Chapter Twelve

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Will Cipher's View:

"GOD DAMN IT!"  I thought, Dipper and Mabel got away with (Y/n) again! I knew all along I couldn't trust them. I felt like such an idiot to fall into there trap, thinking about all this made me mad as hell. I went through the flame wall I created, I walked outside. Seeing the early rays of sun shine upon the town. I floated myself into the forests of Gravity Falls. I had my emotions take over, small brushes and trees burned from my angry aura. Turning almost everything in the forest into ashes and dust.

"Looks like I'm the cat, and Dipper and Mabel are the mice."  I laughed psychotically. I lost my mind....

(Y/n)'s View:

I heard a insane laugh miles away from us. I got shivers running down my spine, the heart of the forest was pretty dark, not many trees were little. Most of the bushes were dying slowly. I turned to Dipper, looking into his journal. His face completely confused, I wondered if he knew we were all lost. I didn't want to start to think about what Will would do if he caught up to Dipper and Mabel. He of course wouldn't KILL them, r-right?

"Um.... Guys?" Dipper whispered, his face turning pale.

"Yeah? what is it?" Mabel and I said in sync. We slightly hug each other, preparing on what Dipper was going to tell us.

"I....think we're lost." Dipper quickly said, his face suddenly turned pink. I felt like all my hope drained from my soul. Then a voice calmly yet chilling voice echoed through the trees and bushes.

"(Y/n), where are you?" Will sang, why did he sound somewhat angry? Trees and withered bushes from behind began to burn rapidly, in yellow flames. I gulped nervously, then I grabbed Dipper's wrist and tried to get his attention. I swear that he blushed a deeper pink. 

"Dipper, Mabel, we need to go. NOW" I said stiffly, I dragged Dipper and Mabel deeper into the woods. I kept hearing Will sing insanely about where I was going, like I said, I love Will. But, what's wrong with him? I shook it all off, I wanted to help Dipper and Mabel get away from Will's wrath of anger. It would pain me to see a kind version of Dipper and Mabel Gleeful be hunted down. I understood that he had a bad history with Dipper and Mabel Gleeful. But, this Dipper and Mabel weren't like the Dipper and Mabel we knew back in Reverse Falls. I looked over and over behind my shoulder. To see if Will was still behind our backs. I forgot to pay attention to what was in front of me, I slammed my face first into a big tree. I fell backwards, holding me nose. I moaned in pain, I took my hands away from my nose. It was bleeding, great, just what I wanted at a time like this. I touched my nose lightly, it stings so much. I screeched in pain. Flopping on the grassy floor like a land fish. 

Will Cipher's View:  

I kept looking in the forests of Gravity Falls. Searching for my one and only (Y/n). I heard a screeching cry of pain, it wasn't just anyone's. It was (Y/n)'s, did Dipper and Mabel hurt her!? I swear to god if they did, I would KILL them if they did! I summoned a dagger, making sure this one was extra sharp. I flew to where the cries of pain were coming from. I went as fast as I could take myself. The thought of Dipper and Mabel possibly hurting (Y/n) made my blue hair and blue clothes flare into a red. I incinerated way more trees and bushes into ashes. I felt my demon eye burn through my black triangular eye patch. Revealing my eye completely black eye, my pupil was no longer blue. Instead, It was a bright red. The only white left was the shines from the sun, I didn't care about anything else but my dear (Y/n). Once I find her, I would dagger Dipper and Mabel for ever daring to hurt (Y/n). Then i'd hold her closely in my arms, promising her that i'd protect her with all my life. 

"I hope (Y/n) is okay...."  

(Y/n)'s View:

Before I could stand back onto my feet. A red figure with yellow flames surrounding him stood half a mile away from me, Dipper, and Mabel. I covered my bleeding nose, then the figure got closer and closer. He snapped his neck towards Dipper and Mabel, they were sibling hugging each other. The figure then dashed to Dipper, having a hand tightly grip Dipper's neck. I gasped in shock, I flinched back and hit my back up against a nearby tree. The mysterious person looked at me, his face softening from his face filled with anger and rage. Into a concerned and curious look. He took his hand away Dipper's neck, dropping him to the floor. Dipper gagged slightly and saw in terror as the insane figure came walking towards me. My instincts made my body push deeper into the tree I leaned against. I shuddered as the figure got closer and closer to me. His fingers went under my chin, lifting my head up. He then kissed me passionately. Why did his touch feel so familiar?

"(Y-Y/n)? are you okay?" asked the figure, his voice....

"W-Will..?!" I squeaked, I then looked at strange teen. His hair was still red, and his one eye was black and red. I couldn't believe that this was Will. I shook my head violently, making me slightly dizzy. Will then out of the blue, picked me up princess style. I blushed madly, I desperately hidden my tomato face.

"(Y/n) d-did Dipper and Mabel hurt you?" Will asked, his fingers stripped softly through my (H/c) hair, brushing strands behind my ear. He then turned to the Pine twins with a deathly glare. I saw Will getting the wrong idea. No one had realized, but Will had a sharp dagger in his hand.

"N-No! Will! They didn't hurt me! I just ran into a tree by accident!" my words sped out of my mouth. Will turned back towards me, he dug his face into my chest. He began to cry, his flaring red features turned back blue. Will sobbed loudly into my black tang top. I patted his back, signaling him to let it all out. The dagger he once held vanished into oblivion. It made me feel more calm.

"(Y/n), I-I though I lost you..." he said, squeezing his words through sobs and hiccups. I told him that he would never lose me, "I promised you that I would keep you safe, I never want to lose you."

Dipper's View: 

I saw Will and (Y/n) hugging each other. It made me feel both jealous and heart broken. I wanted (Y/n) to myself! But, how could I make that happen? I stared to feel dizzy, my eyelids grew heavy. I passed out into many shades of black. I heard (Y/n) yelp my name before falling. I woke up, in a black space. I twisted all around the place, moving my levitating body everywhere. I then saw a man that looked like Will appear, but everything blue was now yellow. And he had an eye patch on his left eye. I groaned as he just opened his mouth, I got a clear hint who this guy might be.

"What do you want Bill?" I asked annoyed, giving him the back of my back.

"Come on Pine tree! you don't like my new looks?" Bill asked, somewhat frustrated. I rolled my eyes, all I wanted right now was to have (Y/n).

"Ahh! I see you want (Y/n) too, correct?" Bill asked devilishly, I turned to face him. I completely forgot that Bill could read my mind, I mentally face palmed myself. Bill giggled grimly, I sighed.

"Y-yeah? And what are you going to do about it?" I said aggressively, making fists. Bill rolled his eyes like he wasn't afraid at all.

"Well, Pine tree, your lucks lost, I have my eyes on (Y/n) too. And, why would I be afraid to have you punch me? Like you might already know, pain is hilarious!" Bill cracked up on the last three words he said. I cringed and I wanted to wake up! 

I gasped in oxygen. I saw (Y/n) and Mabel shake me violently to get me awake. I pealed my eyes open, they both hugged me happily to see me awake. I looked over Mabel's shoulder, seeing Will sit under a trees shadow, keeping himself cool. He his fingers into his blue hair. I stuck my tongue at him. Since he had his head in between his legs, it saved me from seeing his anger at me again. I just embraced Mabel and (Y/n)'s warm hugs.... That Will wasn't getting none of.

A/N: Hi!! JanisReader here! I just wanted to apologize about me not updating yesterday! It was late at night! So, I didn't have much time to finish this, also, homework bit my ass hard. So, I had to do that too. Today however, I have a field trip for school today! I'm expecting no homework today! And I should have more time to focus on Chapter Thirteen! (Dip's favorite number! :3) I'm thinking that the next chapter should be out by today. So....Yeah! as always, I hope you are enjoying the story and you enjoyed this chapter!

Until the next chapter.......BYE! :3   

Will Cipher x Reader(Female) x Bill Cipher x Dipper(s)Where stories live. Discover now