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*Chapter Eighteen (edited version)

(AN/ Sorry I have taken my slow time with the updates it's just school has been hectic for me, so please bare with me.)





"What other kids?" I asked and he points to my worst nightmare.

There stood Toby and his gang of unlovable misfits.

"Oh, you have got to be fucking kidding me!" The guys say in unison.

I then ignore all the thoughts running through my brain of the worse possible outcomes, that could happen this weekend. I am not going to let some fucked up asshole ruin my trip.

"Time to show you your cabins." Xavier guides everyone to their cabins and I stay back with Charlotte, Leon, Ryder, Hannah, and Savannah.

Charlotte hands us the envelope and I open it, pulling out the white slip of paper.

The results came back positive.

We looked to Charlotte who appeared to be in shambles, so we look at each other before pulling Charlotte into a group hug.

The real thought that probably was running through all of our minds is how Charlotte will tell Trey.


Night has fallen upon us at the campsite, our parents seem to have taken a leave for us to have some good old fashioned sibling bonding. Not that we need it right at this moment, because drama at this point just loves to shift its way into our lives. First the whole Charlotte and Trey fiasco, and now the Toby issue. It's like I can never get a break from him, even if I want him to stay out of my life fate always seems to make a way for him to stay.

I walk along the grass to our little campfire we had set up for tonight, Charlotte still has yet to tell Trey about the whole 'long lost siblings thing'. I mean it's okay if she doesn't we have a whole weekend ahead of ourselves, I would prefer if she wouldn't spill it to him tomorrow though.

Tomorrow happens to be October 28th, and yep you guessed it 'Braxton' s Birthday'. The old dork will be officially turning 18, and knowing my family drama will find a way to ruin his day.

I finally take a seat at the campfire as Cole hands me a stick to roast marshmallows. I gratefully grab the stick and grab a plump marshmallow from the bag. As I stick it above the warm growing fire, I feel a new surrounding cologne next to me. I know that cologne anywhere, it was Braxton.

"Hey Angel, how you doing?" He asks me and I look to him seeing a worried glint in his light brown eyes. I know exactly what he is worried about, Toby. Of course, I'm not okay but I will eventually have to get past it.

"I'm fine," I say looking back towards the fire, letting the wind blow through my wavy hair.

"I know you're lying but I will let it go, I don't want to push you to tell me," Braxton says in a faint voice, man he knows me so well.

I then look to him to see his head turned to the fire as well, while everyone else engage in their private conversations. But I then start to just admire Braxton's features, the riveting sharp edge of his jawline was perfect. Let's not forget the fact that there was the right amount of space from his hairline to his thin line arched eyebrows. I was in such a daze I didn't realize Braxton smirking at me the entire time.

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