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*Chapter Nineteen (edited version)


Song For This Chapter:
Ariana Grande-No Tears Left To Cry



"Alright I don't know about you guys, but I am starving," Aiden says rubbing his stomach and Cole nods in agreement.

"Let's go eat!" Adam runs toward the campgrounds lunch area as everyone chuckles and follows behind, leaving Braxton and I.

I look to him as he leans against the tree sporting a white shirt that displays his chest perfectly.

"Happy Birthday Dork!" I cheer as he looks at me with a smile before briskly pulling me into a hug.

"Thanks, Angel, so what did you get me?" He asks and I smirk knowing about the little surprise party we are throwing tomorrow.

"Well my gift is in my cabin with my stuff, and you sir will not be getting said gift till tomorrow." I smile and he pouts

"Can I at least get a kiss on the cheek then." He pokes his bottom lip out, I bid a laugh before planting one right on his cheek.

"Come on let's go eat." He says excitedly before running off leaving me to gawk at his adorableness.

I eventually start to make my way to eat as well only to notice an angry Trey, and a saddened Charlotte dragging close behind.

Welp, Shit!


I trudged my way towards my best friend who was sulking at one of the vacant cafeteria tables by herself. I finally make it to the table only for Charlotte to look up at me, but look back down at her food. Charlotte plays with the tip of her white plastic fork, slowly gliding it around her plate.

"Okay, what happened?" I say, seizing the tense silence.

Charlotte continues to ignore me as I look over to the other table noticing our friends trying to start a conversation with Trey.

"Seems like Trey isn't taking it too well." Charlotte finally speaks, I look back to her and she gives me a small smile and I return it.

"Give him some time Char, it's not every day someone finds out about their father and long lost sibling," I say in a reassuring tone.

"You know, I don't think my life would ever be the same without you!" She says finally sporting a full-blown smile.

Charlotte quickly gets up, and I get up as well, before engulfing her into a hug. We both laugh before releasing from each others grip. I look at Charlotte noticing her eyes focused on something else behind me, I turn around and see that's its Trey and everyone else.

Trey approaches with me a small smile, "Mind if I talk to my sister for a minute?" He asks and I shake my head before walking towards everyone else.

We all watch in astonishment as the two siblings engulf each other in a hug. I then start to think about my brothers, and how I think I'm finally ready to tell them about the history between Toby and I.

Eventually, you have to learn to trust people, and yeah not everyone deserves your trust. But when it comes to trust it takes years to build, just seconds to break, and forever to repair. Which is probably why it takes me so long to trust people because the last time I trusted someone they made me feel as if I drowned.

And there is no way I'm going down that road again.


I walk into my brother's empty cabin before taking a seat on one of their beds. I sit there for a while waiting on them to return as I play with the zipper of my coat. The door opens letting the cold air blow through, and shivers escape from my body as the guy's walkthrough.

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