Be with Will Ending

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(Y/n)'s View:

I thought about my choices here, out of all the guys I've spent time with the most. Will is the winner in all my mind contests. He's nice, sensitive, protective, and even more of what I'd want in a guy. I run to Will as he spreads his arms open to embrace my hug. I tackled him with my hug, so hard we laugh as we hit the floor and hug.

"Will, let's get out of here." I whispered to him, I cuddled him as I felt his hands stroke my (H/c) hair. I smile to myself knowing Will agrees with my.

"Y-Yeah, let's go home (Y/n)." Will says calmly, he quickly goes up to Dipper and takes his aqua stone and absorbs it's magic. Giving Will more power to reopen the portal. I walk over to Will as he holds onto my hand and we look behind us to see the portal back to Reverse Falls appear. We smile to each other as we ran over to the portal home.

Time skip.....

It's been nearly a whole year now, I'm almost going to turn sixteen. Will now becomes my boyfriend. I love him with all my heart, I sat near the edge of the cliff of Reverse Falls. I heard Will rustle near me and I look up to see him sit next to me. I scoot closer to him, Will does the same for me.

"I love you (Y/n), and I will never stop that." Will spoke clearly, I smiled at him sincerely as we pulled into each other to kiss passionately. Will gets on top of me and starts to make out with me, I melted like butter placed into an oven. We made out until I got a text from my mom, saying that I should start heading home. I sighed knowing I have to leave Will here again.

"Sorry Will, It's my mom, but I'll see you tomorrow for sure my blueberry." I replied, I blew him an air kiss before leaving him.

"I'll wait as long as forever to see you again." I heard Will whisper into the wind, I smiled. Knowing Will is always there for me, no matter what.

A/N: Alright! The Will ending is done! Now all I have to do is the two Dipsticks! Oh! Hey! JanisReader here! Sorry, didn't see you there. I'm trying to make the last two endings for this story before I end this. So yeah.... hang tight! I'm trying to make all four of the endings done by tonight! (It's night time over here...)

Until the next ending........BYE! :3

Will Cipher x Reader(Female) x Bill Cipher x Dipper(s)Where stories live. Discover now