Make it Real.. <3 [SamVon]

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Reproduction or usage of the following stories in whole or in part in any form by any electronic, mechanical, or other means, now known or hereinafter including xerography, photocopying and recording, or in any information storage or retrieval system, is forbidden without the permission from the owner. All the characters in the following stories have no existence whatsoever outside the imagination of the author, and have no relation to anyone having the same name or names. They are not even distantly inspired by any individual known or unknown to the author, and all the incidents are merely invention.

COPYRIGHT © 2012 by AnneJade06

All rights reserved.

Author's Note:

Hey yo! Wazzup people? So, this is my very first SamVon Fanfic.. I hope you guys will like it. Etong storya na to ay matagal ko nang naisip kaya naman naisipan ko nang i- post. Ayoko kasing mabaon na lang kasuluk- sulukan ng utak ko tong idea kaya sinimulan ko nang gawan ng story.

Sana po ay basahin niyo siya and mag- comment naman po kayo. Gusto ko kasing malaman ang mga opinyon niyo eh. Gusto ko rin namang ma- feel na may nagbabasa talaga. Nakakatampo lang kasi yung type ka ng type at isip pa ng isip tapos yung mga magbabasa di man lang mag- effort na magsabi ng kahit na anong comment. Mag- vote na rin kayo, one click away lang naman yun eh.

I just want to remind you people that I won't take/ accept criticisms about my characters. I don't give a damn about your dislike or hatred or whatever about them. I hopeyou can respect them cause they're not just mere characters, for me, they truly exist. I'll accept criticisms bout my work but not bout them. Are we clear? If yes, then good.




Devon May Seron as Demi Saavedra

Samuel Laurence Concepcion as Sander Contierra

JM De Guzman as Denver Saavedra

Coleen Garcia as Hannah Gonzaga


Aaron Villaflor as Axcel Villanueva

Enrique Gil as Quen Gil

Tricia Santos as Trixie Santos

James Reid as Jared Reid

Make it Real.. &lt;3 [SamVon] -UNDER MAJOR HEAVY RECONSTRUCTION-Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon