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*Welcome to the Prologue

*Make sure to go back and read the (Intro & Cast List) to see who i imagined the characters as

(AN/ you can imagine them as whoever you want, but this is what I see them as cause I'm psychic A.K.A That's So Raven)

*I Hope you all enjoy don't hesitate to leave a couple of comments and even message me to ask questions😘

Song For This Chapter:
What The Hell-Avril Lavinge


It was a relaxing Friday afternoon, as the sun shines through my purple curtains blinding me from seeing my tv. Ha! just kidding if I'm being fairly honest it was raining quite hard, and the thunder was rumbling so hard I wouldn't be surprised if my tv fell off its stand. I quickly grab the remote turning off the tv while sitting up on my bed a grabbing my black and white converse. I open my door as the wind blows through my room, grabbing my phone off my bedside table I dial my best friend Charlotte's number as I wait for her to pick up.


"Hey, bitch!" Charlotte loudly answers the phone.

"Hey Char, you do remember movie night is tonight right?" I asked getting straight to the point.

"What! No, if anything Leon and Ryder forgot I have the best memory in the world." Charlotte denied as if she forgot.

"Yeah, you did forget," I say as I physically see her roll her eyes from the other end of the phone.

"Don't roll your eyes at me!" I exclaim as she huffs on the other end.

"How the hell did you even kno_?" she pauses "I knew you were fucking psychic." She states as I chuckle to myself.

"Charlotte this is why they call you the crazy one." I continue to laugh and I can just see her roll her eyes, I guess we just have a good connection.

"Ha you just laugh it up, just know if the world ever ends the crazy, and sarcastic people who love food like me will be the only ones left." I then burst out into complete laughter as she laughs as well.

"Okay, okay let's call Leon and Ryder." I finish as she dials their number.


"Ugh, why the hell did you guys call me I was in the middle of my daily nap." Ryder says as he huffs, "Do you guys even care about me and my naps." Ryder says, I scoff.

"Everyone say fuck you if you give a fuck about Ryder and his naps," Charlotte says as Leon and I chuckle.

"Fuck you asshole!" Charlotte says as she evilly laughs through the line.

"Sorry, not sorry fuck you Ryder!" I laugh as well and we all wait on Leon's response.

"Leon, you're on my side right?" Ryder asks hoping Leon will choose to be on his side.

"Ha, nope fuck you, Ryder! Leon screams through the phone as Ryder sighs.

"I hate you all!" Ryder says and I stifle a laugh.

"Not to get straight to the point or anything but Jessica what the hell did you call us for?" Leon asks ignoring Ryder's remark.

"Oh yeah, I forgot what I was calling you dumbasses for," I smirk as I hear them gasp.

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