Part Seventy

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Patrick's POV

The parade and cup ceremony were amazing. Seeing all the people from the city, the suburbs, even out of town, who came and cheered us on as we rode the busses down the streets, confetti shooting out of machines and sprinkling our heads. I was in Jonny's bus with the cup and he passed it to me at one point, where I lifted it over my head. The cheers were deafening and we weren't even to the big ceremony. I smile at the memory as I step out of the shower and dry off, then get dressed in black slacks and my jersey. Today's my cup day, June 27th. Kayla's in the kitchen, making breakfast, so I head there, towel-drying my hair and tossing the towel into the hamper before I leave the room. 

"Hey babe," I say, giving her a little kiss on the cheek. The twins' due date is this week, so we're both really eager to see when they'll make an appearance. "You ready for your cup day?" she says, pointing to the Stanley Cup sitting on the kitchen counter. I run over and hug it, kissing it as Kayla laughs. Having the cup makes me feel like a little kid again, dreaming that one day I would have it and get to raise it. I can still hardly believe that it's really here, just sitting here there on the counter like an everyday item.

"There's something even more exciting though," I tell Kayla, with a smile. She tilts her head at me. "And just what is that?" "The babies of course," I say, running back to her and twirling her around, making her laugh again. "I feel like I've waited a lifetime to meet them. She shakes her head at my antics. "Well, you know it'll be any day now." "Wouldn't it be funny if it was today?" I laughed and she covers her eyes. "Oh man, that would be chaotic, wouldn't it. Memorable for sure, though."

I help her carry the breakfast stuff to the table as we discuss the plans for today. She really wants to come with, even though she's so pregnant, so I told her she could. We're in Buffalo, staying in a house that I rented out by my parent's place. I love being home and just getting to see Buffalo again. We got here last night and I took Kayla on a quick tour of the area, showing her the rink I grew up skating at, the places I went to school, and my old house. She said she loved all of it and that it must have been amazing growing up here. When I think about it, it really was. My parents and the whole town made it amazing. Without them, I probably wouldn't even be the same person I am today.

By the time we get home later that night, we're both exhausted. We took the cup to two rallies, a hospital, a library, and a park, with tons of people showing up to every event. My favorite part was the hospital, just being able to brighten up those kids' day and seeing how happy it could make them to touch it and meet me. One kid told me he wanted to be just like me when he grew up and seeing the look in his eyes and the way they sparkled when he said that made my heart almost burst. I promised him that as soon as I got back home to Chicago, I would send him a signed jersey and he hugged me and said thank you so many times that I thought he was more excited at the thought of it then he would be receiving it. 

I'm brushing my teeth when Kayla waddles into the bathroom looking a bit nervous. "You ok?" I ask, the toothbrush dangling out of my mouth. "So, my water just broke..." she says trailing off and giving me a  weak smile. "Oh shit," I mutter quickly spitting out the toothpaste and rinsing my mouth. "Ok, baby time, let's go." I throw on a t-shirt and pants instead of my pajamas and grab the baby bag with all our stuff, helping Kayla out the door and to the car. She's really calm while I'm freaking out and she gives me a little laugh. "Patrick, Patrick, calm down. It's ok. We'll be fine." I take a breath as I start the car, the engine quickly coming alive. "Ok, I'm trying." I breathe out slowly and shift into reverse, backing out of the driveway and heading to the nearest hospital. Looks like the twins want to be born at the same place that their dad was. 

Three hours later, I'm pacing the floor, my mom and dad sitting in front of me in the waiting room. I got thrown out of the delivery room because Kayla said I was stressing out more than she was and she told me to relax. My dad gives me a tap on the wrist. "Son, you know she's fine in there. Calm down." I sit down next to him, my leg jiggling up and down in a nervous manner. I'm just so excited to meet them and worried at the same time. It feels like game seven times five hundred and like my heart is going to explode. 

Two hours later, the nurse finally comes out and I jump out of my seat. "Are they-" I start and she nods. "You can meet your son and daughter now." I rush to the room, my parents quickly following behind as I push open the door and see Kayla, now holding two tiny little babies. Her face is flushed, but she looks beautiful as she looks up and smiles at me.

Time feels frozen as I walk over and pick one of them up, a little pink hat nestled on her head. "Hi Kailey Amanda," I say, giving her a little kiss on her tiny cheek. She seems to smile up at me, her eyes closed in sleep. I gently place her down on Kayla again, who nestles her in her arms. I reach down and pick up the other baby, cradling him in my arms. "Tyler Nicolas," I smile at him. "Welcome to the world little buddy." Everything feels so surreal. I spent the past nine months, waiting for these babies and they're finally here. I created these beings and I'm going to be taking care of these beings. It feels like Christmas, only infinitely better. I sit in the chair next to Kayla as my parents take the babies and hold them. I lean in close to her as I take her hand. "Thank you for the best gifts I could ever ask for in my life," I say before kissing her, my life feeling perfect as could possibly be. 

Joy's POV

We're in Richmond, Canada for Brent's Cup Day, the warm sunshine hitting my skin. We're taking it to the lake for a party with some of his family and friends and I'm a bit shy to meet them all, no matter how many times he insists that they'll be happy to see me. I adjust the tie of my black bikini as he walks out to the car with the cup, carefully buckling it into the backseat before hopping in the front with me. "You take care of that thing like it's our kid," I laugh, as I roll my eyes and he blushes. "Well in hockey, it practically is," he says with a laugh as he starts the car. 

We get to his mom's house on the lake and everyone is already there. We walk through to the backyard where everyone is and as soon as he lifts the cup up, they start cheering. I follow behind him, feeling my cheeks turning red, but his family is really nice and everyone introduces themselves. His little cousins,  Alicia and Sam, even come up and give me hugs, trying to get me to come swimming with them. I laugh and let them pull me into the water, the coldness easily warming up against my skin after I've been in for a bit.

"Brent, come swim!" I yell out to him, as Alicia splashes me. I swim over to her, popping up and spraying her with a wave from my hand. She giggles as she comes over and gives me a hug. "I hope Uncle Brent marries you," she whispers and I blush at her words. "Thank you Alicia. I'd love that." 

Brent comes over to the dock after leaving the cup with his cousins. I could see him warning them not to do anything, though I don't know how safe it is with a bunch of fifteen and sixteen year old guys. He shakes his head at them. "They're all crazy," he laughs. "Ready for me to come in?" he asks, laughing. I nod. "Finally," I say with a little giggle. "Took you long enough." He heads back to the end of the dock and takes a running start, but just as he gets to the edge he slips. His face looks like he's in pain as I swim up to the edge.

"Brent, Brent are you ok?" I know his shoulder is still healing up from the fall he took when they won the cup. "Yeah, I'm fine," he winces, squatting up on one of his knees. "I was just wondering if-" He pauses, seemingly in pain. "Here, I'll get out," I say, scrambling to get out of the water and help him. "No, no," he says, gesturing me to stay in. "I'm fine. I was just wondering if," he pulls a box out of his shorts, popping it open with a grin on his face. "If you'd marry me."

My mouth falls open in shock at his little act. "You little-" I laugh, knowing that he fell on purpose and that he never was hurt. He holds out the box, his eyes eager, the diamond glinting in the sun. "Well, will you marry me Joy Bertagna?" I cover my eyes, then open them again and lean on the dock, pushing against it with my arms so that I can reach out and kiss him. "Yes, absolutely, one hundred percent, yes," I say and I can hear his family cheering in the background.

He reaches out for my hand and slips the ring on, my own hand shaking in excitement."Oh my god," I whisper to myself. He stands up and throws the ring box onto the grass, this time taking a real running start down the dock. "She said yes!" he screams as he jumps in and my smile is bigger than it's ever been in my entire life. 

Merry Christmas Eve everyone! Hope you're all spending time with family and friends :) 

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