Chapter twenty two

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"Sam." Bobby said behind me. I jumped at the sound of his voice as DJ ran through.
"Uncle Sam! Hey come see what grandpa Bobby showed me."
"Alright bud, just one second alright?" He turned to us and smiled, Dean looked guilty.
"Thanks for patching me up, Bobby. I owe you one." Sam said, slapping him on the shoulder. We both looked do Dean now that Sam had followed DJ.
"Care to explain?" Bobby said as he pushed Dean outside. They walked out to the yard before stopping. I could tell Bobby was yelling at him, pushing him a little.
I walked into the living area of this old stinky house that smelled of old books, old spice, and old whiskey. DJ was having a blast with Sam and I couldn't help but smile. Sam was alive and here. Playing with his nephew, standing to go pick up his niece, who was giggling for him to pick her up, waving her arms around. He did and kissed her cheek, causing her to giggle even harder.
"Alright, before you brake my baby." I said, laughing with them. Sam looked over at me and smiled. I was leaning against the door frame with my arms crossed.
"Hey, you look like you've just seen a ghost." He said, still smiling. Clearly he has no idea what is going on.
"No, I just missed you. You've been gone for a while now." I said, giving him a hug. Connie found it as an invitation to grab my hair.
"Hey you. That's attached." I said, causing more laughs. I heard the door open and three people walked in. Bobby, Dean, and a woman I didn't recognize. Dean noticed my confusion and smiled lightly. I still needed to find out what was going on here.
"Lucy, this is Ellen. A friend of our dads. Ellen this is Lucy, my wife. And that is DJ and Constance, our kids." He introduced us and we all went to the dinning room but I pulled Dean aside before he could.
"What is going on? How is Sam alive?" I whispered after making sure Sam was out of earshot. Dean almost looked guilty. "What did you do?" He looked back to the dinning room before turning back to me.
"We'll talk about it later. Right now we got work to do." I didn't like the answer but I accepted it anyway.
"Fine. I'll be with the kids to make sure they don't wonder in." Dean nodded before kissing my forehead and following the others.

I must have fallen asleep on the couch because when I opened my eyes, it was dark outside and everyone was gone. I sat up straight and started to panic a little. Where were the kids? They're no where to be found and neither where the adults.
"DJ?" I yelled, scared that something happened.
"In here mom." I followed my sons voice and found him in the kitchen.
"Where's your father?" I asked, a little tweaked no one woke me up.
"They had to leave in a hurry but Uncle Sam and grandpa Bobby helped me with setting up so I could put Connie in her crib." I was proud of my son in that moment that he was able to take care of his little sister like that. They were already close and I loved that but I wish I would've been waken up.
"Okay, thank you for that but why didn't they wake me up? I would have liked to have said goodbye to your dad."
"Like I said, in a hurry. They think they caught the demon." I froze. Did he say demon? He didn't did he? I must be dreaming or hallucinating. He couldn't have said demon. He doesn't know about that stuff.
"What did you say?"
"Mom, I'm twelve. Not stupid. I know what dad does. He hunts monsters and ghosts and things. I found grandpa's journal one night and read it. I just figured you guys didn't want me to know yet so I didn't say anything." I can't believe it. I felt tears fill my eyes as he explained it to me.
"Dean, I know your not stupid. I just didn't want you to know about this stuff because you're so young. Your father and your uncle grew up with this and we didn't want that life for you. Not as a child. You and Connie need to have the childhood your father didn't. That's why we didn't tell you." He nodded and wrapped his arms around my neck.

It was the middle of the night when we heard it.
DJ stayed with me in my room because it was just us and after our talk, he made himself comfortable on the window seat. Connie was in her crib, sleeping soundly until it happened.
There was a loud thundering noise and then the house shook. DJ was the first to fully wake up before jumping on my bed, causing me to fully awaken myself. Connie started crying then. I jumped up and grabbed her and huddled with my kids on my bed. I pulled my cell phone from the table and tried calling Dean.
"This is Deans's other, other cell..." Damn. No answer. I handed DJ the baby and slowly got off the bed.
"Mom,  no."
"I'm not going anywhere. I promise. I'm just going to have a look outside." He nodded, holding his sister, tightly.
When I got to the curtain covered windows, I hesitated. I didn't want to know what was going on, but I knew I needed to for the safety of my kids. I drew the edge of the dark clothe slowly and only slightly so DJ couldn't see.
It was black. That's all I could see was black. Black smoke blanketed the windows and probably the house, causing me to be unable to see the outside. I jumped back when I realized what that meant.

It was a while before the thundering stopped. We stayed huddled on the bed until then. I slowly got up when it did and checked the outside. There was no sign of the smoke, no sign that it ever existed and that only meant that the demons in that cloud found humans to possess. At least it wasn't one of us. That's all I could ask for right now. That and that my family came home safely.
I looked down at Connie, asleep in my lap. Exhausted from being awake all night. And then I switched my gaze to DJ. Also asleep. This was not a life I wanted for them. Not even close and here we are, terrified out of our minds that something was happening with Dean not here to protect us. That scared me more than anything.
It's been hours since the demons and now the sun was rising. With the sun came the roar of the impala. I gently stood up, without waking my kids and went down to meet them. I ran out into the porch and saw Dean and Sam climb out of the car.
"Where's Bobby?" I asked as Dean came up to me and wrapped his arms around me.
"Taking Ellen to Jo. Her roadhouse burned down and Ash died along with a hundred other hunters so she had no where else to go." I nodded.
"The kids are asleep upstairs. We need to talk." I said, looking up at my husband.
"She doesn't know does she?" Sam said, obviously pissed about something. I looked between the two, freaked a little, knowing now that Sam knows and he's this upset.
"Know what?" No answer. "Dean what the hell is going on? What did you do?" I yelled, not thinking the kids might hear and wake up.
"Lucy. I sold my soul."

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