Chapter Thirteen

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(Y/n)'s View: 

I hugged Dipper tightly, I was scared to death that he just passed out like that. I would take care of Will later. I had to take care of Dipper for now, he must be weak or something from a strange disease. I pulled away from the hug me and Mabel started, Dipper had a sad look on his face. As if he didn't want me to stop the hug fest. I got off my knees, and walked over to Will. He had his face buried in his knees. I went back to my knees when I got near Will. 

"(Y-Y/n), I didn't mean to scare everyone. I was j-just so worried about you." Will spoke, his voice stuttering. His voice tried fighting back on crying again.

"Will, I get it. You love me, so it makes sense that you gone too protective." I calmly said, I hated seeing Will in this type of condition. I nuzzled him, trying to comfort him. Will accepted the nuzzle, he then joined me and wrapped his arms around me. Will's arms were shaky, then they slowly started to stop. I calmed Will down, his blue locks touching my neck. We stayed like that for minutes. Then I pulled away, his right eye was still uncovered. But, it was back to only being black and blue. I pulled his blue bangs down to cover his right eye, since I didn't want anyone in town to know that Will isn't what he seems. 

"(Y-Y/n)?" asked Dipper softly, his eyes still on Will. He looked terrified of Will. I turned towards him, his face drained all the blood he had. Same thing for Mabel, she bit her finger nails. 

"Yeah? Dipper?" I responded, I still held hands with Will. He held onto my hand tightly, a bit too tightly. I stuttered a extra quiet 'ow'. 

"Is he really going to stay with us?" he asked, concerned about his own safety and everyone he knows. I shook my head a yes, signaling him that he'll stay no matter what. 

"Will is staying with me, he isn't trying to hurt anyone! He was just overwhelmed when we ran away." I laughed nervously, I did thousands of mental face palms. What was I thinking?! would Dipper and Mabel really just fall for reasoning after all that happen? Dipper gave me a 'really' face. He looked at me if I had just lost my mind. 

"O-Okay, but...I'm keeping an eye on you (Y/n)" Dipper said stiffly. Then he got up from his sitting position. After that he helped Mabel up. The whole walk back to the shack was just Dipper looking behind me every minute. Making sure that I was only. I appreciated that Dipper cared about me so much. But, didn't this Dipper trust me? Well, at least this Dipper was better than the one back from where I came from...

Will Cipher's View:

I kept seeing Dipper look back at me and (Y/n) many times. I saw (Y/n) have a strange look on her face. What was Dipper thinking? I started to get worried about (Y/n) and decided to read Dipper's mind.

"What is Will planning to do with (Y/n)? I swear that if he uses her for his own...I'll make sure that she'll be told the truth." I cringed at what I just read. I held onto (Y/n)'s hand more tightly, she yelped a quick 'ow'. I realized this and let go of her hand. She shook her hand a little. Then she looked up towards me. A confused look smacked her face.

"Will? what's wrong? You seem to be thinking about something. Is.... it something you want to talk about?" (Y/n) asked, her face turned in a snap from confused to concerned. I gave her a smile and ruffled her hair up.

"I-It's nothing to worry about (Y/n). I'm fine." I lied, she took my lye and nodded. She ran up forward to Dipper and Mabel, chatting a bit about random things. From favorite colors and foods, to personal life goals and life issues. I sighed in relief remembering the forgiving time when I finally found (Y/n). But...I still had a bad feeling about Dipper and Mabel. I then shot up.

"H-Hey! (Y/n)! Do you want to get some breakfast? Since you never really got the chance." I bolted, I then blushed at the scene I made at the beginning of the day.

"Sure! You wanna go to that Diner in Gravity Falls? What was it called again.....shit." (Y/n) cussed quietly, she dug deep into thought I remember what the place was called.

"Lazy Susan's Diner, me and Mabel have eaten there many times before! It's really good! I bet you that's the place you were trying to recall." Dipper finished (Y/n)'s sentence. She then rolled her eyes and said sure to the diner. He then grabbed (Y/n)'s wrist and lead her. I watched Dipper drag her all the way to the place. I followed them. I made sure that I stopped floating and used my legs to run instead. I also need to note that I need a new eye patch. I had many, but right now wasn't the best of timings.

Time Skip.....  

The small diner was nice, I saw many different options on the menu to pick from. A chubby lady with a pink dress and a white apron and an eye completely closed came to our table.

"Hello there! what can I get for you today?" asked the lady kindly.

"Hey Susan! I would like to order a stack of pancakes. Mabel's getting some French toast with extra syrup. And..." Dipper trailed off.

"I'll be getting some Eggs and bacon please." I added on to Dipper's incomplete sentence.

"And I'll get some (Your favorite Breakfast food), thank you" (Y/n) said. Susan took down all our orders. Then walked away into the kitchen, the smell of cooking food made me hungry. I scooted closer to (Y/n), she didn't mind. In fact, she rested her head onto my shoulder. I petted her soft (H/c) locks, which had a scent of fresh bloomed roses. I waited for our food, not too long later. All our orders came. I eyed on my plate. My stomach grumbled loudly, I felt my face burn up. (Y/n) giggled.

"Must be that hungry now Will?" she asked with some mischief in her teasing voice. She started to devourer her (Your favorite Breakfast food). Dipper gobbled down his pancakes, Mabel went crazy with her French toast. There was enough syrup on it already, but she didn't hesitate to pour more on. I followed by munching down all my eggs and slices of crispy bacon.

Once we all finished, me, (Y/n), and Dipper had a war to figure out who would pay for the food. But Susan came up to us and said that this meal for us only was on the house. So we all left with full stomachs. I burped lightly, no one noticed. We continued to gaze around town, until (Y/n) bumped into someone certainly not pleasant.

(Y/n)'s View:

I felt myself bump into someone, I quickly got back to my feet. And spat many apologizes as fast as I could. I moved my head up, to see bratty bitch with disgust in her face.

"Wow, well....If it ain't Mc brat bitch. Now I feel embarrassed about saying sorry so many times." I said with no regret. Confidence of hate for her washed me all over. I crossed my arms, rolling my eyes many times. I mentally threw up.

"Wow, well if it isn't the whore who took Dipper away from me." Pacifica shot back at me, I glared at her. Hate wanted me to rip her pretty plastic face right off.

"First of all, me and Dipper are just good friends, and secondly....Fuck you." I turned away from Pacifica's ugly plastic face. Like, what's the point of her being a friend to anyone?! She's going to be forever alone. I would be relieved if she could die in a dirt filled ditch. "Will, Dipper, Mabel, Let's get out of here."

I stormed away from Pacifica in a mad fashion. The three of them caught up with me. I felt somehow Pacifica had her eyes on someone else.... But who? I snapped back to reality when a tap hit my shoulder. I turned to see Will, floating and had faint flames flare both his demonic eye and normal eye.

"Want me to take care of her?" Will asked, with pleasure to do the dirty work.

"Not yet, let her live for a couple more days," I said sarcastically, I rolled my eyes again, thinking it would be a dream come true for her to get burned alive, "Until then.... Let's try to ignore her for as long as we can." As we all went back to the Mystery Shack, we did nothing all day. I took out a sketch book I secretly hid away, and began to doodle in it. With my pencil and eraser going crazy on all my pages of the blank notebook.

A/N: HELLO! JanisReader here! I just came back from my field trip at school today. And boy it was LIT! Anyways, I just finished this chapter. I worked hard like usual, and I hope you like this chapter!!! One more thing, tomorrow is going to maybe be a little hard for me. Since I basically missed almost a whole day of school. I'm betting that there will be lots of homework and classwork to catch up on. But.. for now, I'm just going to make sure you guys will get more chapters as quick as possible!

Until the next chapter.....BYE! :3

Will Cipher x Reader(Female) x Bill Cipher x Dipper(s)Where stories live. Discover now