Part Forty

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Becca's POV

He looks at me shocked."What do you mean you're moving back to India?" He looks so hurt and confused that I just rush up and hug him. "I'm so sorry Andrew. My dad is making me. I just got the call tonight." My words are muffled by his shirt as I sob into it, my tears running down my face faster and faster the longer I hold onto him. He sits down on the couch, holding me. "But he can't. You're 24 years old for crying out loud." I shake my head. "He got a lawyer to work something out where he has custody of me for at least the next year. All I know is that I'm leaving the US."

He traces the lines on my hand as I lean against his chest, my head rising and falling with each breath he takes. He's silent and I wonder if he's even going to say anything. "Andrew?" I ask, trying to make him say something. "When are you leaving me?" he asks, his voice catching in his throat. "Two days after Laura and Jonny's wedding. April 16. You'll have playoffs starting, so you won't even miss me." He looks up at the ceiling, blinking back tears. Something about seeing Andrew cry scares me. He's always the strong one, the one who never backs down on the ice, who wants to fight the guys bigger than him. And yet, here I am telling him I'm leaving him and he's starting to cry.

"Are you going to come back?" His words sound hollow and they echo in my ears and throughout the apartment even though he says them softly. I take his hand in mine and hold it tightly. "I don't know."

Laura's POV

When we get back to our building, Jonny and I are all smiles. Seeing Avery so happy was just amazing. I could tell she really loved every minute. She even gave the guys some plays, drawing them out on the whiteboard with amazingly clean writing skills for a six year old. All the guys were fawning over her and I could tell each one of them truly wanted to make the night special for her. Jonny had his eyes on her all night, making sure she was happy. He really loves kids, so I know our family is going to be so wonderful when we have one. The photographers even got a cute picture of Avery and Coach Q standing side by side, their arms crossed identically. I got a copy of it so that I can send it to Avery and her parents.

After talking to them last night at the game, they were really happy and thanked me so many times for planning the event. I told them that I was just grateful that I could make Avery's wish come true. They said that her treatments are actually going pretty well and that the doctors are saying she has a chance. I really hope they are correct. She's such a beautiful little girl with such a bright future.

As we walk into the lobby, I see a blond girl on the couch and then I remember that my sister is coming in tonight from Florida to get her bridesmaid dress fitting and to help me pick a dress. She's in college so I haven't seen her in a really long time and I run towards her and give her a huge hug. "Rachel! You're here." I'm all smiles, but she's stiff against me, her arms glued to her side. I ignore her seemingly different attitude. The last time I saw her was at her high school graduation and she was all bubbly and smiley.

We used to be best friends when we were growing up, sticking up for one another, playing together, having the same friends. Even though we're four years apart, I'm really close to her. "You remember Jonathan." I say, as he gives her a smile and a wave. She just gives him a frosty stare and goes back to texting someone on her phone, her pink nails clicking away. I make a mental note to tell her that she absolutely can't have those at the wedding.

When we get into our condo, I point out her room and help her put all her stuff in. "Jonny and I are going to make dinner, so feel free to join us if you would like." "I'm not hungry," she mumbles as I close the door behind me. Jonny's already cooking when I get back to the kitchen. "Well, she sure is a ball of energy," he jokes. "I'm sorry about that," I say. "She just seems different now. I don't know, maybe college changed her or something." We cook chicken alfredo and I put out three plates, spooning out the noodles and sauce into equal portions. Before Jonny and I sit down to eat, I go back to Rachel's room.

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