xlii. dragon siphoner

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𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘧𝘰𝘳𝘵𝘺-𝘵𝘸𝘰: 𝘥𝘳𝘢𝘨𝘰𝘯 𝘴𝘪𝘱𝘩𝘰𝘯𝘦𝘳

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     DESPITE HAVING THE MOST powerful Pack imaginable, we are still not prepared for the arrival of the Dragon Siphoner, and that is extremely bad. With the birth of a Nephilim and him joining us in our fight to protect our family, our power has boosted, but it's only helped us slightly. The Winchesters and my half brother are still helping my Pack get stronger, but there's really little that they can do to prepare us for something they have never faced before - something even I've never faced before. To be completely honest, I feel as though a lot of us are going to die when this fight comes knocking on our front door.

     From what Esther has been telling me from the Other Side, we have very little time. The chaos and terror that sent the Pack Bond reeling last week was just a warning; a warning that the time has come for us to prepare ourselves for the inevitability of members of our Pack dying before their time. With Niall's, Sarah's and Felicity's help, I've been able to strategize a plan that involves the least deaths, and the smallest amount of pain possible in this upcoming slaughter - a blood bath with little chance of survival.

     "I will not let Lydia and Derek die, or the pups," I growl, slamming my hand against the table, mindful not to break it. "They are to be protected at all costs."

     "Father, in every single future, they live," Felicity assures me, placing her hand hesitantly on my arm. "None of them die in this battle. I swear it."

     "What about you three? Jerome and Alaska? Maia? Ina and Max? Furu? I will not risk my children's lives to save the ones who are not mine by blood. I refuse to fight and watch you die."

     Sarah closes her eyes and shakes her head. "Stiles, we've lived for millennia. We've lived our lives, and we're not afraid to die to save our siblings. I don't care what you say, but we are willing to give up our lives in this fight. It's not just your family; it's ours too."

     A warning growl rumbles in my chest and the three Concepts move away from me as my Dragon wings and tail appear, the latter twitching every few seconds with my rising anger. Beneath my hands, smoke rises from the table as my hands heat up - courtesy of my Salamander and Phoenix sides. Seconds later, the map on the table catches on fire and burns away into nothing as I slowly clench my hands, black claws scraping gouges into the wooden table. Closing my eyes, I let my head drop forward as my body begins to shake and spasm, causing the Concepts in the room to flee in fear.

     Snarls and growls escape me involuntarily as I struggle to rein in my temper and gain full control over my actions. Moments later, Kol, Theo, and Kai rush into the room, instantly hurrying over to me, only to move back as heat exudes from my body, burning them. Gritting my teeth, I look up at them and watch as their breathing halts, surprise and fear coming to life in their eyes and on their faces, their hearts skipping numerous beats as they brace themselves. I don't know what they brace for until their hands are clamped around my arms and they are dragging me out of our home, sounds of pain leaving them every few seconds.

     As they almost throw me out onto the road, they fall back against the outer wall, clutching their burned hands against their chests. I hit the hard road with a short, sharp stab of pain, but push myself up onto my knees, hands braced in front of me as my wings and tail spasm, flapping and whipping from side-to-side. Opening my mouth, an animalistic roar leaves me and fills the night, pain and misery and every bottled up emotion from my over 75 millennia life escaping my lips in that one, single cry.

     Every single beast inside me is screaming - and they're screaming for the death and destruction of those who dare threaten to harm their family; their Pack. Each of them have a consciousness and feelings, and they can all feel what every other beast within me is feeling - including my born Shifter and Nogitsune sides. My eyes feel like they're burning, and my blood feels like electricity flooding my being, making me twitch and spasm as it buries itself deep into my body, staying there and growing constantly.

     I can sense my entire Pack behind me, their worry and fear and horror washing over me as I throw my head back, looking over at them. In their eyes, I can see myself, and it's not exactly a pretty sight. My eyes are a dangerous mix of black, red and silver; my lips stretched into a bloodthirsty, maniacal grin; my teeth elongated and deadly, dripping venom; my ears lengthened into points; my nails long, sharp and dark, shining in the moonlight; pitch black wings and a tail protruding from my back, in place of the formerly azure wings and tail, thrashing about wildly; and my skin is a dark grey in colour, cracked and chipped. Where the parts of my skin are chipped, it's pitch black with white lines - almost vein-like - across the darkness.

     In the darkness before me, a pair of deep purple eyes glare out menacingly, and I rise to my feet, snarling savagely at the beast, knowing exactly what it is. The Dragon Siphoner growls and steps forward, making me hiss and snap animalistically at him, knowing that I must be the beast instead of the human in order to kill the son of a bitch that threatens the safety of livelihood of my Pack - of my family. Sharp cracks and pops sound from the darkness, and, when it steps into the light, my eyes instantly see the giant purple and red veiny wings stretched out behind it, and the purple and red tail swaying side-to-side, protruding from just above their tailbone.

     When my eyes move to its face, I almost feel the beasts within me recede at the face staring back at me, eyes full of pain and misery. My breath halts and from behind me I hear Kemuri and Sasayaki let out shocked sounds, Furu whimpering at the familiar scent. Serenity and Cayden almost mirror their actions, and Ina and Max can't help the distraught sounds that leave their lips as well. Aleksandr and Izabella freeze, unable to comprehend how, after all these centuries, the one before them is still alive.

     A single word escapes me, and it comes out as a snarl. "Mei."

THE DEVIL WITHIN, stiles stilinskiWhere stories live. Discover now