Part Thirty

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~February 16th~

Jonathan's POV

I wake up in our hotel room in Sochi as the alarm clock goes off, my legs falling off the edge of the bed as I stretch. I stretch my arms and accidentally knock Laura off the bed. She pops up on the side of the bed a second later, her grumpy expression on. "Thanks for the morning wake-up," she says, playfully punching my arm and climbing back up into the bed with me. She snuggles up against me, her 5'2'' frame fitting easily into the bed unlike my 6'2'' one. My mind starts going into game mode, already thinking about what needs to be done in today's preliminary game against Finland.

"Thinking about the game?" Laura mumbles, her eyes closed as she enjoys a couple last minutes of sleep. "Yeah," I sigh back. "Hopefully we win today, so we can move on." "I'm sure you will," she says. I lie there thinking about what I need to fix from the last game, that one bad pass lingering in my mind. God, I wish I could take that back. We won that game, but it just bothers me so much. Laura gets up and goes to the bathroom. I hear the shower running as I get up and do some more stretches.She comes back out twenty minutes later, wearing my team canada jersey and dark skinny jeans, her hair put up in a ponytail that bounces when she walks around.

I go to the bathroom and shower, letting my thoughts swirl around my brain like the hot steam from the water. After getting dressed in some sweatpants and a t-shirt, I go back out to the room and grab my team canada jacket from closet. Laura's working on the bed, her computer in her lap. "Working on wedding stuff?" I ask her. "Working on plays for when you guys get back to Chicago actually," she says, looking up and smiling. "You're coming to the game later, right?" "Yep," she replies, "I have to work on some wedding stuff first, but I'll be in the front row when you guys start." I walk over and give her a little kiss, letting my lips linger on hers and knowing that I won't see her until after the game. "Score a goal for me," she says looking into my eyes and giving me a little smile. "I will," I say as I grab my equipment bag from the side of the bed. As I head down to the lobby of the hotel, I mumble the words to myself, making sure I remember them. "Score a goal for me... I will." 

Kami's POV

I wake up to our last day in Spain and throw open the curtains, taking in the beautiful ocean view from our hotel room balcony. I hear Corey shuffle up behind me and I turn around. "Morning," he mumbles, giving me a little kiss. "Hi," I say, "Look at how beautiful this is." We stand there and just watch for awhile, Corey's arms around me and mine holding onto his. "Ready to go exploring one more time?" he says. "Mmhmm," I say going back into the room and shuffling through my suitcase to pick out my outfit. I pause as Corey's hand appears over an outfit. He pulls it out of my suitcase and holds it up. "How about this?" It's the new dress I bought, light blue to bring out my blonde hair and made of light, soft fabric. "Ok," I say, taking it and heading into the bathroom. After I shower, I blow-dry my hair and do my makeup, before slipping on the dress.

"Wow," Corey says, when I walk back out into the room, "You look gorgeous." I smile at him as I give the dress a little twirl, the skirt lifting up off the ground and floating around my feet. "Thanks." I put on my jewelry as Corey showers and gets dressed. He puts on a white-button down and khaki pants. I slip on my jeweled sandals and grab my bag as Corey slips on his Sperrys. "Ready to go?" I ask. "Yep," he says. We head down to the lobby and are about to head out the door, when Corey stops.

"Oh man, I forgot something. Hold on, I'll run up and get it." "What did you forget?" I ask. "Oh just my, uhm, wallet, yeah my wallet," he says, looking flustered and heading off to the elevator. He looks much more collected when he comes back down five minutes later. "Got your wallet now?" I ask with a smile. "Huh? Oh yeah," he says. I wonder why he's so flustered today, but I shrug it off. I want to enjoy every last minute in this amazing country and today is going to be fantastic, I can just tell. 

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