Part Three

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Jonathan’s POV

Well now I’ve got two kids to babysit. Typical that Kaner would show up when I least need him. Mady still needs to be fed and I’m starting to hungry, too, so I leave her with Pat in the living room. “Don’t do anything stupid,” I tell him. “No problemo,” he tells me. I leave Mady on his lap and turn on the tv, setting it to some kids show called Bubble Guppies for Mady. Who knows, it’ll probably entertain Pat, too.

Patrick’s POV 

Jonny thought he could cancel on me tonight, so I decided to show up anyway. Madelyn Sharp is cute anyway and hey, I get to eat Sharpie’s food! Not bad. After Jonny leaves, I switch the tv over to ESPN where they’re playing some replays from our shootout last night, particularly my sweet goal that won us the game. Awesome.

Jonathan’s POV

Abby said she would leave something for us to cook on the kitchen counter, and sure enough, there’s a box of macaroni and cheese and a head of broccoli. There’s also a note telling me that there is milk in the fridge for Mady. Twenty minutes later, the mac and cheese is done and so is the broccoli. I portion everything out onto plates and set everything up in the dining room table. I pour a glass of milk for each of us, and bring those to the table, too, then call out “Pat, dinner’s ready. Bring Mady with you!” He jogs into the room and hands me Mady, then sits down and starts scarfing down the mac and cheese. I place Mady in her high chair and start feeding her, occasionally taking bites of my own food. Pat stops eating and looks at his glass, wrinkling his nose. “What is this, milk? I’m not drinking this.” “Whatever Pat, just get something else,” I tell him. Pat is harder to take care of than Mady. Sometimes, I don’t know how Kayla manages to live with him. He gets up, still wrinkling his nose, and heads for the kitchen, holding the glass like it’s a dirty piece of laundry.

Patrick’s POV

Milk is disgusting. I dump my glass in the sink, then head to the fridge. I open it and right in the front is a six-pack of beer. Ah, thanks Sharpie. I take one and crack it open. After taking a swig, I head back to dinner with Tazer and Mady.

Jonathan’s POV

Pat comes back and he’s holding – wait is that – beer. “Really, Pat? We’re babysitting and you’re drinking beer?” “Dude, it’s not like I’m going to get drunk or anything. Chill.” I go back to feeding Mady and when she’s finished, I take our plates and glasses and place them in the sink. I pick her up from her high chair and we head upstairs.

Patrick’s POV

Jonny and Mady went upstairs so I’m downstairs all alone. I finish my beer and then decide that I want another one, so I grab two more from the fridge and then settle onto the couch in the living room. I switch the tv back to ESPN, which is now playing a football game.

Jonathan’s POV

Mady’s pretty easy to take care of. I changed her into her pajamas and then read her a couple of stories before placing her in her bed. I was just about to close the door when she whispers, “Hug.” and holds her arms out towards me. I walk back to her and enclose her in my arms. “Goodnight Mady.” “Bye-bye Tazer,” she says, clutching her stuffed bunny in her hand and closing her eyes.

I head back downstairs. I can hear Kane laughing in the living room and it sounds almost like other people are with him. I shake my head, he must be watching some tv show.

Patrick’s POV

Jonny’s girlfriend, Laura, my girlfriend, Kayla, Corey and his girlfriend, Kami, are all here. Corey brought more beer with him after I texted him to come over. I told them we were having a little party, courtesy of Sharp. Hopefully Jonny will be preoccupied with Mady for awhile.

Jonathan’s POV

I walk into the living room and Pat’s got a full on party going on. I’ve been gone forty minutes tops and this is what happens. Beer bottles are scattered on the ground and I count at least 7. My girlfriend Laura, Kayla, Corey, and Kami are all there. Laura jumps up and gives me a quick kiss. “Hey babe, thanks for inviting us over. Where’s Sharpie?” “Hey Pat, care to explain why everyone is here?” I ask, ignoring her question. I knew he was going to be trouble. He turns to me and already looks like he’s drunk. And sure enough, when he answers me, he slurs his words. “I inviteddd them,” he says, looking happy at his genius idea. Corey nods at me. “Yeah thanks man.” Kayla's sitting by Pat, but she's drinking a pepsi instead of a beer. I wonder why, since she usually likes to party just as much as Pat does. Kami’s sitting on Crow’s lap, beer in hand. I’m guessing it’s her second beer, since she seems to be getting a bit tipsy. Laura doesn't drink, so I know that she's sober at the moment. I know I can’t send them home, since they’ll probably get pulled over by the cops and that will be just my luck. I’ll just have to get everyone home before Sharp finds out. Hopefully, Kaner doesn’t start anything stupid. My phone buzzes and I look down at the screen. One new text message it says. I open it and read:

To: Jonathan

From: Patrick

Abby and I decided to stay overnight at a hotel. Can you stay until noon tomorrow?


 I hit reply and type:

To: Patrick

From: Jonathan

You owe me big time Sharp. I expect some goals from you these next few games. –Tazer

At least I don’t have to get rid of the drunks in Sharp’s living room now. It’s going to be a long night though. I’m keeping my eye on Pat. 

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