Chapter one

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"DJ, you're going to be late, lets go." I yelled up to my nine year old son. I raised DJ all by myself and my parents were not happy about it. They kept asking me who the father was and I never really told them. Even though I gave my son his name, Dean never found out about his son and I never wanted him to find out about him either. It wasn't fair to him, he had a life now and I'm sure he has a wife or girlfriend and bringing a child into his life 10 years after he left probably isn't the best thing.
Well I though that.
Dean told me about his life. He told me what he did with his father and honestly, when he first told me I thought he was nuts but then I started to really pay attention to him and I found out that he was telling the truth.
When I started dating my current boyfriend, Howard things were great. I loved him and everything was perfect. But recently, he started acting funny and has a little bit more of a temper so I found an old contact that I knew Dean knew.
Pastor Jim. The pastor of our local church who just happened to be the man who Sam and Dean were staying with the year I got pregnant.
"Hi, pastor Jim. It's Lucy Donavan. I was wondering if I could meet up with you for a minute. I just need to talk to you about something." I said as I called to make sure it was okay to see him.
"Sure, Lucy. Come on down to the church and we can talk." So I did. After dropping DJ off at school, I found myself standing in his office, suddenly afraid to ask the question that I really needed to ask him.
"Listen, I need a phone number. It's really important and I was wondering if you were able to give it to me." He looked a little confused by my request.
"Um, who exactly are you looking for."
"About 10 years ago two boys came to stay with you for a few months and I was wondering if you were still in contact with them. The Winchesters?" His whole demeanor changed. He knew them. He still knew them and he had the contact information that I needed.
"Um, John Winchester?" He asked me. I hated the name. I hated the man who took Dean away from me.
"No, I'm actually looking for Dean. I just need his number." Pastor Jim then pulled out a leather bound book and started flipped through the pages. When he found the page he was looking for, he grabbed a pen and started writing.
"10 years ago huh? The name DJ is starting to make more since." He said, accusingly. He meant no harm by the remark and I took no offense. He had me the paper with Dean's name and number on it.
"Please don't say anything to him. If you speak with him I mean. I just need the number. I..."
"Lucy, you don't have to explain yourself to me. I completely understand and your secret is safe with me." I felt instant relief flood my body and I smiled before thanking him. I walked out knowing that if anything happened, my son would be taken care of.

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