Chapter Twenty Seven

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Will Cipher's View:

I was leaded away by Mabel, as much as I would hate to be back at the Tent of Telepathy and all my bad memories would be flashing back to me. I can't think of another way to get away from (Y/n), I drowned in an endless abyss of my own guilt and sadness. (Y/n) might never love me like she did before. It was hopeless, (Y/n) meant everything to me. My sun, moon, and stars. But she'd never feel the same about me. I sobbed at my own accomplishment of nearly killing (Y/n).

"Quit your crying Will, at least she's with someone like Dipper," Mabel snapped at me, I flinched and I thought about it. Even though (Y/n) is still somehow alive. I now believe that she deserves someone better than me. I'm too sensitive and I let my feelings get full control of me. Where were she is, I hope she is with a guy better than me; "Will, were here." Mabel said plainly. I looked up to see the Tent of Telepathy in view, everything looked the same. Barely nothing changed. But If nothing changed, then that means nothing will change for my old life style continuing on.

(Y/n)'s View:

I felt like I was going to throw up out of being overly overwhelmed. I can't find Will anywhere! I just got out of the hospital to try and look for him. I asked Dipper again for sure that he didn't know where he went. Dipper said he was sure he didn't know where Will ran off to. That only put extra pressure on me. I went home to ask if Will visited them. My mum and dad said they didn't see him at all today. I was about to give up until I saw a flyer saying the Gleeful magic show was back in business. DID DIPPER JUST LIE TO ME OVER HIS OWN POPULARITY?! I scrunched up my face in anger, I stomped over to the Tent of Telepathy. I have one major bone to pick on both Dipper and Mabel.

"I swear to fucking god's ass Imma kill them. Why would they lie to me about Will!?" I thought to myself angrily. I wanted to punch Dippers face so hard he'll lose every single one of his fan girls. I made it to the tent not too long later. I violently swiped the tent curtains away from my heated face. I stepped onto the stage to get to the dressing room. I heard people yelling at me that I'm ruining the show for them, man did I give a single fuck right now. I wanted to teach Dipper a little lesson when he makes me pissed. I opened the dressing room door and flung it open to see Dipper and Mabel getting ready for the show. I stomp to Dipper angrily and I slap him to show him some sense about why I'm like this. Dipper holds his cheek as I deathly glare at him.

"(Y-Y/n)! W-What was that for?!" Dipper asked confused and scared, I have no idea that Dipper was this dumb. He's probably too scared to admit the dirty truth.

"You know damn right why I did that! I know you took Will for yourselves again, you never liked me or even cared about me. I bet your sorry ass that you did this because you only liked my big boobs and your unhealthy obsession with money and fame!" I shouted at him, I really was pissed at him about. Mabel looks at me with a disgusted look, like she was trying to prove me wrong.

"(Y-Y/N)!?" I heard a voice question my name, I turned to see a well dressed man with light blue hair. My eyes widen to see who this guy was.

"W-WILL!" I cried relieved, I run up to him and I hug him tightly. I heard Will beg me to soften up a little, I giggle and I soften my hug. It made my life feel more happier to know that Will is alright.

"W-Why are you here!? I-I thought you'd never want to s-see me again. After w-what I d-did to you." Will whimpered to me, I had all my happiness I had just now drift away. Did Will seriously come back here because of that?! I hugged onto him like there was no tomorrow.

"Will, shut up. Why'd I never want to see you again?! Do you have any idea why I was so stressed when Dipper told me you ran off after I ended up in the hospital!? Want to know how much?! JUST LOOK AT THIS THEN!" I practically shouted to Will, I rolled up my (F/c) sweat shirt to show my wrist. Will had his eyes watering when I revealed to him. I had scissor marks on my (S/c) wrist. My eyes were about to pour rivers again. I felt Will hug me.

"(Y-Y/n) I-I didn't m-mean to hurt you l-like that. I-I promise I won't r-run away from you like that e-ever again." Will whispered into my ear, I smiled when he made that promise. Everything happy in this moment had to be ruined when everything went black and white. A yellow triangle appeared out of thin air. Bill.... what was he doing here?

"Glad you asked sweet cheeks, I'm here to abduct you to Gravity Falls! You are going to be my queen of Weridmageddon!" Bill grabbed my wrist, I screamed as Bill opened a portal back to Gravity Falls. Will and Dipper tried to pull me back to them with my other arm free. Bill however was way more stronger than the three of us combined. We all were sucked into the portal. Everything went crazy as Me, Will, and Dipper chained onto each other for dear life. At the end of the portal traveling I heard Bill sigh loudly as I heard him say...

"Great, now I have to deal with another Pine tree and my sensitive brother..... Oh well, I'll deal with you two later. As long as I have my queen, it's all coming to plan!"

I tried to grip onto my vision, trying not to black out. Will and Dipper tried to holding onto there vision just like me. I can't hear anymore, Everything Bill planned out to me sounded more like wind. All became black.

Dipper Pines View:

I sneaked into Bill's pyramid castle, I have no idea what he had in store. This is the second time I had to battle him because of weridmageddon! I peeked over to the corner to see, (Y/n)!? a copy of Bill but only blue, and me?! Why did I look like I was ready for the fanciest party I'll ever go to?! I withdrew my head from peeking, Mabel, Ford, Stan, and Wendy looked at me confused. I had a look on my face like I just saw a ghost.

"Dipper, bro bro! What's the matter?" Mabel asks me curiously, I gulp as some sweat rolled down my forehead.

"Mabel......(Y/n) is here." I choked out, Mabel had a shocked face as the rest of the gang had a confused look on there faces. Some of the guys whispered about me that I could be going crazy to think of a girl named (Y/n).

"Dipper? Who's (Y/n)?" Wendy asks me, my face goes slightly pale about what I'm about to tell them.

"(Y/n), she's a girl I have a crush on," I started, I had to take a break for the next part the had to share to everyone.

"Okay, and....?" Everyone but Mabel said.

"She's from a different Universe, Reverse Falls is where she comes from."

A/n: Hello!! I hope you liked this chapter! I hate to break it to you guys, BUT THE END IS NEAR! The alternate endings are going to be coming up, (Y/n) Aka you. Are going to have to chose who you want to be with. Bill, Dipper Pines, Will, or Dipper Gleeful. It's up to you to chose. And I don't want to end this so soon, I really don't but every book has to end some time. If you guys show love and support to this book, I might consider a sequel! If that is this story gets enough support and love. So... yeah. Just wanted to bring that up to you!!

Until the next chapter......BYE! :3

Will Cipher x Reader(Female) x Bill Cipher x Dipper(s)Where stories live. Discover now