Chapter Sixteen pt.2 Go with Will

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(Y/n)'s View:

I looked into Bill's hopeful eyes, did he really ask me to take him to the party?! I sighed inwards, I really promised Will that I would take him to the party. And the way Will looked so happy about m taking him. I had to tell Bill.

"Bill....I'm so sorry, I already have my hands taken....for Will." I whispered to him. Bill's hope drained out of his eyes, I had a weakness for making people I care for sad. I felt myself slowly drown in my guilt.

"O-Okay, just....let me know if you change your mind my pearl." Bill replied in a downcast tone. Then he exited the store and disappeared into the crowds of people. Mabel finished trying on the dress I recommended, and said that my choice was perfect. She then hugged me for a thanks, I laughed awkwardly as other people in the store stared at me and Mabel. I took Mabel and my dress to the counter to pay for them. Mabel's two friends only got small clip on hats. I paid for everything the we started to walk back to the shack.

I went through the store and went into my room where I left Will to get changed. I opened the door wide open to see Will dressed in a fancy tuxedo. He turned to me and then flew towards me. I hid my dress from Will, gripping the handles behind my back.

"So (Y/n), h-how was your trip to the mall?" Will asked interested in the story. I blushed slightly.

"It was good! I got the dress I wanted, and I see your all fancied up for the party." I sang. Will blushed lightly. I chuckled and playfully punched him.

"Y-Yeah, I hope I look good. What do you think?" I examined the tux Will wore for the party. Everything from the simple patterned jacket to the black shoes were perfect. I looked up and nodded to Will that everything he wore was great. My smile then sadden as I remembered the upset face of Bill. He really wanted to go, and it flattered me that he asked me to go with him. Will saw my sorrowful face. He tapped me lightly waking me up from my thoughts.

"(Y/n)?, are you alright? You seem sad about something."

"Yeah, a little." I replied, guilt inside me kept growing. I threw my hands onto my face, then flopping into the queen sized bed. Will came and sat next to me, he sighed. I lifted my head up slightly, to see Will hurt at seeing me being sad. I can't blame him though, he's a nice and sensitive guy.

"W-Well? what happen? I want to m-make you feel better." Will said, then I dived into Will's chest and hugged him. He flinched at first, but then embraced my embrace. I let Will go, then I breathed in and out.

"Remember your brother? Bill? he asked me to take him to the party. But I declined because I wanted to go with you. And the sad face Bill gave me is fucking murdering my heart!" I said flinging my arms around. I then fell back first onto the bed. Will mimicked me and fell onto the bed as well. I turned my head towards him. 

"(Y/n), you did the right thing to reject Bill's invitation, I've known my brother for a long time now. He's mostly up to no good. So don't feel bad." Will sighed. He seemed relieved that I chose not to go with Bill. I looked at the ceiling, the endless color of depressing white. I felt a gloved hand touch my cheek. It was Will, I looked to him and he gave me a weak smile.

"Thanks Will," I paused and checked the time on my rose gold IPhone. My eyes widen when I saw the time, "Oh crap! I forgot to change! Brb Will!" I cried as I dashed into the bathroom to change into my new dress.

Will Cipher's View:

I've heard (Y/n) swear quite a bit. But I didn't mind, she's cute at heart and face and that's what matters. I lifted myself off the bed me and (Y/n) were laying on and I waited for her to finish her changing. I tapped my foot cause I was just that bored. I decided to quit doing my act as it would intimidate (Y/n). She then came out of the bathroom, my jaw dropped as she came out. She looked like a real life princess. Her orange and hot pink dress nearly hit the ground. Her straps were bows and she wore snow white gloves. I noticed that she had her face in a pure red.

"Shall we go? Princess (Y/n)?" I teased, her face redden if it was even possible to go any further than her face already was.

"W-Will! Stop it! I saw your going to make me blush so hard people can see it a mile away!" (Y/n) said annoyed, I held in laughter to see (Y/n) completely flustered. I checked the time to see the party was about to start soon.

"Okay but seriously, let's head to the party. Times almost up!" I said, then I took (Y/n)'s hand to the party.

Time Skip.....      

I looked around the fancy ball room. I never knew the Northwests were that rich! I always thought that the Gleeful twins were the richest in the world! I was thirsty the time me and (Y/n) made it to the Northwest party.

"H-Hey (Y/n)?" I grabbed her attention, she hummed a 'hmm?' "I'm going to get some fruit punch. Want any?" I asked, I still was mesmerized by the dress she was wearing.

"Sure, and after that. We can do some dancing if your okay with that." (Y/n) said cheerfully.

"O-Of course I don't mind, As long as your the one dancing with me. Then I'm fine." I said sheepishly. (Y/n) chuckled and punched me playfully.

"That was so adorably sappy Will!" She said, "Alright, you go do that. I'll wait for you on the dance floor!" She cheered happily. Then she ran to the middle of the room, where all the dancers were dancing.

(Y/n)'s View:

I never had a dance with a guy before, and Will was going to be the first to dance with me. I happily day dreamed the elegant dance we could be doing. I loved sappy romance stories and sappy YouTube videos. I hated being single, even though me and Will kissed and he confessed that he loved me. I loved him back, but I didn't want to jump far into conclusions. I popped back to reality when I bumped into someone, and they caught me. I was so embarrassed and kept yelping sorry over and over again.

"Hey, don't sweat it my little pearl." the teen the same age as me said, wait, 'Pearl?' I've heard that nickname before. I pushed this mysterious man away and saw who he really was. He smiled at me and I couldn't respond. "B-Bill?! W-What are you doing here?!" I cried in shock, making sure that only me and Bill could hear. Knowing what Will could do if he found out about what happened here. I got to my feet and stood up. I then decided to try and walk away, but Bill grabbed my hand. I turned back to him to see him about to kiss me. But in the crowd, I heard two cups drop to the floor. Everything went silent. I looked over to see who it was, it was Will. he just dropped the two cups of fruit punch. I saw in his eyes flare into anger. I pushed Bill away, I saw Will hurt emotionally.

"W-Wil-" I was shut up by a tackle from Will. He picked me up princess style and ran away from Bill. Not leaving the party though. I then saw Will glaring at Bill with hate.

"WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT!? (Y/N) INVITED ME TO THE PARTY! NOT YOU!" he screamed, I saw his hair turn a faint red. I whispered to him that he would be found out if he kept up with his act. Will then took a deep breath and sighed.

"Oh come on Will! Like I said, you can't just hog (Y/n) all to yourself." Bill said in his more demonic voice. They argued for minutes, until a lumber jack ghost came flying out of a painting and chanted in angry words.

"Where are you Northwest?" he echoed with frustration.

I shivered in fear. What will happen? I was about to find out.

A/N: Hi everybody! JanisReader here! I hope you liked this multiple choice alternative. It took me a while to make this second choice happen. Originally, I was going to post this yesterday. But something came up and I had to decline that. So, here it is! I hope you like it! It's not the exact same as the one for Bill. But I tried my best to make it as close as possible. Overall though. I wish you all a great day and enjoy this chapter!!

Until the next chapter....BYE! :3 

Will Cipher x Reader(Female) x Bill Cipher x Dipper(s)Where stories live. Discover now