Chapter Twenty four

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Will Cipher's View:

I waited for (Y/n) to come home, I never wanted to go to bed without her in my arms. I suddenly heard the door behind me slam open and I turned to see (Y/n) tired and she had a look on her face, why does she look like she just saw a ghost or something? I saw her kick her flats off and walk restlessly into the bathroom.

"Crap... I forgot my pajama's again!" (Y/n) shouted frustrated, I had no idea what happened to (Y/n) with her fake date with Dipper. I guessed that it didn't go as smoothly as we both would have planned. I came over to the bathroom door and knocked on the door. I heard (Y/n) sigh loudly and the door creaks open, I stupidly walk in to see her only in her panties. She screams and I blush and smash the door close. I think I might have done it too hard, I ended up breaking the door and I held the entire door with me only holding the knob to hold it. I covered my blue eye with the door as a shield. (Y/n) runs out the bathroom to quickly scramble to find her a pair of PJ's. 

"I-I'm so sorry (Y/n)! I-I just panicked and...." I started to tear up, tightening my grip on the knob of the used to be bathroom door. I felt (Y/n)'s soft hand touch my arm, I tilted my head to see (Y/n) in a T-shirt and some long pajama pants. She wipes my tears away and I smile at her sheepishly and weakly.

"It's alright Will.... But I don't think my parents are gonna like this..." (Y/n) said, she eyed at the door I held. I blushed embarrassed and drop the door, leaning it next to the wall nearest to the bathroom. I stopped crying and I dried my eye.

"A-Anyways, how was the 'date' with Dipper?" I asked (Y/n), she responded me with silence. I quirked my head and noticed (Y/n) blushed, I didn't want to read her mind. But I got too curious and decided to do it.

"I can't believe I kissed Dipper, If Will ever found out he'd...."  I had my eye wide open, I backed away. Is it true on what (Y/n) just thought?! I teared up again. I can't even imagine Dipper and (Y/n) being together.... I care about (Y/n) too much to let some psycho like Dipper to take her away! I dried my eye up and sighed inwards heavily. (Y/n) looks at me with a confused look, giving me the 'what's wrong?' face.

"(Y-Y/n), I-I don't want to be rude or a-anything... But, is it true? You kissed Dipper on the date?" I asked shakily, her (E/c) eyes widen in surprise and stepped back. I looked away and decided the time isn't right. She just got back for the date with Dipper too, "N-Never mind, I-I can wait till you're r-ready. It's late tonight, W-We better get to bed." I ended and I hopped into (Y/n)'s bed, I flicked my fingers together to morph my clothes into a clean white T-shirt and some blue shorts.

"Will, you have your own bed. Not that I don't mind, but why don't you ever use it?" (Y/n) asked me, she pointed to the bed I spawned a long while ago. I snapped my fingers to make the bed I had across the room from (Y/n)'s bed disappear.

"W-What bed?" I asked, teasing (Y/n). She rolled her eyes and she came over to her bed, I smiled and she looked at me with a 'alright' look. She opens the bedsheets and tucks herself into her bed. I followed behind her and I cuddle next to her.

"You know Will?" She started, I turned my face towards her. I rested my head on her pillow. I looked into her beautiful (E/c) eyes. I felt my face heat up. 'hmm'? I hummed to her. "I always thought we could be more than friends, I know you love me. But, I'm not ready for a final decision yet."

"I-I understand (Y/n). I'll w-wait as long as I can," I replied, I covered my face with the blanket. I heard (Y/n) giggle and pull the blanket I hided my face down. I gulped nervously, (Y/n) cuddles closer to me. She then leans into me, I felt her tips of her finger nails carve and feel out my mussels, "(Y-Y/n-" I felt her soft lips crash onto mine. We made out under the bedsheets, (Y/n) and I kept on making out until we both needed air and got tired.

"I might not be able to choose a certain someone just yet, but I love all you guys the same and equal way." (Y/n) told me, then she fell asleep and hung onto me as she slept. I placed a hand on her head and pulled her closer to me. I slept with (Y/n) all to myself, I didn't even care anymore about her kissing Dipper. He probably forced her to, that made my mind spin with madness but I swiftly brushed it off. All I wanted was to sleep with (Y/n).

"I love you (Y/n), and I always will. I'll protect you no matter what the costs might be." I whispered into her ear, I began to close my eye. The new triangular eyepatch was like a mini pillow to my demonic eye. Before I could fully sleep with (Y/n) nuzzling next to me. I could hear a faint two words 

"Thank you."    

A/N: Hello everyone! It's a me! JanisReader! I wanted to apologize about my slight delays, I've been feeling a little sick lately, no I'm not throwing up or going to the hospital. But I've been having a sore throat and it's annoying AF. However I hope I satisfied your impatience and are happy to read this chapter! I also want to say sorry about this chapter being shorter, like I said before... I'm trying to work on tow stories now. And boy ain't it any easier, sarcasm. It really is a struggle to make chapters for both of them. But right now... I'm just praying that you enjoyed this chapter. Cause the next chapter won't be for a little while, I want to get deeper into the other story as well... so yea.

Until the next chapter.....BYE! :3

Will Cipher x Reader(Female) x Bill Cipher x Dipper(s)Where stories live. Discover now