xxxv. dragon

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𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘳𝘵𝘺-𝘧𝘪𝘷𝘦: 𝘥𝘳𝘢𝘨𝘰𝘯

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     I WAS PRAYING THAT Gabriel and I had been wrong about it being a Dragon Siphoner. I was right, and that meant that the training had to be even more vigorous and draining than it already has been. There is going to be more blood, sweat and tears than there already has been. A handful of the Pack have had breakdowns from the stress that has been forced upon them. I do not wish this upon anyone, especially not the Pack I care for. The Winchester's are doing their best, but they're draining fast - there is only so much those two can do. Their hearts are in the right place, but they're wearing out their usefulness and ability to help.

     "Stiles," Castiel says, his voice unusually high-pitched. "Sam and Dean are doing the best they can. You can't ask any more of them."

     I sigh. "I know, Cassie. I do, but it's getting harder and harder by the day, and it's only been a week since we started all this shit. The days are growing shorter as winter approaches, and that means time is running out. They'll be here by the end of the month."

     "You're worried about your pups."

     "They aren't mine. They're Derek and Lydia's. I'm basically no relation to them at all."

     "You're their father, Mieczyslaw," Gabriel points out, unusually serious. It worries me. "They need you. Alek and Izabella need you. Serenity and Cayden, and Max and Ina. They all need you."

     I glance at him. "What are you getting at, Gabe?"

     "Last time there was a fight like this, you died. Again. That's too many times over the millennia."

     "Calm down, it's only the... actually, I'm not sure how many times I have died."

     Castiel looks over at his brother. "Gabriel, you have to remember that Stiles can't actually die. He is immortal."

     That thought isn't as comforting as the angel plans for it to be. Thoughts are swirling torrents around my mind, and I know that everything is going to end for my Pack - the mortal members anyway. Half-breeds, such as Theo, may live for another 500 or so years, and then they will die. Although, there is a Spell that could keep them all alive, and it won't alter their chemical make up. As in, they'll still be themselves - Banshee, Werewolf, etc. - but they will live forever. I can even make sure Theo doesn't go dying on me in half a century. That way, my Pack will never have to deal with the pain of their Mates dying, or the pain of losing a Pack member.

     It's up to them though. I can't force them to do anything that they do not want to do. It's inhumane, and, although that's what I am, I will not force it upon my Pack. They are the ones that I cannot bring myself to harm no matter what they do. Okay, that's a little bit of an exaggeration. I mean, if they kill a fellow Pack member, then, no matter what, they will die. If they have a Mate, I have a solution for that. My Magic is channelled through the Other Side and is unlimited. Esther will help me find them a worthy Mate - whether it be Human or supernatural - and replace the murderous one they lost.

     Although the Power I possess is infinite, the one thing I cannot do is bring someone back to life. Once they are dead, nothing can save them. That is the one thing I would trade every drop of Power I have to be able to do. I'd bring back my children, my family. They don't deserve to be dead. After all, they did nothing to deserve what those disgusting Fae did to them. Those images are etched into my mind, and they are a constant torment. It's the one thing I wish to forget, and I would give almost anything to forget it.

     The emptiness and dullness in their fearful eyes sends chills down my spine. The unbelievably deep lacerations covering their bodies, and the drying blood coating their fragile bodies like multiple layers of skin. Their limp limbs, sharp edges of shattered bone having broken through the skin, and the tears in their woven clothes. It made them look like pin cushions with the amount of broken skin, whether from bone or blade. 

     The mouths that once smiled with cheekiness open in a final scream of pain, blood coating the insides of their mouths and running down their faces from the corners of their mouths. I can almost hear the screams leaving their mouths as their teeth were ripped from their heads as trophies that would never make it back to the Fae homeland. There were cuts from the corners of their mouths reaching to their ears; a gruesome smile carved into their innocent faces just before their death. Their screaming had made the skin tear and reach further up their faces.

     "Stiles!" Lydia's terrified scream rings in my ears, making me flinch and let out a snarl.

     I am shaking as if there is an earthquake happening within my body. Iridescent claws are in place of my Human nails, and their edges are glinting in the light, showing their deadliness. A tail swipes from side-to-side, grating on the floor and tearing the tiles up. A heavy weight is settled on my shoulders, and the span of the iridescent wings is easily thirty-five feet - most likely more. Growls are rumbling in my chest, elongated and sharp teeth scraping against one another, creating a hair-raising sound.

     Eyes are widened in fright, and mouths are slightly open. They're all terrified of me in this form. Well of course they are. I mean, Dragons are not trivial creatures. We are not known for good tempers, or for the best self-control. We are beasts of our own nature and nothing can tame us. Well, almost nothing. There is one type of supernatural creature that can. You've heard of a Horse Whisperer, right? Well, the ones that can tame us Dragons are, in a way, Dragon Whisperers. They are called Draconites.

     Draconites are extremely rare, but I know of one. I knew her centuries ago, but there is a chance that she may still be alive. She may be the best bet we have to beat the Dragon Siphoner. She managed to tame her Mate - a fully fledged Dragon - and Meld with him. Melding with a Dragon will grant you immortality, but it has its downsides. It will give you the same weaknesses as a Dragon, and, if your Mate dies, then you will die along with them. It's not like any other Mate Bond where one half can go on living. It's the one kind that will kill you alongside them.

     "I know what we need to do."

     Kol and Kai look at me with confused eyes.

     "We need her, and her Mate."

     Kai's eyes flash orange for a split second. "The Draconite and her murderous Dragon Mate?"

     "We don't have a choice. They may be our only hope."

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