Chapter Twenty two

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(Y/n)'s View:

I glared into Dipper's eyes. He never glared at me for some reason, he instead is staring at me with amazement. Why is that? He can't REALLY be in love with me now right? Like I would ever fall for him. Though, his looks are kind cu-

"You really think so (Y/n), that I'm cute? That's so adorable of you to say." Dipper calmly said, I had my heart skip a beat. I looked down in shame. I was so stupid to think that I would get away with that thought. Will must think I'm insane to think that Dipper was cute. I wouldn't have any grudges though, he has witnessed the worst of Dipper even before I came to Reverse Falls. I began to drown in my regret of thinking that Dipper was cute.

Will Cipher's View:

I can't believe (Y/n) thinks that Dipper Gleeful is cute?! Of course! just like all his other fan girls. How could I have been such a dumb ass?! I grabbed (Y/n)'s wrist with rage and stormed off into her room with (Y/n) dragged behind me, she slightly mumbled with pain but I was too upset to care. I swung the door open and went inside with (Y/n). I tossed her onto her bed and I slammed the her bedroom door shut. I hit my fist into her bedroom door. I felt tears stroll rapidly down my face. (Y/n) walks up to me and puts a hand on my back. I fell to my knees and began to mess up my face with sadness.

"W-Will, I'm sorry. I-I'll understand if you're mad at me." (Y/n) replied to me, I heard her start to cry. I don't want her to be sad, my own emotions got the best of me again. I sighed and turned to softly nuzzle (Y/n).

"I-It's not your fault, I just got...worried. You know how Dipper can be h-here. Right? Th-This is not the Dipper back in Gravity Falls." I answered. (Y/n) nodded her head with her face in my chest. I wanted her to be safe and happy, if she can reach those two requirements. Then I'm happy as I could ever be. I cuddled her closely. I lifted her head softly, I came closer to her face.

"......Go for it." (Y/n)'s warm breath hit my lips. I pulled her into the kiss. Our lips connected and I pushed her deeper into the kiss. My face warmed up and hers warmed too. I accidently made (Y/n) fall over and I toppled on top of her. I blushed madly and got off her.

"S-Sorry, anyways, we should think of a way to try and get rid of Dipper." I replied, helping (Y/n) off the floor. She smiled at me, I blushed and turned away.

"Okay, what did you have in mind?" (Y/n) asked curiously, I looked back to her and shrugged my shoulders. She gave me a worried look, but I sure had a plan. All (Y/n) needed to do is to tell Dipper that she didn't like him. She possibly can't love Dipper anyways, right?

"Here's the plan...." I started. (Y/n) listened carefully.

Dipper Gleeful's View: 

What was (Y/n) and Will doing in her room?? I wondered, I sat impatiently on (Y/n)'s living room couch. I swear to god if he makes out with (Y/n). I'm going to kill him, but how? He's a dream demon! I tapped my foot against the floor quickly. Then Will and (Y/n) came down stairs, she had a cute and flirty look in her eyes. Will followed behind her, with full concentration on (Y/n).

"Hey Dipper," (Y/n) flirted, Will looked at her with surprise, almost hurt......I liked where this was going. "You know, I've been blind about how cute you were until now. How about a date? 7:30 tonight?" (Y/n) asked, she grabbed my ribbon tie and pulled me closely to her face. Our foreheads nearly making contact.

"You bet (Y/n). I'll gladly see you then princess." I said, being flirty with my words. I saw her blush but she didn't want to admit that she was blushing. Will began to tear up in the background. I smiled darkly at his reaction, what kind of person would want to be with Will? He's nothing be a weakling demon, who never will have anyone to enjoy life with. Since he can live forever, That means he'll suffer from pain eternally emotionally and physically. I grimly smiled mentally.

"(Y-Y/n)!! H-How could you do this?!" Will cried, a couple tears escaped his eye. I looked at him with pleasure, stupid Will.

"Sorry Will, this was MY decision. So live with it." (Y/n) said cruelly, Will still fought back tears and was heart broken by what (Y/n) just said to him.

(Y/n)'s View:

Wow, I didn't know that Will was a great actress for fake crying. I guess it's a part of him. Being the adorable and sensitive per-demon I've ever met. I kept up on my acting. I just hoped that whatever I said didn't really get to him. Since all of this is fake, but the date thing really is going to have to happen. If I didn't go, then Asshole Dipstick will know I planned something.

"Anyways, Mr. Gleeful.... I'll see you tonight then. Correct?" I asked with flirt. I had thoughts about the loads of clichés and cringe I just said. I was relived when Dipper bought the bait.

"Of course, anything for my princess." He replied, and he got off the living room couch. Then he went out the front door. I sighed in relief when he thought everything I told him was true. I had to go on a date with Dipper now too though. I sighed and face palmed myself after Dipper closed the door. I think I took some of the things I said too seriously.

"Y-You'll be okay (Y/n). You only said a single date." Will informed me, he wiped the fake tears he forced out and I sighed and nodded.

"Thanks Will, couldn't have done this without you." I replied, I gave him a quick hug and I then headed upstairs. I looked back at Will, he was a blushing mess. I held in my laughing until I went into my room and locked the door. I burst out laughing and flop onto my bed. I cracked up until my sides started to painfully ache. I rolled all over my bed, messing up my neatness of my bed.

"Boy, I'm going to have to get ready for Dipper tonight...." The thought hit me like a bullet, I stopped my laughing act. And I sighed, I really didn't want to go. But I had too.... I looked at my alarm clock. "5:25" I still had time to unwind and relax. I unlocked my door to see Will floating in front.

"(Y-Y/n)? I-I'm a little tired, can we take a n-nap?" Will asked, he still was stuttering. But I didn't mind, in fact, this made himself look more cuter than ever!

"Sure, I don't having anything else to do anyway." I informed, I let Will in and I pull up the bed sheets and cover myself in them. Will joins me and he snuggles with me. I loved it when I slept with Will, he's so warm and cuddly when we sleep together. I shut my (E/c) eyes, and I fall into a peaceful, calming sleep.

Dipper Gleeful's View:  

I couldn't wait to see (Y/n) on our date! I never thought this would happen, I have to look extra good for (Y/n). She is going to be my queen after all. Might as well make myself presentable. I grabbed my fancy aqua vest, a black long sleeved blouse. And some black pants along with some fresh pair of white gloves.

"Dipper? What's the occasion?" I turned to see Mabel peeking into my bedroom, I smiled at her to inform her that tonight was going to be very special to me.

"Remember that girl? (Y/n), she came to one of our shows a couple of days ago. I'm going on a date with her tonight." I say as I slip on my pair of white gloves, I check to see the time on my watch... "5:50". I guess I was a bit too quick with what I should wear. I shrugged and removed everything until I was back into my causal clothes I was in earlier.

"Well, I hope that (Y/n) is that special girl you've always wanted." Mabel sang, then she left my doorway so she could shove her face with cupcakes. I looked at the large mirror across my room. I sighed as I looked at myself.

"I-I know (Y/n) is the one! Unlike some other girls who only wanted me to share my popularity." I thought to myself and sighed, I exited my room and followed Mabel who was in the kitchen. Like I guessed earlier, she really loved her cupcakes.... 

A/N: Hii! JanisReader here! I just wanted to let you guys know, this is going to be the last chapter I post until I'm finished with my little camping trip. So.... on Thursday 18th and Friday 19th, I won't be updating. I'm soooo sorry! I just wanted to finish this chapter so you guys could enjoy it until I get back! I swear I'll be making more for make-up miss days. But for now....This is it. Once Again, I'm sorry to do this to you guys. But I hope you understand. And like always, I hope you are liking the story and thank you for giving me support!

Until the next chapter......BYE! :3

Will Cipher x Reader(Female) x Bill Cipher x Dipper(s)Where stories live. Discover now