Part Fifty Four

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Corey's POV

I take the two coffees and thank the Starbucks girl before heading out to the car. "Here you go," I say as I get in and hand Kami her coffee. She smiles and takes a sip, her nose wrinkling as she smiles. "Thanks babe," she says, giving me a little kiss as I buckle my seatbelt. I start the car and we head to the mall. "Thanks for coming with me to the mall today," Kami says with a little smile at me. I grin. "I love spending time with you," I tell her. And it's true. Kami makes me really happy and to know that we have a baby on the way just makes everything so exciting, even the littlest things. The other day I was making breakfast and I thought, just think when we have three in our family. It made me smile so wide that I can barely imagine how beyond happy I'll be when the baby is actually here. 

I take Kami's hand as we walk into the mall. "Where to first?" I ask Kami. "Let's just walk around and see what looks interesting," she says. We start walking and pass by a jewelry shop. Kami looks at the window as we pass and slows to a halt, dragging me back with her. Her eyes are dazed with awe at one of the necklaces in the window. It's a gold chain with a little gold heart on it. Along the edge of the heart are the words, "You are my always. I promise." engraved in tiny letters. "That's so beautiful," Kami says. "You want me to get it for you?" I ask. She blushes furiously and shakes her head. "Oh no, Corey, don't waste your money on that. I don't need it." She pulls me away from the display but I can tell how much she liked it.

Two hours later we're stacked down with bags from shopping. "I just want to run into Victoria's Secret really fast," Kami says. "Okay, I'll wait outside," I tell her, taking the bags as she heads into the store. I wait until she's fully immersed in her shopping then creep away to the jewelry store. The clerk greets me at the door. "Hello, what can I help you with today?" "I'd like to see that gold heart necklace in the window," I tell her.

She pulls it out from the display and brings it back. "It's a one of a kind piece," she says as I look at it. I hand her my credit card. "I'd like to buy it please." She swipes my card and hands it back, then puts the necklace into a little red box, wrapping it with a silky white ribbon. "Would you like a bag?" she asks with a smile and I shake my head. "I'll just take the box, thank you." I take the box and head back out of the store, returning to the area outside of Victoria's Secret before Kami notices I'm gone.

Kami leans against me on the couch later that night, the tv playing in the background. "Hey I have something for you," I tell her after giving her a kiss on the head. "What is it?" she asks happily. I pull out the red box and hand it to her, her eyes lighting up at the little present. "What is it?" "Well open it up silly," I laugh at her. She giggles and pulls the ribbon off, then takes the lid off the box. Her mouth forms a little O as she sees the necklace inside the box. "Oh Corey," she says in a little whisper. "This is so beautiful." I lean over and take it from the box, clipping it around her neck. Her fingers reach up to touch it before her lips reach over and touch mine. "Thank you so much," she whispers in my ear. "I love you," I whisper back. "You know how much I love you?" she asks. "Forever and always," she finishes and I whisper back, "I promise." 

Patrick's POV

I swear I'm going to go insane. Without Kayla, there's nothing. Nothing to live for, nothing to do. How do you go on when the one person you loved, trusted no matter what is gone? I sigh as I get out from the bed, slowly lowering my feet to the floor. I put my head in my hands and just sit there for a moment. Breathe Patrick, breathe. You'll find a way to make it through. 

After showering and eating breakfast, I grab my stuff from beside the door and head down to the car. All the players are allowed to use the ice at the UC whenever we want, and I know no one will be there today so I head down there. After I park my car, I walk through the doors, greeted by the security guards with a little head nod. I put my gear on, alone in the locker room, taking care that everything is just right. I'm using the stick that Kayla picked out for me last year, my favorite Bauer one with my name engraved on the top in teeny tiny letters.

The nets are set up so I skate around to warm up and then take out some pucks and practice shooting them from different angles. I can feel my eyes watering and my vision becomes blurry as the tears start falling. I can hear the last puck ricochet off the pipe, the sound ringing through my ears as I lie down on the ice. 

I can't do this anymore. Why? Why me? I curl up and clutch the stick between my arms. I just want to make more memories with you Kayla. I'd give anything. Anything you want. Even my life. Just let me see you one more time. 

Andrew's POV

I can't take this anymore. I'm going to lose it without Becca here. I grab the piece of paper from the printer with my ticket printed on it and throw my stuff into my suitcase. This is it. I have to find her. It's now or never, and you know what? I'd rather not find out what happens if it's never. See you soon India. 

~Sorry for not writing for so long! I have so many college things to take care of before school starts! I've also been thinking about what to do once this story is over. Do you guys want a prequel, sequel, or a different story? Or would you not want anything? Let me know please :D There's also a secret message in this chapter so see if you can find it ;) Good luck ~

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