway. I fish my keys out of my bag, and step inside. My black pug puppy Zamboni, a gift from Jonny, meets me at the door, jumping up and down on my legs. He makes me smile and I pat him on the head. I put my stuff away and change into my oversized Stanley Cup Champions shirt and yoga pants. I put my hair up in a bun, slip my glasses on, and settle on the coach with my laptop. All I want to do is work on hockey right now. It always manages to draw me away from my problems, setting up diagrams and working on powerplays and such. And tonight was definitely full of problems.

Kami's POV

I look at the clock. 3:00 am. Guess I'm not getting any sleep tonight. Jonathan comes rushing back inside, snowflakes lightly dusting his hair. He starts pacing, muttering "Merde, merde, merde," under his breath. He takes his phone from his pocket and starts typing quickly. I know Laura won't respond to him. Knowing her, she's probably more angry than sad at him and when she gets mad, there's no telling when or if you can get her to forgive you. I ask Jonathan, "Who the hell was that girl anyway and how could you cheat on Laura like that?" The blonde skank had already run off when we came back, but not before flashing a victorious smirk at us all. Jonathan slumps into a chair and moans. "It was my crazy ex-girlfriend Lindsey. She came in here when you guys left and tried to makeout with me. I tried to shove her off and that's when you guys came in. I wouldn't cheat on Laura, Kami, you know that. I didn't even know that Lindsey worked here, let alone had a real job." "You better try telling Laura that, you know. I'll try to explain it to her, but you're in a deep hole now." I send a text message to Laura.

To: Laura

From: Kami

Laura, what you saw Jonny doing is not what you think it was. Lindsey found him and started making out with him. He tried to shove her off. He wouldn't cheat on you like that.

My phone makes a little whoosing sound as it sends the message. A couple minutes later, it vibrates with a reply.

From: Laura

To: Kami

Make sure Mady gets home safe and keep me updated about Pat. Can you give this message to Jonathan: Tu as jouer avec la mauvaise personne. J'ai pensé que je pourrais avoir confiance en vous, mais maintenant je ne suis pas sûr. Si laissez-moi juste tranquille. Je ne veux pas vous parler tout de suite. Tu es un merde.

I don't understand French, so I just show it to Jonathan. His eyes widen, "Oh god, she only uses French when she's really mad. What do I do?!?" "I think maybe you should just let her cool off. Talk to her on Monday at practice or at the game." He sighs, but agrees with me. "We should probably take Mady home, now," he says gesturing to Mady, who's asleep in my arms. I nod. "Let me go see what Kayla wants to do." I hand Mady to Jonathan and go off to get Kayla.

Kayla's POV

I wake up to someone calling "Kayla, kayla..." "Patrick?" I ask, rubbing my eyes. "No, it's Kami. We have to take Mady home now, so we have to leave Patrick." I shake my head. "You guys go without me. I'm not leaving Patrick. Not when he needs me." She hugs me. "Call me later,ok?" I nod, and watch as she walks out the door and into the hallway. Then I curl back up in my chair, my hand in Patrick's, my head next to his, and fall back asleep.

Patrick's POV

I'm in this land of fuzziness and everything is blurry. Everything is white and I walk forward towards a really bright light. I'm wearing a white robe and there's a sort-of golden glow around me. I want to continue towards the light, but someone seems to grab my hand, pulling me away from the light.

Kayla's POV

I look over at Patrick, unable to sleep, and brush his blond curls out of his face. I try not to touch the wires or tubes going into him as I gently place a kiss on his lips. When I look down, his lips quiver a bit and he has a tiny smile on his face. It gives me hope that maybe he'll be ok and maybe he knows I'm here.

Jonathan's POV

I wake up in the guest bedroom at Sharp's house at 9:00 am. I hit the screeching alarm clock, then stumble off to get Mady. I feel like an absolute mess and catch a glimpse of myself in the closet mirror. My hair is sticking up everywhere, there are bags under my eyes, and I only got about five hours of sleep. After Kami came back from getting Kayla, she told us that Kayla was staying at the hospital. I had to call two cabs to get us home, one for me and Mady, and one for Kami and Corey. When we got back home, I put Mady down in her crib, then collapsed on the guest bed, too tired to move. Before I get Mady, I duck into the bathroom and try to make myself look a bit better. I shower, throw on the same clothes, and try to brush my hair down a bit. Then I go get Mady, change her into a little Hawks shirt and black pants, then head downstairs. I put her in her high chair, and she watches me as I cook eggs and pancakes for breakfast. I put our stuff on the dining room table and we're eating when Sharpie and Abby come in. "We're back! Thanks for staying overnight Jonny!" He and Abby put their stuff away and Sharpie hands me some money. "Thanks man. I really appreciate the help. See you at practice tomorrow." I say goodbye to everyone, then grab my stuff and head out to my car. On the ten minute drive home, all I can think about it how I'm going to fix things with Laura and what is going to happen with Pat.

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