Part Twenty-Eight

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~February 7th~

Kami's POV

Today's finally the day of our trip! I pull my luggage behind me and out of the lobby's sliding doors. Corey said he would pick me up at 9 am, and there he is, right in front, waiting. He's got his black Raybans on and the black North Face I got him for Christmas, his arms crisscrossed as he leans against the car. "Hey Mr. Tough Guy," I laugh as I walk over to him. He greets me with a quick peck on the lips. "Dang, how much luggage did you bring?!?" he says, lifting his sunglasses and peering at the two suitcases and bag that I'm bringing with. "It's really not that much.." I say. "I guess girls just like to have more options." He opens the trunk to his car and starts loading my luggage in, pointing to his own little suitcase. "You're definitely right about that. I managed to get all my stuff into that one bag." I get into the car and he slams the trunk shut before getting in and turning the radio on.

As we drive to the airport, we sit and just listen to the music, but after fifteen minutes, Corey pipes up. "So, I was thinking, uhm, if, uh, after our vacation, you would, you know, want to move in with me?" I can hear the nervousness in his voice and he keeps his eyes on the road instead of looking at me. "I'd love to!" I say, leaning over and giving him a kiss on the cheek. "Really?" he says, blushing a little. "Mmhmm," I say, smiling. One of my favorite songs, Wagon Wheel, comes on the radio and I sing along to it, the upbeat rhythm making me feel full of happiness for the future. 

Rock me Mama like a wagon wheel

Rock me Mama anyway you feel,

Hey Mama, rock me,

Rock me Mama like the wind and the rain

Rock me Mama like a southbound train

Hey Mama rock me...

Laura's POV

Our plane leaves at 11 am and as usual, I'm still running around my apartment trying to get things ready. Jonny's going to pick me up at 9:30 am and it's already 9:00 am. I jump up and down on my jam-packed suitcase, trying to close it. Heidi walks in and sees me struggling. "You want some help there," she giggles. "I'm good," I tell her, smiling at her laugh. "Are you going to be ok with me being gone this week?" I ask, afraid to upset her mood, but having to say it. She nods, a little bit more solemn. "You can call me anytime you want," I tell her, "or Jonny. We'll both be here if you need anything." She comes over and hugs me. "Thanks Laura, for everything. Enjoy your trip in Sochi, okay, I'll be fine." I give her a smile, glad to see that she feels better after last week's scare. 

At 9:30 am, someone knocks on my door. I go to open it and see Jonny. He gives me a hug and a kiss before coming in to get my stuff. "Bye Zamboni," I say, hugging my little puppy. He wags his tail and gives me a little kiss on my hand. "Bye Heidi," I say, giving her a huge hug. "We'll see you in a couple of weeks!" I close the door behind me, pulling one of my suitcases and Jonny pulling the other. As we ride the elevator down to the elevator, he smiles at me. "Ready for an adventure?" I grin back at him, excitement already running up and down my spine. "As ready as I'll ever be!"

Becca's POV

I wake up and raise my hand to slam onto my beeping alarm clock. I completely miss though, and the momentum from my arm causes me to roll over and fall out of bed. "Aughhh," I yell out as I hit the floor with a thump.

A second later Andrew peeks over the edge, his eyes twinkling as he laughs. "Why do I always find you on the floor?" He shakes his head as he holds out a hand, and I climb back into bed, snuggling up against his warm bare chest, his heartbeat gently beating in my ear."So I was thinking," he says as he strokes my hair, "Would you want to, uhm, move in with me? I mean, I know we've only been dating for a bit, but-" I cut him off with a kiss. "I'd love to Andrew."

He's done so much for me this past week, taking me to dinner, making sure I'm comfortable, keeping me company. He's become my best friend these past few weeks, and I don't think I've ever loved any guy more than him. I smile as I think of everything. Andrew Shaw, I love you. 

Patrick's POV

I wake up alone in my bed. I hear the water turn off in the bathroom and Kayla comes walking into the room a towel wrapped around her body. "Morning," I say, giving her a little wave. "Hey," she says, coming over and giving me a quick good morning kiss before going into her walk-in closet to change. She comes out a couple minutes later, wearing skinny jeans and a white-button down shirt and drying her hair with her towel.

She goes back into the bathroom and comes back out a couple minutes later, her already gorgeous face looking even more beautiful with the tiny amount of makeup she's put on. "Aren't you going to get up?" she says, putting her hands on her hips and pretending to look stern. "Ehhh," I mutter and roll back over to sleep. "Come on," she says, taking my pillow away from me and giving me a little whack with it. "We've got stuff to do today." "Like what?" I ask. "Like shop for baby things for the twins," she says, smiling.

I get a little more energy when she says that as I think of how we found out that we're having not one baby, but two. I jump out of bed and go into the bathroom to shower. By the time I come out of the room, wearing some jeans and a gray t-shirt, Kayla and my sisters are all sitting around the kitchen table talking about what we're going to name the babies and everything that has to be done. 

~Will be posting one more chapter tonight to celebrate the Hawks win over the Blues! Stay tuned!~

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