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*Chapter thirteen (edited version)

*This chapter is dedicated to the lovely TrumpSupporters27 thanks for the support😘

Song For This Chapter:
Little Mix-Wings





It was September and fall time was in session here in Minnesota. I was currently binge-watching The Carrie Diaries while eating some buttery popcorn that I popped in the microwave. In the comfort of my own home with my fuzzy socks, oversized t-shirt, and shorts on. The guys were at Braxton's, and my dad was out with Karen, but besides them, Maddy was sitting here with me watching tv as well.

"Wow, her dad really needs to get over the fact that Sebastian had an intimate relationship with his teacher," Maddy spoke up.

"Maddy you do realize he slept with his teacher, that's disgusting!" I yelped and she groaned.

"So! Don't act like you never had a crush on one of your teachers before," she accused me.

"Oh please, the only time I have ever liked one of my teacher was sophomore year," I registered, Maddy continued to listen. "But that does not mean I would start an intimate relationship with him." I proclaim.

"Okay, I get where you are coming from." Madison agreed to disagree while grabbing another blanket.

In Minnesota during the cold seasons you bet your ass, it was as cold as a less colder Antarctica. This is why Madison and I are cuddled up and all these blankets, I know I said it's fall but it already feels like winter. Not that I'm complaining I love the cold, and not because I am cold on the inside.

For some reason, I always have liked the winter and fall time more than summer and spring, even though I am practically born in March.

I start to shuffle in my blanket as well as Madison, the front door then opens letting the cold air in, with our brothers walking in.

"Man my balls feel like they are about to fall off!" Adam shouted with his hands currently clutching his crotch.

"Um Adam, SHUT THE FUCKING DOOR!" Cole raised his voice towards his brother.

I swear I feel sorry for Adam sometimes but then again, his stupidity is not always the answer.

"So what are you two dor-" Blake was about to start but stopped mid-sentence from Aiden the fangirl over here.

"OH MY FUCKING GOD! The Carrie Diaries, I love that SHOW!" Aiden exclaimed in excitement before jumping down on the couch next to us.

Cole stared at his brother wide-eyed, as Blake's mouth hangs wide open, and Adam's laughs are getting muffled by his jacket.

"What?" Aiden questions looking towards his brothers, who just ignore him before heading upstairs.

Maddy and I look at each other and then Aiden who seems to be farther interested in the show, and eating our popcorn.

"So you guys mind if I stay and watch." He says his mouth full of popcorn.

"Ye_" Maddy is about to say but I cover her mouth with my hand.

"No, not at all." I smile in response before turning back to the tv, earning a glare from Maddy before we engage back into the show.


I walk away from my locker, about to head to the lunchroom. That was until I was grabbed and pulled to the side near the lockers, by none other than Toby Daniels.

Of course, Toby takes the chance to find me when the hallway is fully empty.

"Hey! What is the deal with you spreading rumors around about me." Toby tightens the hold around my arm.

"What the hell are you talking about?" I struggle trying to get out of his death-defying grip.

"You know what exactly I'm talking about, acting all innocent, being the damsel and distress." Toby rages.

"When truly and factly you wanted exactly what happened to you that night," Toby says while parting a laugh.

"So do me a favor Andrews keep your mouth shut, or that night won't be the worst thing that happened to you." Toby spat before walking off.

I let my body sink to the floor as I hear the faint footsteps of Toby descend from the hallway. Every time I am around Toby I freeze up, it's as if my throat closes up not allowing me to breathe, and the pain from that year comes to haunt me.

Funny thing is I know why Toby did exactly what he did, Toby just didn't want me to ruin his chances to go to college. That night Toby took my dignity away, he also took another part of me away, not only that he didn't get the punishment that he deserved.

I sat in the hallway for so long I didn't even realize the bell ringed for the next period.

I look down at the ground, watching all the students shuffle into the hallway. A big object then covers my view, and I look up to see Cole the Asshole.

"Jess, why are you sitting on the floor?" He asks before taking a seat next to me.

Oh my god, he actually is being sincere for once.

"Maybe the floor and I have a connection," I say sarcastically and Cole worriedly looks at me.

"Are you okay?" He looks down at my arm noticing red scratches.

"Yeah, I'm fine!" I say smiling in response.

"No your not, you don't have to lie to me, I'm your brother you can tell me," Cole reassures me and I stare at him wide-eyed.

I'm sorry but where the hell did this person come from! New phone who dis?

I start to speak but realize I am just not ready to pour my heart out to Cole yet. Or any of my brothers for that matter, they probably wouldn't understand what I am going through.

"Look you don't have to tell me now but you can tell me when you're ready." Cole assures me, "But for now, what do you say after school you can invite your friends to come with the guys, Maddy, and I to the movies." He suggests and I look at Cole and smile, as he smiles back.

Cole stands up reaching out his hand to help me up, I gradually take his hand as he helps me to my feet and we head off to class.

Hm? Maybe having brothers isn't so bad after all.


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Stay Golden
.XOXO Alondra❤❤

XOXO Alondra❤❤

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