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*Hey wattpad family and welcome to chapter one (edited version)

*All chapters are being edited as of now if your reading this

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*This is a bit of a clarification but Maddy is younger than Jessica and the boys by a year and a half she is a sophomore in high school! Her and Jessica are not TWINS! [Sorry I didn't nesscarily clarify it earlier]

Song For This Chapter:
Taylor Swift-I Knew You Were Trouble


It was the day after the horrid wedding.

I sat at our kitchen counter contemplating my life and what it has come to at the moment while eating some food to make me feel better. If you didn't know food makes every situation better, for me at least.

"Hey, nerd! mind helping us with these boxes." Cole says placing four stacked boxes on the ground.

"Why should I help you?" I stare at him and he rolls his eyes.

"Because little sister I said so." He spat as he walks over to me.

Just as I am about to speak Cole grabs my eggs and places them in the microwave. I give him a death glare as he smirks at me grabbing me off the seat, throwing me over his shoulders.

"Put me down assface!" I punch his back as he continues to walk, "I was eating those eggs." I whine on Cole's shoulder when he places me down.

"If only I could kill him right now," I thought to myself. Only to realize I said it out loud.

"Well that's if you can, and calm down at least I put them in the microwave, not the trash." He then pauses as he runs back in the house and I follow him.

Cole grabs my eggs and then slides them off the plate into the trash. I completely lose my shit as I fall to my knees as pain overtakes me, I just lost my food also known as my happiness.

The rest of the guys walked in and look at me as they busted out laughing, and as a result, while getting up off the ground I then kicked Cole in his family jewels.

"Ow! what the fuck!" He screams holding onto his pride and joy.

The remaining boys take a look at me and scurry off.


I walk out of the kitchen up to my room, not helping the guys at all, I whip out my phone face-timing my friends.


"What's up Jess?" Leon asked as Charlotte takes a seat in front of her phone camera.

"My new brothers that's what's up," I say and Charlotte rolls her eyes.

Charlotte has no problem with the guys considering she likes one of them, I'm not telling you guys which one.

"WHAT did they do?" Ryder asks as he eats some bacon.

"Cole threw away my food!" I whine even more.

"Oh, they have crossed the fucking line go down there and show them who is boss," Charlotte warns as I give her a cheeky grin.

"Yeah, they need to be murdered don't worry I'll get the body bags." Ryder whisper shouts and I laugh.

Surviving My Step Brothers (Older Version)Where stories live. Discover now