Charity match

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In which Josh and Simon are dating, but only Tobi knows.

I almost wrote smut in it, but I changed my mind.


Simon's POV

It was the 18th of May. Four days before our charity match. As I was walking down the stairs I felt a horrible pain in my left foot. I quickly put my hand on my ankle where it hurt.

" Oh fuck... Oh fuck... Oh fuck..." I didn't know what to do. I didn't dare to stand on it, because I didn't want it to get more damaged.

" Joooosh!" I shouted for my boyfriend. Hoping he wasn't recording.

" Yes, ba... Simon?" He shouted back from the hallway.

" Come down the stairs quick!"

He rushed down where I was.

" Why are you standing here babe? What happened?" He was concerned I could tell.

" My ankle hurts. Help me." He picked me up bridal style and carried me to our livingroom, putting me down on the couch.

" What did you do to it?"

" Nothing I was going down the stairs when it just BAM! and I had a shooting pain in my ankle." He chuckled at my " sound affect" then slowly touched my ankle.

" Does this hurt?" He looked up at me. I hissed in pain.

" I'll take it as a yes then. We have to take you to the doctor."

" Nooo. I don't wanna!"

" Si, we have to know what this is, so the doctor can tell us how to cure it." He kissed my cheek.

" But what if he says I can't play on Sunday?" I panicked.

" Then you will be my cheerleader from the grandstand." He placed a gentle kiss on my lips just before JJ came in.

" What's up guys?" He asked eyebrows raised.

" He hurt his ankle and I'm taking him to the doctor's."

"Let me help."


The doctor told me I sprained my ankle and I can't play on Sunday, and it will take around 2 weeks or more to heal.

I told the guys it was nothing and I just have to rest for 3 days and the pain will go away.

I can't let my friends and subscribers down, because of a stupid injury.

Josh didn't believe me, but said he will try to help me heal.

Josh carried me to my room and put me down on my bed.

" I think now I'm allowed to sleep with you." I wiggled my eyebrows at him when he said that. " No. Not like that... Not when you're injured. I'm going to tell Vikk and JJ it is for your safety and we're good to go."

" Come here." He sat down next to me.

" What do you need darling?"

" You." I purred.

" No. I'll go tell Jide that I'm sleeping here."

" Then we won't cuddle today."

" Like that's your choice..." With that he left my room. I felt defeated.

I went back to editing one of my videos. After like 10 minutes he came back.

" I told him I'm going to sleep on your sofa." He plopped down on the chair next to me.

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