Part Fifty One

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Andrew's POV

I stare at the ceiling from my place on the hardwood floor, the apartment dark because all the lights are turned off. When I sit up, the whole room sways and my head throbs like someone is repeatedly whacking me over and over again with a hammer. My muscles ache from sleeping on the floor, but I reach for the bottle and pour myself another glass of Jack Daniels. It burns slipping down my throat, but it makes everything feel so much better.

My phone pings from next to me as I lie back down on the nice cold floor and I lazily reach over and grab at it, missing the first two times and finally succeeding on the third try. I have ten new texts and four phone calls. I punch in the number for my voicemail and winces as Laura screams at me through the phone about missing practice. I hit end call and throw the phone across the room. Practice doesn't matter right now. Nothing matters. Nothing except this floor and more Jack Daniels. 

My door slams open and I roll over as I hear footsteps walking into my apartment. "Oh jeez," I hear as I roll over onto a pair of feet. I look up and try to focus my eyes on a blurry Jonathan. He pokes me with his foot. "Uh, Andrew, what happened?" "Mehhh," I mumble out as I roll back over and face the floor. "Dude, you know we have a game tomorrow," Jonathan says. I hear clicking heels and I can tell it's Laura. She rolls me over and slaps my arm. "Wake up Shaw. You missed practice!" She gives me an annoyed look as I curl up into a fetal position. "Ok, seriously Andrew, playoffs start today and we're playing tomorrow and I come here to find you drunk."

That's when I snap inside and sit up. "How would you fucking feel if the love of your fucking life left you without so much a word," I yell at her. "Have fun with your married life because mine fucking sucks." I get up and stumble to the bedroom where I collapse onto the bed. I hear them follow me in. "Andrew, what're you talking about?" Jonathan asks? I turn over and look at him, feeling annoyed seeing them holding hands. "Becca fucking left me. She wasn't supposed to leave until tonight but she left me after the wedding." I take out the note from the bedside table and shove it at them.

Laura takes it and looks at it, her eyes a bit watery as she slowly hands it back. "She never even told me she was leaving." She looks up at the ceiling trying to hold back tears and Jonathan hugs her. My head starts hurting again, this time ten times worse and I fall back on the pillows holding it. "Andrew, are you ok?" Laura asks, tapping me on the shoulder. I close my eyes. "Yeah, I'm fine. My head just hurts." "Probably cause you drank your weight in alcohol," Jonathan mumbles. "Jesus christ, my life is over," I moan. 

"I'm sure Becca will come back," Laura says. "I mean, she wouldn't just leave for India forever." I open my eyes and look at her. "But what if she does? What then?" Laura shrugs. "Then I guess you just move on." I curl up into a ball and look at the two of them. "I don't think I'll ever be able to do that."

Kayla's POV

I smile at my belly as I feel a little kick and place the sandwich on a plate. Patrick comes up behind me and gives me a quick kiss on the cheek and grabbing one of the sandwiches I made. "Ready to head out soon?"  he asks as he sits down at the table. "Yep, after we eat lunch," I say, grabbing my plate and sitting down next to him. 

We finish eating and then he grabs his keys off the table. I slip on a sweater and grab my bag by the door as we head out. We're visiting Patrick's mom and dad today since they're visiting Chicago. As I lean back in the car, I take a breath. "You know we only have four more months of waiting," I say smiling at Patrick. He keeps his eyes on the road, but reaches his hand over and squeeze mine. "I know and I can't wait to meet those two. Feels like it's been a million years." 

"So are you excited to play the Blues tomorrow night?" I ask teasingly. He rolls his eyes. "Well, they're decent, but you know who's better," he says, giving me a little wink. I laugh at his cute actions and hear a screeching noise to my right. Just as I turn to look what it is, I see a blur of yellow and it slams into the car. My world starts fading and I feel something sharp jabbing into my leg. It hurts, but at the same time, I feel good, like there's nothing to worry about in the world. I can feel someone trying to slowly remove me from the car, but I start to zone out again and the last words that I hear before I completely black out are from Patrick screaming my name. "Kayla..."

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