x. immortal ruins

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「 ──────────────────────── 」


𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘵𝘦𝘯: 𝘪𝘮𝘮𝘰𝘳𝘵𝘢𝘭 𝘳𝘶𝘪𝘯𝘴

「 ──────────────────────── 」






     "What's wrong with him?!"

     "Wake up!"

     "Snap out of it, Void!"

     Their cries reach my ears, but only barely over the sound of their pumping blood and beating hearts. I force myself to roll away from them, my body jerking in all directions and blood pouring from my hands. I get a small way away from them before I cough and black blood splatters on the floor, dripping down my chin with a mixture of spit and venom.

     Hands grab my shoulders and I am faintly aware of Derek and Isaac yelling for everyone to leave the room, my family being a part of the group. A pair of arms encircle my chest and pull me into a sitting position, my back against someone's chest. I look up and faintly make out the faces of my brother and my best friend.

     "Get out of here," I half rasp. "You're not doing this again. I almost killed you two before."

     Kol shakes his head. "You can't kill me, brother. I'm not going anywhere."

     Kai nods his head in agreement. "I can regenerate a ripped out heart, Sti. I can do this."

     I close my eyes. "You're all going to die... Especially you, Alphas. Go. Make sure the Pack are alright. Keep them away from me. They're all mortal."

     Derek and Isaac fight my order, but to no avail. They eventually just give in and walk out of my room, closing the door and moving everyone back down to the courtyard. Another cough breaks out of me and black blood cover's half of Kai's unshielded face, a disgusted noise escaping his mouth as he wipes his face on his shirt.

     "Goddamn it, Void," Kai says, using my old nickname. "Keep your goo to yourself."

     I chuckle, pain flaring in my chest. "Sorry, witchy. It was an accident."

     Kol lifts me up and supports my weight on himself. "Where are we chaining you up this time?"

     "There's a book on the bookshelf. Black one with a valknut and triskellion on it. Pull it down."

     Kai's eyes light up. "Secret passage!"

     He speeds over to the bookshelf and pulls the book down, the wall with the Star Wars mural on it going up into the roof. Kol and Kai help me through the door and into a giant room with pure silver chains coming from the top two corners at the back of the room. Kai half gulps and looks at me to make sure I want to do this.

     I nod and they half carry me over to the other end of the room. I face the door and Kol clamps one cuff around my wrist while Kai does the same to my other wrist. I fall to my knees without their support and the rattling of chains fills the empty room, making me wince due to the hypersensitivity of my ears.

     "Hey," Kai says, crouching down in front of me. "You're going to be alright. No one is going to get hurt or die this time."

     I look up at him, my eyes flickering. "You can't make that promise."

     "There's iridium in these walls, and the chains are made of pure silver. We are better equipped than we were last time. We only had the chains then, and we had no one else to help us. It was just us three. Now we have a Pack - we are Pack. We will be fine, and so will you."

     "How about you get out?"

     Pain lances through me and my eyes turn bright red, a snarl leaving my mouth and my body launching forward. Kai and Kol jerk backwards as I do so, and the chains reach their extent, my arms taught behind me and my body pulling against the chains. I growl and clench my hands, my claws digging in and the pain allowing me to regain control.

     "Kol, Kai," I say, half growling. "Get out and lock the door behind you. Don't let anyone in. Don't come back in until this is over."

     Kol narrows his eyes. "I'm not leaving you in here for a month, without blood I might mention, to bloody fossilise! There is no way in heaven or hell!"


     My eyes turn molten orange and they both fly backwards, half out the door before I stop pushing them out. My eyes turn pitch black and a malicious grin covers my face. I launch myself at them again, my muscles protesting and my bones popping out of place as I pull harder. A snarl leaves my mouth and I bare my pointed teeth at the Original Vampire and Hybrid right in front of me, fear dusting their faces.


     I tilt my head to the side. "Stiles isn't home right now. Can I take a message?"

     "Bring him back, you bastard!"

     "Sorry. No can do. I'm the one you're going to have to deal with!"


     My eyes fly into the back of my head and I fall to my knees, heavy breaths leaving my mouth. I look up at my brother and my best friend, and a small smile spreads on my face before my eyes flare yellow in the light and my bones begin to break and reposition themselves. Kol's eyes blow wide and he grabs Kai's arm, dragging him further backwards as I grow in size and the silver expands around my thickening wrists.

     My bones finally stop moving and my nails and teeth begin to pop out, only to be replaced with stronger and more deadly ones. My skin peels off almost like sunburn and the new layer has a gold tint to it, making me invincible. My eyes turn ice blue and a roar leaves my mouth, my teeth on full display.

     "You're dead now," I rumble, a devious grin on my face. "You should have run when you had the chance."

     The chains grind as I pull them to their full extent and then some. The chain links begin to stretch and I grin as the eyes of Kol and Kai widen to considerable sizes. Their fear makes my mind cartwheel the other way and I fall to the ground, my body breaking and falling apart until I am back to my usual self.

     Tears run down my face. "Either get out of here or kill me. I don't want to hurt any of you. So just go, or kill me. They're your options."

     Kol moves towards me. "Brother, we're not leaving you, and we're not killing you. So, suck it up and deal with it."

     "You're all going to die."

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