Chapter Two

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(Y/n)'s View:

I finished my last bite of my pancake, then I walked over the to sink to place it there. I had absolutely had no idea what to do today. I was so bored out of my mind, and it wasn't until a week for my first day at the Reverse Falls high school. I had no idea what to do.... Then my mom said...

" Hey (Y/n) honey, I heard about this show called the Tent of Telepathy while I went for some grocery shopping. Maybe you'd like to check it out sometime?" my mom suggested, " I'll give you money for the tickets if you want to go..?"

It honestly sounded interesting, but.... I wanted to meet some people first. I'll still go to the show anyways. I looked over to my mom. She looked back at me with a quirky smile. I chuckled a little at her.

" Okay mom, I'll go see this show. Could you please give me some money?" I asked sweetly.

" Sure (Y/n) just give me a minute to find my purse." she told me, booping my nose then she went upstairs to find her purse.

I thought it would be best if I changed my clothes, if I wanted to see this show. Then I needed to change out of my (F/c) night gown with (F/c) roses decorated on it. So I ran back upstairs to change. I slipped on a (F/c) loose tang top with a cute knee cut skirt. I grabbed my red purse with my phone and it's charger, some lip gloss, money, and a cereal bar. Then I ran out of my house, once I was out the door. I embraced the friendly warm weather and it's breezes. I was then snapped out of my fantasy... hearing my mom calling me that she got her money for the show tickets I was going to go and see. I ran back onto my porch and kissed my mom thanks for the money and took it. I took my attention back to the outdoors. Absorbing the outdoors.

After a little bit of sight seeing, I decided to try and look for the "Tent of Telepathy" walking around, I realized I had already forgotten about the dream. I daydreamed a little, with a little of a dumb face while I was at it. I then out of nowhere, crashed into somebody. " Oh shit" I thought, I was so unsure that this person just walked into me. It was my fault that poor person banged into me in the first place anyways....

" I-I'm so sorry! Are you Okay-?" I asked, stumbling on my choice of words. But once the person got up. He had light blue hair, with his eyes matching the tone of his silky hair too. A black, yet teared out tail coat wrapped around his body. His black dress pants and shoes also matched together. I had been in dream land, and I shook my head to snap out of it. I looked at the boy I crashed into, he blushed wildly. I realized he dropped a big bag of food, most of the stuff was sweets. Like cupcakes, cookies, and candy. Rarely I saw a apple or two scattered among the unhealthy choices.

" Here, l-let me help you" I offered, reaching out to some of the scattered candy. But I was stopped by a negative voice coming from the teen boy. He reached my hand, grabbing it gently and giving it back to me. I blushed furiously, he stuttered.

" N-N-No, I-It's o-okay, I c-can d-d-do t-this m-myself." He replied, grabbing all the things himself. He then, sobbed a little. I had no idea why, but.... it made my heart broken to see a innocent and kind guy like himself cry. I stood silent for a minute, then, I helped pick up the things he dropped. His expression changed, as if surprised to see me help.

" I insist," I said, grabbing the fallen sweets all over the ground, " I'm (Y/n), I'm new around here, w-what's your name?" I asked softly, the boy smiled. Then turned away, I could tell he was trying to hide his deep blushing on his pale skin. I continued to help pick up the things.

" W-Will, Will C-Cipher."

Will Cipher's View:

" W-Will, Will C-Cipher." I mumbled out, almost choking on my own words. I stared up at her, she smiled. I never felt so flustered in my life. I smiled back, and I went on to pick up Mable's sweets from the ground. Placing them in the bag. The aura (Y/n) gave out, it was light and welcoming. It made me feel.... happy. I never felt like this in the longest time. She looked at me, at first she was gifting me another cheery smile. But then her expression changed from happy and welcoming to a scared and shocked, she then screamed. I was heart broken by her fear towards me.

" W-What's wrong?" I asked, I was confused and concerned. (Y/n) pointed to my right eye.

I looked into a small puddle that didn't surprisingly dissolve, looked at my reflection. The triangle eye patch wasn't there anymore.... my right eye revealed my demon like eye, my eye patch must have fallen off when I accidently rammed into (Y/n) she looked scared. She got up and started to run away from me.

" N-No! W-Wait! P-Please D-D-Don't leave me!" I screamed to her, both my eyes started to tear up. Then without any type of control, my right eye flared up and a wall of my own yellow flames surrounded us. (Y/n) still screamed, I didn't want to see (Y/n) look like that around me! I had to calm her down. I ran up to her and hugged her tightly, but not enough to choke her. (Y/n) squeaked at my sudden reaction and tried to struggle out of my arms. I refused to though, I still hugged her close to me. As if I was protecting her from any dangers. (Y/n) screamed and begged me to let go. But I didn't, I wanted her to feel safe around me. Never I thought, I could find a kind girl like her ever again.

" P-Please! I-I-I w-would n-never h-hurt you!" I told her, trying to stop more tears from escaping my eyes. I continued to embrace her, she sooner or later calmed down. Once (Y/n) was completely not moving anymore. She started to hug me back, her arms tied themselves around my stomach. Then she buried her face into my chest. Nuzzling into me, I felt so relieved she calmed down. I gently shifted my fingers into her (H/l) (H/c) hair. She looked into my puffy red face, I looked down, smiling to her. (Making Human Will Cipher 5 foot 7 inches tall.) I loved her so much, maybe too much. I snapped my fingers, teleporting Mabel's dropped goodies neatly back into the bag, and getting rid of the yellow flamed walls. I let go of (Y/n), she let me go as well. I walked over to get the bag, I picked it up. Then started to head my way back to Dipper and Mabel's big mansion.

" W-Wait! Will" called (Y/n), I whipped my head towards, my light blue locks shifted with my head motion, " When..... When do you think we'll meet again?" she asked, cocking her head a little.

" I-I d-don't k-know, b-but I-I'm sure s-sometime soon!" I stuttered, (Y/n) smiled at me. Then she started to turn away into the crowd.

" Okay then! Hopefully we'll see each other soon then!" She said cheerfully. The when she ran into the crowds of people in the town, something slipped out of her pocket. A little Key chain kitten fell out. (Y/n) didn't even notice. I floated to the little key chain. I picked it up, a little white smiling kitten. With a blue ribbon tied around it little neck. I looked at it for a moment, then looked at the road to Mabel and Dipper's house. I knew I was going to be late if I tried to look for (Y/n) right now. I decided to look for (Y/n). I floated into the crowds of Reverse Falls, it was so crowded! I just kept an eye out for (Y/n). I soon found her, with the same (F/c) loose tang top, and cute skirt. I tried to call her name, saying that she dropped her kitten key chain. Only to find her chatting to some other boys her age. She looked as if she had fun talking to them. A flare inside me lit up, what was this feeling I was feeling? I tried my hardest to shake it off. I looked at the key chain (Y/n) dropped, and held onto it for dear life. I Angrily floated out of the crowds of people, heading back to Mable and Dipper's big house. I held the groceries close. I wanted (Y/n) all to myself, but how should I let her know I feel this way? I was obviously very shy, should I go to great lengths to win her heart?


Yes, I'll do anything necessary to have (Y/n), I love her too much. 

A/n: Hi guys! JanisReader here! I finished this chapter before school started! It was sure a bit of a stress load! BUT, I did it!! I had to get up early in the morning to finish this. I really hope you guys enjoy this second chapter. And don't worry.... I promised you guys Yandere- Will Cipher. He's coming up soon ;)

Until the next chapter... BYE!!! :3 

Will Cipher x Reader(Female) x Bill Cipher x Dipper(s)Where stories live. Discover now