T W E N T Y - O N E

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*Chapter Twenty One (edited version)


Song For This Chapter:
Selena Gomez-Back To You




-Sometime during the end of November, but past Thanksgiving-

Thanksgiving break was officially over, and the day I dreaded the most was in play. Yeah, that's right tomorrow was Monday and prison was going to be officially back in session. I just want to say these past few weeks have been amazing, with my amazing friends and believe it or not boyfriend.

YEP! That's right ladies I have unincorporated myself as the CEO of Single Depression Enterprise. Braxton is finally mine, So BACK OFF!

But sadly he is leaving me for the week for a yearly family vacation. Sure, I'm going to miss him but everyone needs some family time. Speaking of which, our family maybe could use another family bonding trip.

Okay! Nope! Forget I said anything about another family bonding trip. I mean sure our family has its problems and I mean has its problems but we will be fine without it, more like better.

I switch through the channels once again, looking for something that will catch my eye, but nothing! The doorbell rings signaling someone is here, I throw the remote on the couch about to make my way to the door but I trip over my blanket and face plant on the wooden floor.

The door opens by itself, which means the person use the key under the doormat. I slowly look up to the face of the intruder and make out that its dork. Braxton looks down at me with a smirk before offering me a hand.

"You just don't know how not to be clumsy, do you?" He says and I cross my arms stubbornly after getting back on my feet.

"Please, I could have easily made it to that door and opened it like a pro!" I proclaim and Braxton gives me a challenging look.

"Well Angel, do you dare to take on this bet?" He puts out his hand.

"Why yes I do, dork." I pause before shaking his hand.

Just I am about to shake his hand, in a swift motion, he pulls me closer to him, wrapping his arms around my lower back, and colliding our lips together. I laugh after both of us pull away as he let's go and I admire his messy bed hair.

"Challenge accepted!" He says going to take a seat on the couch.

"But, wait! No one's coming to the door, how am I suppose to do this?" I question and he just shrugs.

"Like a pro remember!" He remarks and I give him the finger.

I walk back to the couch, throwing the blanket on top, and slowly making my way back to the door with no tumbles or falls.

"Okay, Jessica you can do this!" I chant to myself in a hushed whisper as I start to hear Braxton whistle to himself.

I was about to place my hands on the handle but as I was about to the door opens and slams right into me, Oh wow the luck I have I swear.

"Oh my god, Jess! Are you okay." My vision blurred but I made the voice out to be Aiden.

"I think you gave her a concussion idiot." I heard Charlotte say.

"Why was she standing behind the door anyway!" Aiden exclaims.

"Well, that's kind of my fault." Braxton stammers.

"Well while you explain why she was behind the door to Aiden, I'll get her some ice," Charlotte says before I hear her faint footsteps walk away.

What a great Sunday! Ha! I love sarcasm.


Monday afternoon was already here, I was sat outside with my sister and her boyfriend *cough, cough* Ryder. We were discussing going go-karting after school since I'm the only without a plus one going this will be fun and lonely. Oh, wait! I forgot Cole and Blake don't have a plus one either.

But your probably wondering who Adam's plus one is and that is none other than Hannah. You see this was supposed to be a date for Hannah and Adam, but everyone else found out and now wants to crash said date.

My vision is now dark by a tall figure and front of me and what do you know, its Cole the asshole!

"You ready?" Cole asked me, I nodded my head grabbing my belongings.

"See ya later on Jess!" Maddy violently waved to me as she stayed back with Ryder. The two had plans and those plans didn't involve me, but I hope they have fun, not too much of course.

I hopped into Cole's car as we sat there waiting on the other guys to make their way out of the building. We sat there in silence, it seems like Cole and I were the only two not to have gained a strong bond with each other yet.

"Welp seems like the guys are taking longer," I say trying to start a conversation.

I look out the window as he doesn't answer me and I feel his eyes watching me, from looking out the corner of my eye.

"Jess you don't have to make this awkward," Cole said and I looked over at him to see him run a frustrated hand through his hair.


"But I have something to tell you." He pauses and I notice his breath hitch.

"What is it?" I cautiously ask and he looks to me before taking a deep breath.

"You remember when you told me about that night, your sophomore year, about what happened between you and Toby." Cole was hesitant as if he was scared to bring it up again.

"Yeah," I confusingly say.

"Well, you weren't the f-first girl that was a victim to Toby," Cole says and I look to him wide-eyed.

"Wait! You're telling me Toby has raped another girl!" I exclaimed.

"No, not just two." He says referring to me and the other victim.

"So Toby has raped multiple girls, including me," I say my voice becoming raspy.

"Yeah, and I know one of them who can help us." He says and I look to him as he has a confident smile on his face.

"And now, maybe finally he will be put where he belongs," Cole says and a smile starts to form on my face as justice is in store for me.



Thanks so much for reading once again sorry for the long wait😂

Stay Golden
.XOXO Alondra❤❤

XOXO Alondra❤❤

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