xv. blood brothers

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「 ──────────────────────── 」


𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘧𝘪𝘧𝘵𝘦𝘦𝘯: 𝘣𝘭𝘰𝘰𝘥 𝘣𝘳𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘴

「 ──────────────────────── 」


     BLOOD DRIPS THROUGH MY fingers, splattering on the ground as it lands. The bodies of countless humans surround me and it makes me grin, my eyes flickering between pitch black and pure silver constantly. I'm not sure what part of me is making me like this, but it is making me feel good for a change. I am not hiding who I am anymore.

     "Stiles," a voice says, all too familiar. "Everyone is looking for you."

     "I don't want to be found," I growl, my eyes flashing dangerously. "Go home, Theo."

     "I don't want to go back to a Vampire nest," another voice says. "No offence there, Void, but Originals aren't exactly my thing."

     "And yet you have no issues with Kol."

     "Point taken, but Kol is different. He's fun. The rest of your family are boring as hell."

     "Hell is not boring, Kai. It is a tortuous place with no end of suffering or the screams of the dead as they die repeatedly."

     I look over at my best friends and see how they don't even flinch at my flickering eyes and blood spattered face. Instead, they merely smile and look around at the massacre surrounding us. I follow their gaze and realise that there are more bodies there than I originally realised. Oh well, I blame every murderous aspect of my make up.

     "What are you two even doing?" I ask, wiping the blood onto my sleeve and incidentally smearing it all over my face. "Shouldn't you be back listening to your Alphas?"

     "We came to look for you," Theo says, walking over to me. "We want to help you."


     "Keeping you chained up for a month isn't the thing to do. That's what you do to beasts. You're no beast, Stiles. You are just a supernatural being that happens to like slaughtering people."

     "That's funny. I mean, look who's talking. A murderer himself."


     My eyes flicker to him in surprise.

     "I am a killer, and I don't care. You're a killer, and you don't care. Kai over there is a killer too, and he quite obviously doesn't give a damn. None of us give a damn about what killing does, or what others think of us."

     "What are you getting at?"

     Kai steps next to Theo and smiles. "Blood Bond."

     I look at them with a cool calculation and watch how they squirm a little under my ever changing gaze. They seriously want to make a Blood Bond with me. Even after everything I have done, neither of them have turned their backs on me, and now they want to show that they will never turn their backs on me ever again.

     I pull out my silver dagger and it glints in the faint light. "If you're sure about this, then go ahead."

     Theo takes the dagger and I wave my hand, my eyes flaring molten orange. A ring of eight lit black candles appear around us and I smile at how Theo flinches slightly at the appearance of fire. He still hasn't quite got over his short visit to Hell's realm and, by the look in Kai's eyes, he is still mortified of fire.

     Theo slices his palm open and hands the dagger to Kai, the silver preventing him from healing. Kai makes a matching gash on his palm and then hands the dagger back to me. I dig the bloodied metal into my palm and barely flinch at the sting of pain shooting up my arm as I drag it across my palm, the blade getting caught slightly.

     I put the blade in the centre of the three of us and stand back up straight. We hold our cut palms against each other's and our blood starts to mix together. We all take a deep breath and say what needs to be said, but we say it in Latin.

     "Universum vita, et in morte matris terram Hoc vinculum, et patitur ut audiri. Sanguine mixta amet coniuncta. Solvatur vinculum numquam." (Universe, life, death and mother earth, witness this bond, and allow it to be heard. Blood mixed, magic connected. Never make broken this bond.)

     We hold our palms together for a moment longer before returning them to ourselves. We don't heal ourselves. Instead we wrap bandages around our palms and leave the cuts to heal on their own. At that, we sit on the bloody ground and close our eyes, focusing on melding our very spirits together.

     I feel my pitch black spirit meet Theo's grey spirit and Kai's ebony spirit, and their spirits meet each other's. At the contact, a bright white light appears and begins to meld them all together. Emotions fly through us all and our eyes fly open at the rush, our eyes turning a blood red colour with white irises. The rush suddenly stops and we all let out loud breaths, grins covering our faces as our eyes slowly fade back to normal.

     I wave my hand and the candles vanish. "Are you two satisfied now? I would like to continue killing people for the rest of the month."

     Theo and Kai stand in synchronisation and help me up, electric shooting up my arms as our skin meets. They pull their hands back in shock and stare at the offending limbs. I smile at them and roll my eyes. I expected something like this, but obviously they didn't. Oh well, it's their fault for not asking what the side effects would be.

     "We're Bonded like Mates," Kai says in wonder, feeling the Magic in him hum. "How wonderful."

     Theo twitches as the Magic in him hums as well. "This is more than a Mate Bond."

     My Magic hums with theirs and I close my eyes for a second. "This is a Blood Brother Bond. Stronger than any Mate Bond ever forged because of my Magic. Esther helped, and it awoke your Magical Potential, Theo."

     "I'm a Witch?"

     "In theory. We will check with the practical at the start of next month. Right now, you need to go back to the French Quarter and stay with the Pack. I will be in touch."

     I take a single step before vanishing right in front of them, running at top speed past them and brushing their hands to make them jerk at the Bond's effect. I grin and disappear into the darkness, my Original eyes the only thing visible of me. This is going to be a fun month, and none of them will be able to stop me.

THE DEVIL WITHIN, stiles stilinskiWhere stories live. Discover now