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"Not to be rude or anything, but who are you?" The woman starts, I then gulp as I stand, scared to say anything seems like my social awkwardness is hitting me again.

Great. Just Great!


I stand frozen, why do I always get nervous around new people.

"Oh, um I'm Jessica, Braxton's f-riend." I stutter, curse my stuttering for being alive.

"Well that's a shock, I'm sorry I am just not used to my son bringing home girls who actually are his friends." She stated, which makes me think.

So Braxton doesn't have any other girls that our friends, well until he met me of course. This also means if he brings other girls over, they must be engaging in the-

You know what, nevermind.

"Where is he anyway?" The lady asks and I point to the kitchen only for him to come out.

"Hey, mom!" Braxton quickly hugged his mom before looking between us.

"So um, I see you met Jessica." Braxton scratches the back of his head.

"Yes I have, and I suggest you keep a hold of this one." Mrs. Williams speaks further speaks. "Because they only Come once in a lifetime." She finishes off."

"By the way Jessica, call me Brenda." She says thoroughly before smiling and heading into the kitchen.

"Okay my mom likes you already, what did you__ you know what, I'm not surprised she does I mean who doesn't." Braxton surprises me by his sudden choice of words.

"You know, you never seem to not amaze me, Williams," I say and he winks my way.

We then take a seat on the living room couch, Layla then runs in with an Oreo, walking towards me.

"Here Jessica!" Layla hands me the Oreo and I happily shove it into my mouth.

Braxton then smirks at me, as I began to choke on my Oreo. He gives me a wide-eyed stare before repeatedly patting my back.

"Man you two are weird!" Layla says before turning her head to look at the Fairy Oddparents on tv.

I quietly engage in an episode of Fairly Oddparents as Braxton walks off to his room with his phone to his ear signaling he got a call, and Layla smirks while he walks to his room and shuts his door.

"So you and my brother?" Layla speaks up and I silently laugh.

I look over to her slightly smirking, you see I'm not one of those dense girls I know exactly what Layla means. But in all honesty, I think I would get to know Braxton first, before determining I like him.

"We actually just started talking to each other two or three weeks ago," I say and she smiles.

"Well how about this if you two ever start dating, you owe me 20 bucks." Layla sticks out her hand and I shake it accepting the deal.

Honestly, I am just going to say this now, Layla is going to win most likely. Unfortunately, luck has never ever been on my side.

"What you two chatting about?" Braxton asks.

"Just talking about you Braxy!" Layla replies, "Like how you use to be a bed wetter and how you got rejected for your first kiss." Layla finishes off and I laugh.

Surviving My Step Brothers (Older Version)Where stories live. Discover now