Getting lost in the snow

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I know its almost summer but bear with me 😄

The snow was falling, and Josh was sitting at his desk rendering some Christmas videos. He was done with the recordings, and the editing. After a while his videos were finished, and he was bored. Wondering what to do next, he got up from his chair and looked out the window.
"What is this? Are we in Canada now, Jeez." He murmured to himself. "Might aswell get something to eat..."

As he was going down de stairs he bumped into somebody.

"Simon, are you okay?" Asked the bearded one of the two.

"Yeah of course. I'm sorry for bumping into you." Said the blonde.

"You were going to the kitchen too?"

" Yeah, I'm craving some Nando's, are you up for it?" Josh asked nervously.

Why was he nervous? It was just one of his best mates. Not like he asked him out on a date or something.

" Sure thing, bro. My car or yours?"


~~~~~~Time skip after Nando's~~~~~~

They were driving towards the Sidemen house when they heard a beeping sound from the car.

" What's up with the car?" Asked a concerned Simon.

" We're out of gas and... Somethings up with the coolant. I'll pull over"

The house was not so far away from them, the snow storm calmed down, so they decided to walk instead.

"Why does snow have to be so fucking cold! My hands are like icicles! Josh, why did you say that we are not far from home? We are like miles away still. And we've been walking for, how much time? Half an hour?

"Chill out Si, we're almost there. Plus I can help you with your hand problem"

"What'd you mean?"

Josh grabbed his hand out of nowhere, and intertwined their fingers.

" Is it better now?"


The boys kept walking till they
saw an unfamiliar bank with closed shops around it.

"Where the hell are we?"
Josh was so deep in thought that he didn't hear the other sideman. Mostly thinking about the lanky boy and how he let him hold his hand in public. They aren't dating...


"I'm sorry Si. What did you say?" He looked around, noticing their surroundings. " Oh shit. Okay, don't panick. Do you have mobile data?"

" Yeah" Simon pulled out ( ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )) his phone, trying to get a signal. " There is no signal."

" Let me try it." The phone was handed to him. " Your mum eats a dick. Oh my God!"

" I'm panicking now."

" Why don't we go into that bank right there? We can ask for help."

"Wait. Its closed due to weather problems."

Simon was clearly terrified now. He was afraid of getting lost especially in a weather like this.

" Calm down. We have to go back to my car and somehow get signal, so we can call a trailer or something."

" Why do you think there will be signal? "

" Si..."

"Don't Si me Joshua! Your idea was to abandon your car and walk instead. There's literally no one around. We're gonna freeze to death."

Josh had enough of this. He was already worried, he didn't need his crush's dramatic panicking.

Without thinking he kissed him. At first Simon dind't kiss back, but after realizing what was happening, he did. They both melted into the kiss. Eventually they needed to pull away for air.

" That was one way to shut me up." Stated Simon still out of breath.

" Yeah... I'm sorry I wasn't thinking. You're not even gay.."

" Don't apologise. You aren't gay either." Simon winked and grasped the older boy's hand. " Lets get your car, shall we?"

After some walking they finally found Josh's car and managed to call a trailer.
~~~~~~ In the living room of the Sidemen house ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

" I'm never leaving the house ever again."

" Why? I thought we could build a snowman Si." Said Josh with a cheeky grin.

" You know who will build a snowman? My ass."

" I would love to see that!" After that comment the brunette received a punch from Simon.

" Ouch! Sometimes I question myself, why I fell for you." Simons eyes widened after that sentence.

"I should shut my mouth and just go to my room. Forget it."

" Wait." Simon grabbed Josh's chin and pulled him into a deep passionate kiss.

" I love you too. No homo tho"

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