xxxi. omnipotent

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「 ──────────────────────── 」


𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘳𝘵𝘺-𝘰𝘯𝘦: 𝘰𝘮𝘯𝘪𝘱𝘰𝘵𝘦𝘯𝘵

「 ──────────────────────── 」


     LYDIA'S VOICE ECHOES THROUGH the emptiness of the plantation. Her eyes are wide and full of unshed tears, but there is a touch of doubt and disbelief in their green depths. Her hands are shaking like never before, and her knees are knocking against each other as she trembles. She isn't prepared when her legs collapse beneath her, but I am.

     I dash forward, the pups landing softly on the ground through the use of my Magic, and run up the back steps of the mansion. Lydia crumbles to the ground, her top half landing on top of me and her legs on the back porch. She wraps her arms around me and sobs, her glistening tears running off my red-orange fur.

     'Lydia,' I say in her mind, nosing her cheek so she meets my eyes. 'Stop crying, little Banshee. It's alright. I'm here now.'

     She smiles through her tears. 'You were gone so long, Sti. I started to doubt you'd be coming back.'

     'I know. I'm so sorry, but I'm back. I kept my promise. I always keep my promises.'

     'Wait. Stiles, how did none your Sire Line die?'

     'Magic. Well, Magic and science. It's too complicated even for you to understand.'

     The front door slams open. "Lydia? Lydia where are you? I can smell Fox! Lydia!"

     I chuckle. 'You might want to calm the Wolf down before he Wolfs out.'

     Lydia smiles and looks back at the house. "I'm out the back, Der. There's something you need to see."

     Derek opens the back door and stops dead at the sight of me. "S-Stiles?"

     I move away from Lydia and back down the stairs. I Shift back to Human and look up at my Werewolf Mate, a grin on my face. Derek does the unexpected. He runs down the stairs and pulls me into a hug. Well, I think it was originally planned to be a hug. Somewhere from there to here, he decided to kiss me instead.

     He pulls back, his eyes wide. "Sorry about that, Sti."

     I laugh and shake my head. "It's fine, Der. I was waiting for the day you were going to man up and kiss me instead of attempting to rip my throat out with your teeth."

     He drops his arms from around my waist as the pups come running up to me, barking happily. I sit down on the grass and let them climb on top of me, their little paws hitting my jeans as they attempt to climb on me. The smallest one - Evelyn - sits in front of me and a little whine leaves her. She is too small to do what her siblings are doing.

     I reach towards her and gently wrap my fingers around her middle, picking her up from the ground. I hold her close to my chest and she nuzzles into it, content sounds - that sound like purrs - leaving her. I smile down at the smallest pup and my eyes turn gentle. They are so young, and they don't know what awaits them in this cruel world where power seems to be the key to absolutely everything.

     "Stiles?" Lydia asks, making me look at her. "Is everything alright?"

     I shake my head. "Not for long. People are coming, and we can't stop them. They want the pups, and they will stop at nothing to get them."

     "How long until they get here?"

     "It depends whether they have a supernatural creature or not. If they don't, I give them three to four months."

     "If they do?"

     "We might as well be fighting by midnight."

• • •

     "We have to get ready," I say, looking down at my Pack in the courtyard. "Hunters are coming, and they want my children. They want Hybrids that they can control; that they can tame. We cannot let that happen. Hybrids are not meant to be tamed. We are creatures of instinct - more than any Werewolf or Pureblood creature. There are a select few that claim that they can rid us of this instinct based make up, but it cannot be done. We will not let them take our Pack. Who's with me?"

     Everyone nods in agreement, and Theo smirks along with Kai. They know what I am planning.

     "We must prepare ourselves. You must all learn how to defend yourselves from properly trained Hunters. Therefore, I have called in a favour from some old friends. Some of you may know them. They have saved this very world from an Apocalypse after all. I have yet to see whether there is a creature that they cannot kill - other than myself that is. They learn on the job, or they die. Without any more chit chat from me, here are our little Hunters who agreed so graciously to help us defend our family."

     The door opens and I watch as my Pack's eyes burn with anger. They recognise the Hunters without any trouble at all. Dressed in plaid and denim, with a Demon killing blade and the Colt, and sawn off shotguns, they don't look like much, but they are much more than they seem. The Winchesters walk into the courtyard and their eyes move steadily around the room before meeting my gaze.

     "And here I was thinking you'd bring your friend," I say, speeding down the stairs and stopping in front of them. "Tell me, where is Castiel?"

     "He's a little busy at the moment," Dean grumbles, his hand tightening on the shotgun. "He will get here when he gets here."

     "My little half-brother decided to be busy when I want to see him. How predictable."

     "Just because you're siblings doesn't mean I won't gank you right here and now."

     "Oh, Dean. I'm immortal remember? Literally now that I am part Phoenix. Rise from the ashes and all that."

     "You're still a monster."

     "Oh, I'm a monster? What about that Demon part of you that you keep hidden? How about your brother's Demonic Powers? Think before you call someone a monster, especially if that someone knows everything that has ever happened to you."

     Dean pales. "You know what happened in Hell?"

     I smirk, my eyes flicking to pitch black. "Every single bit of it, Winchester. Let me tell you, you didn't have as much fun as some members of my Pack."

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