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*Chapter ten (edited version)





"Toby you don't even have a fucking second before I castrate you." I grab his hand trying to get him away.

"Ah, still feisty as ever I see." He says before grabbing my other arm and slamming both against the fence

I tried pulling away, but no I was still weak as ever.

Toby began kissing my neck leaving marks.

But there was no way in hell I was going to let him take advantage of me again, I had to be strong.


I shuffle through the pictures on my bed, pictures of my mom, Maddy, and I before she left us. I don't know what it is but I just had a certain urge to look through all my old photo books.

"Hey Jessica the guys and I are heading to the store for Karen, you want to come?" Madison asks, skipping into my room.

"I guess, I mean it's not like I have anything better to do besides eat, sleep and read," I say, Maddy, laughs.

"Alright well meet me downstairs!" She yells before heading back out.

I quickly stand up, slipping on my slides and grabbing my phone and wallet. I close all my photo books, before heading out of my room and closing the door.

I run downstairs where everyone is waiting on me while on their phones.

"Alright, I'm ready!" I say they continue to ignore me, even Maddy is engaged in her phone.

I then grab three pillows off the couch and set my target. The first pillow is for Aiden and Adam, while the last two are for Cole, Madison, and Blake.

I launch the pillows with my stable arm hitting every single one of them in the face.

"Ouch! That hurt." Cole grunted, grabbing the pillow and launching it back.

I swear I am going to go to jail for murder one day.

"I would love to see you try and kill me I am IMMORTAL!" Adam yelled.

Oops said that out loud! Not that I care.

We all then look at Adam's stupidity and launch the pillows straight at his face.

"Okay, that was not called for." Adam obstructed, but we ignore him heading out of the front door to the car.

"Um, excuse me peasants but I would like to be carried to the car." I object causing them to groan.

"Adam it's your turn," Cole says since he and Aiden have already carried me.

"Alrighty!" Adam salutes before scooping me up and running to the car.

He literally throws me in the car before he and Cole salute to each other, and I groan from being thrown in the back seat.

Everyone takes a seat in the car, Maddy in the front next to Blake who is in the driver seat. While Cole, Aiden, Adam, and I are in the back.

"Alright, so what store are we heading to?" Aiden asks looking over at Cole.

"Whole foods will be fine." Cole looks up from his phone before viciously looking back at it.

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