Chapter Four

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(Y/n)'s View:

I looked at Will once I said what I wanted to say. He looked flustered, his cheeks plastered a bright rose pink. I chuckled at his response. Will was adorable when he was shy, he looked to me. His eyes glittered, like he wanted to tell me something. He then bent over to my ear.

" (Y/n), I-I love you too."

My eyes went wild, I wanted to do something, something crazy. Will placed me down, I looked over to a moaning Dipper. I kicked him, straight to the stomach. Then me and Will teleported away. 

Many stars shined against themselves. Will laid next to me, in the softness of the grass. I let loose a sigh of relief, I enjoyed the lovely sight of the moon and stars. Will enjoyed the sights as well. I wanted to pop the question, so I turned over to Will. Landing my hand on his chest, smiling. Will turned his head towards me.

" Hm? W-What is it? (Y-Y/n)?" he asked, he still stuttered. But not as much anymore.

" Will, is it true? You love me?" I replied, hoping the answer is yes.

" Yes, I-It's true. I do love you" Will replied, smiling. His blue hair touched my face, tickling sensations washed over me. I looked at Will, his face plastered with a more darker pink. It truly was cute how he got flustered. I leaned towards him, I kissed his soft pale lips of his. Not long later, he melted and kissed me back. We passionately kissed, over and over. I never thought the one place I thought I'd hate, is where I found the love of my life. Me and Will pulled out for some air, I looked at him. Will clearly had a good time, he pulled me in again from more kisses. I didn't dare to hold back. Will groaned a little while we kissed. I soon told Will that it was time for me to head home. He understood, and we walked back to my house together. Our hands intertwining with each other. I finally made it home, I gleamed for a second. But then saw Will looking sad. I just remembered the fight Will and Dipper had. No way was he going to allow Will to resume living with him and Mabel. An idea then sparked up, I grabbed Will eagerly and headed inside my house. I saw my mom and dad watching T.V together.

" Oh! Honey! How was you're day?" my mom asked, curious to know what happened. I walked over to them, Will following me. I showed them Will, he greeted my parents politely. They both already liked him.

" Mum, dad, meet Will. He's a very close friend I just met, and he doesn't have a place to stay. I was wondering if he could stay with us?" I asked kindly.

" Sure (Y/n), but, he'll share the same room as you. Okay?"

" I don't mind at all! Thank you so much! I'll make sure to take care of Will." I kissed both my parents, saying thank you for letting Will stay with us. I lead Will into my (F/c) bedroom. He dazed around my room before making himself comfortable. Will looked at me, with his eyes filled with joy. So much he looked as if he was going to cry again. I allowed him to have some alone time. I walked to the bathroom to take a shower and change. After taking a refreshing, warm shower, I changed into my (F/c) Pajama top, with some long pajama pants. I then walked back down to my bedroom, to find Will on his own bed. It was big enough for himself and one other person to sleep with him. His bed sheets were all different shades of blue. I smiled, happy to see my dear Will happy. I huddled into bed. Before I shut my eyes, I felt another body shift into my bed with me. I flipped over to see Will cuddling with me. I cuddled up to him, I embraced his warm and comforting arms wrapping themselves around my hips. I then fell into my deep sleep, with Will's chest against my forehead.

A/N: Hey hey hey! JanisReader here! I made this quick short chapter for some fun, also trying to fill in the story a bit. I LOVE Will Cipher x Reader fanfics! So, I hope you will like this Will Cipher x Reader story.

Until the next chapter.... BYE! :3 

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