xlix. fire and gasoline

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𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘧𝘰𝘳𝘵𝘺-𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘦: 𝘧𝘪𝘳𝘦 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘨𝘢𝘴𝘰𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘦

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     EVERYONE IS GATHERED AROUND the site, all clad in black and all already fighting their tears. Then again, I guess that the actual ceremony has passed and stories have been told about the Original Vampire that was Kol Mikaelson, and all the other Pack members that we lost a week ago. Knowing that this is their final deaths doesn't exactly help our tears, and many who are mourning their Mates are in worse shape than the rest of us - except maybe the Blood Bonded.

     The majority of the Pack are congregated behind me, hugging their Mates and Blood Brother Bonded, but Davina stands tall by my side, her hand tightly holding onto mine like a lifeline. She holds her hand out towards the beds of wood and my eyes flare molten orange, flames eagerly licking away at the bodies of our fallen family. Anguish and misery and pain flood through our Pack Bond, but it doesn't hit me as much as it should. It's as though I'm feeling so many different emotions that I've become numb.

     "Stiles," Davina calls softly, making me turn my head slightly towards her. "It's alright. You don't have to stay here and see this. You can go."

     I don't say anything, but I give her frail hand a final squeeze before releasing it and walking away. None of the Pack attempt to stop me, too caught up in their misery, but a select few do follow me with their distrusting eyes as I make my way back into the house. I didn't expect them to literally stop me or anything, but I thought some of them would have at least voiced their opinions. However, nothing of the sort happens, even as I close the door behind me.

     Walking up the stairs to the spare bedroom beside mine, smiling at the female sleeping soundly on the double bed as I sit beside her prone form. "Hello, love. I wish you were awake for me to properly say goodbye to you, but I guess not everything can go to plan. I won't see you for a while, or anyone for that matter, but I will be back for all of you." I kiss her softly on the forehead. "Goodbye, Mei."

     Standing, I walk from the room and close the door quietly behind me. What I didn't expect was to come face-to-face with Isaac - well, Isaac with glowing purple eyes. Sighing, I walk to my room and motion for him to follow, which he agrees with willingly, not putting up much of a fight. Pulling out a duffel bag, I begin to throw clothes into it, shrinking them down with magic to make more room for my belongings.

     "I can't convince you to stay, can I, Stiles?" Isaac muses, leaning against the door frame. "And it looks as though you plan on being away from here for a while with how much you're taking with you. How long?"

     I zip the bag up and sling it over my shoulder, turning to look at my friend. "I don't know how long, Isaac, but it will be until everyone who wants Lydia and Derek's pups are gone from this world. Not to mention the fact that there will be hundreds of Hunters after my head after what happened with Jordan, and I refuse to put you all in more trouble than I already have."

     "What if they come here? We won't be able to fight them."

     "You will. You're all stronger than you believe, you just gotta tap into those wolfy powers of yours and figure it out from there, Alpha. After all, you and Derek are in charge of this Pack; I'm just along for the ride. Call me the "one true Alpha" all you want, but not all of you will trust me after what I did."

     "We all trust you, Stiles. Why wouldn't we? You saved our lives."

     "And probably killed Peter and Cora, and Erica and Boyd while I was at it. They're not here, are they? Their Bonds are weak, which shows they're close to death, and Cora's Mates are going crazy - even Theo is... uneasy around me. I won't be responsible for their deaths!"

     I stalk out of my room and leave Isaac in the dust, his shock reverberating through me as I slam the front doors open and walk away. 

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