xxx. regeneration

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「 ──────────────────────── 」


𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘳𝘵𝘺: 𝘳𝘦𝘨𝘦𝘯𝘦𝘳𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯

「 ──────────────────────── 」


Three Weeks Later

     MY EYES FLY OPEN and so does my mouth, air rushing into my waiting lungs as it does. I start coughing and roll onto my side, hands grabbing me and helping me sit up. I look up and meet the familiar eyes of Theo Raeken. I wrap my arms around him and pull him into a hug, him reciprocating the hug instantly.

     He starts to cry and I hold his shaking body as he does so. His arms tighten around me and I have a feeling that he won't be willingly letting go any time soon. I pat him on the back and then force him to let go as my eyes turn Original and my fangs spring free. I stagger away from him and place my hands on the way, forcing my Original Vampire side away.

   "Stiles?" Theo asks, worry clear in his voice. "Are you alright?"

     I nod. "Yeah. Just my Vampire side wanting to take a bite out of you and drain you like some monster."

     "Right. Might want to fix that issue before we go back to New Orleans and see your Mates."

     "Where are we?"


     "Every single time. Why do we always leave New Orleans when I have issues? Why can't we just stay in New Orleans for once?"

     "The Dread Doctors' associates have all their stuff here that they needed to make you stronger or whatnot. Something about right place, right equipment."

     "Did they give you a list of what I am now?"

     Paper crinkles. "Actually, yeah. Here."

     I take the paper from Theo and just about fall over. I manage to sit back on the bed before I faint, and then I read through the lists. One list states what I previously was, and the other tells me what has been added to make me 'stronger' or 'more powerful' as the Dread Doctors told me they were going to do.

     The subject already was a large number of 'mythic' human-skinned humanoid creatures. We have added several more 'mythic' human skinned humanoids, monster skinned humanoids, monstrous humanoids, and temporary form humanoids. The lists below state the previously attained ″mythic' human skinned humanoids, monster skinned humanoids, monstrous humanoids, and temporary form humanoids, and the added 'mythic' human skinned humanoids, monster skinned humanoids, monstrous humanoids, and temporary form humanoids.

     Previously Attained:
         • Nogitsune - born
         • Shifter - born
         • Witch - by Esther Mikaelson
         • Original Vampire - by Esther Mikaelson
         • Werecat - by Dread Doctors
         • Werejaguar/Werehyena - by Dread Doctors
         • Angel - by unknown causes
         • Demon - by unknown causes
         • Ghoul - by Dread Doctors
         • Type B Oni - by Dread Doctors
         • Class A, B and C Alpha Werewolf - bitten by Alphas, and then killed said Alphas
         • Wendigo - by Dread Doctors

     Additions to Previously Attained:
         • Salamander - Fire spirit or elemental : deep red eyes
         • Tennin - Japanese spiritual beings that are similar to western Angels, Nymphs or Fae : no specific colour, if subject has Angel, then the eyes will be white
         • Dragon - wings, tail and fangs : eyes will be a different colour depending on the type of dragon subject is - type of dragon for this subject is unknown; if the subject is Azure Dragon, eyes will be sea green
         • Panther - mythical creature that's breath can attract every supernatural creature in the area excluding dragons : eyes will be black with a purple ring
         • Phoenix - fire bird that regenerates from their own ashes; links in with Salamander ability to control fire, but the Phoenix is pure fire : yellow-orange eyes or eyes that look like they are on fire

     "Holy hell," I say, running my hand through my hair. "They went a little too far there."

     Theo walks over to me. "What do you mean?"

     "I mean, the Salamander and Tennin. Possibly even the Dragon. I don't feel like having that much Power. Then the whole wings and tail thing. It's going to be a pain in the ass trying to control it. Dragon sides tend to come out when angry."

     "So, I take it you're angry now?"

     "Slightly. Why?"

     "You have wings and a tail."

     I look over my shoulder and see a pair of shimmering wings. They aren't just one colour, rather, they are iridescent. The light catches them in a way that gives them no specific colour, and they seem to be shining without the light itself being a factor. Out the corner of my eye I see my tail. It looks to be seven to eight feet long, has large spikes on it that look to be razor sharp, and it is the same colour as my wings - well, non-colour as my wings I guess.

     "These are so staying," I say with a laugh. "They are so cool."

     Theo raises his eyebrow. "You do know that they can't fit in an Impala, right? Or any car for that matter. So, rid yourself of them? Or whatever you do with wings and a tail."

     I focus on wanting them gone, and then they vanish. I fold the paper and shove it into my pocket before following Theo out to the 1967 Chevy Impala. I climb in and Theo drives away, barely waiting for me to close the door. He must be feeling the slight insanity that comes with being away from your Mate for too long. Believe me, I am feeling it tenfold compared to him.

• • •

     Theo pulls up outside my house in the French Quarter and I mentally curse myself for not asking him to drop me off at the plantation. Instead of telling him where I am going, I get out of the Impala and start running. Buildings blur past me, as well as people and other animals. In record time, I am at the plantation house. Well, mansion actually.

     Small barks sound and I laugh. The pups are like guard dogs at the moment, and they are barely five months old. At the sound of their barks, I Shift into a fox and run around the back of the mansion when they are coming from. The pups come barrelling out the back door and over to me, tripping over themselves on the way.

     They recognise me by scent, and are instantly tackling me. The three girls - Accalia, Claudia and Evelyn - snuggle up to me, whereas the males - Conan and Mieczyslaw - growl playfully and nip at me for a minute before following their sisters' examples and snuggling up to me. Lydia's voice sounds and calls out their names. They don't move, but their ears perk up at the sound of the back door opening.

     Lydia gasps, making me look up. "Stiles?"

THE DEVIL WITHIN, stiles stilinskiWhere stories live. Discover now