Part Twenty-One

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Kayla's POV

My heart feels like it's ripping itself in two. The necklace on my neck feels like cold steel weighing down every breath I take. How could they not have told me that he was gone. Did I do something so horribly wrong in my life that this is some kind of twisted punishment, to find that Patrick is dead and to receive no word of it. Another sob escapes my mouth and I curl up into a ball, leaning against the wall and clutching my knees. I hear the door creak open, but I don't even look up or bother to stop crying. It's not like it's anyone important anyway. 

Becca's POV

I feel like I'm trembling with fear and every nerve in my body is going crazy. The surgeon smiles at me from above the operating table. "Hi Miss Scott, I'm just going to place this mask over your mouth and nose. I want you to breath in and count to ten for me." He places the mask on me and I feel the anethetic making its way into my body. I start counting. "One, two, three..." I feel like I'm drifting off and my eyes get droopy. Before I know it, I'm out. 

Kami's POV

I wake up and stretch my arms out to the ceiling. My head still feels a bit tender, but I'm surprisingly not too sore from that hit. My anger flares when I think about what Tyler said to me, how dare he. I've worked hard to get to where I am, just as hard as he has. I'm still frowning when Corey walks through the bedroom door. He's balancing a tray of breakfast and walking really slowly. He looks up at me when he hears the covers rustling. "Good morning beautiful," he says. He places the tray down on the bedside table and gives me a kiss, before sitting down next to me on the bed. "I made you breakfast," he says, gesturing towards the tray. There's pancakes, with strawberries and whipcream, my absolute favorite, along with a cup of orange juice and some more fresh fruit. I hug him. "Thanks Corey."

He grins. "So, how are you feeling today? Head feeling any better?" I take a bite of the pancakes and nod. "I'm surprisingly not feeling like total crap," I say. "Glad to hear it," he says. "I have little surprise for you by the way." "What?" I ask. "You have to show me now! You know I have no patience." He laughs. "I know, but you have to eat breakfast and get ready. Then, you get your surprise." He goes to get showered and dressed. I finish the breakfast just as he gets out of the shower, a towel wrapped around his waist. "Looking smoking," I say, giving him a cheeky wink and laughing as I run into the bathroom.

I shower, then go to my closet to pick my outfit. After picking out a plain white t-shirt, some black skinny jeans, and my golds sandals, I apply my usual makeup and brush my hair. "Corey, where are you?" I yell, as I walk out of our bedroom. "In here!" He yells back from the den. He's sitting on the couch, so I go over and sit next to him. "So what's the surprise?" I say, smiling at him and bouncing up and down with excitement. He shakes his head, laughing. "You're so impatient sometimes."

He hands me a pink box with a white ribbon wrapped around it. I carefully untie the ribbon, then whip the lid off of the box. Inside, there's two plane tickets. They say, "Chicago to Spain. February 7th, 2014." I look up at him, breathless. "Seriously? Don't you have games to play?" He shakes his head. "I didn't make the Olympic team, so Coach Q is giving us a week off before some practice. I thought we'd go have some fun." I stand up and jump up and down on the couch. "Ohmigosh Corey, I can't believe you!" I jump down and kiss him, his cologne making the air around us smell good, a dark, woodsy scent. As I draw back from the kiss, I hold his hands and look into his eyes. "I love you," I whisper. "I love you too," he says, giving me a smile and pulling me in for another kiss. 

Kayla's POV

The door creaks open and someone hobbles in on crutches. I look up, my face probably stained with running makeup from my tears. "Hi," the person says. "I missed you." My heart feels like it has stopped beating as I look up and see him. I get up and run towards him, all my emotions overloading my senses. "Patrick, don't ever leave me again. Please." 

~Here's a short update for tonight. I know we're all feeling down after the past two playoff games, but I hope this makes your night a little better!~

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