Chapter four

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"How could you not tell me?" Dean yelled as he walked away from me, clearly upset.
"I tried but then you told me you were leaving. I couldn't do that to you. I knew your father wouldn't have believed me anyway." I answered, sitting up a little more so I was more comfortable.
"Lucy, I was looking for a reason to stay. I wanted to be with you and that would have been my reason. If you had just told me you were pregnant, I would have stayed with pastor Jim. Dad wouldn't have been able to stop me. Lucy you should have told me."
"I know Dean but I just couldn't and we've done alright so far. I..."
"Yeah, you're doing great. DJ told us where you were last night. We tried calling for hours before we finally gave up and decided it was best just to wait with him until you came home. Don't think we didn't notice that you've been beat to hell." He yelled, interrupting me. I just took a deep breath and tried to remain calm.
"You don't know Howard."
"Oh but you do. How long has this been going on? Has he hit him yet?"
"No." I yelled. "I would never let that happen." He sat down in the chair, blowing out a breath of air.
"Looks like you let him do enough."
"That's not fair." I said, now tearing up. "You think I wanted this to happen? Do you honestly believe I want to go out with him again? Don't you know how terrified I am right now?" Dean's expression softens as he sees how truly scared I am. "Dean I'm too scared to go home." He leans forward again, taking my shaking hand in his.
"I'm sorry, Lucy. I'm going to help you. Don't worry about a thing. If you want you and DJ can stay with us for a while. At least until you feel safe enough to go home." I smiled at him and that was when I lost all control. I put my hand over my face and started crying. This wasn't happening to me. It was never supposed to be me. Not with DJ around.
"Hey. Hey, hey. Come here." I felt Dean climb into the bed with me and pull me into his arms. I grabbed ahold of his jacket and pulled him even closer. He just rocked me as I cried until I fell asleep.

When I woke up again, DJ was laying next to me, sleeping. I smiled down at him as I began playing with his brown curls. Seeing him sleep I see so much of Dean in him and that alone made me smile.
"My dad brought him here this morning. He's been asking for you. He fell asleep a little while ago waiting for you to wake up." I chuckled lightly, looking back down at him.
"Hey." I said, shaking him gently. "Hey, DJ. Baby, wake up." He finally started stirring and looked up to see me.
"Mommy." He jumped me, making me smile and cringe all at the same time.
"Hi, baby. I've missed you."
"Really?" He asked, pulling back to look at me.
"Of course. You're my favorite person in the whole world." He hugged me again before falling to sit next to me on the bed. I smiled down at him before looking back up at Dean, seeing him look at DJ like he was the best thing in the world.
"Hey DJ, I want you to meet someone. This is Dean. He's he's your dad." Dean looked at us and smiled. DJ looked from him up at me.
"I kind of figured. I mean we have the same name." We all laughed as both father and son got to know each other. We sat there for hours before Ingrid came to get him to take him home.

A few hours later, Dean was asleep, John was somewhere out of sight and I was wide awake sitting in bed, watching television. The nurse had just finished checking on me and now I was set for the night. It has been a long day and I was ready to sleep until the next one.
"I was wondering where you were hiding. A call would have been nice."

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