Chapter twenty six

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Bobby called and told the boys that he had found a job. So we finished our visit and piled into the impala, off to Lincoln Nebraska. Well outside of it actually. Dean explained it to me but I can't remember. Something about plants or bugs or something. I don't know but I do know that a car ride with a fussy nine month old is exhausting.
"Sweetie. Darling. Love of my life. Please make her stop." I laughed at my husband and continued to try to get her to eat.
"Yes dear husband, that is exactly how this works. Don't you think if I had that completely wonderful super-mommy-power I would have used it by now?" I answered, every word dripping with sarcasm.
"But Lucy it's been two hours and she hasn't stopped. She's an infant, how can she be so unhappy?" I just ignored his question and continued looking over my daughter to figure out how to calm her down. I checked her diaper, I kept trying to feed her, nothing worked. Finally.
"Wait a second." I said mostly to myself.
"What?" Dean asked as I placed my lips to her forehead, confirming my suspicions. She was warm.
"She seems to have a small fever." I pulled down her lip slightly and saw she was cutting another tooth. "She's cutting a tooth, we can just stop at the store and pick up some baby Tylenol." Dean nodded and changed lanes to get off the freeway. Not long after we did, Sam called from Bobby's car to figure out where we were going. He explained where were going as we found a store to get a few things like snacks and the medicine for Connie who was finally asleep in the cart. I grabbed a few cheap, cheesy romance novels to read on the road and met Dean at the register.
"There you are. I was beginning to worry." He said, smiling down at me as he kissed me. I could tell by the kiss that something was a little off. He then leaned down to whisper in my ear, his breath tickling my skin. "There's another hunter in here. I've heard of him before and he's not a pleasant guy. Stay close to me and stay quiet." I just nodded, trying not to look for the guy Dean was referring to.  I started picking through the first few pages of one of the books I picked up and I heard Dean chuckle.
"What?" I asked, looking up at him. He just smiled his Dean smile and shook his head, looking ahead of us to the cashier.
"Nothing, I just can't believe you like those kinds of books." I looked down and laughed a little with him.
"I don't, Dean I'm just getting them for the road." He laughed again and took the book from my hands.
"Sweetheart, I've seen your stash. I found them like a year ago when I was looking for something in the garage. You love these stupid romantic books." I just smiled as he taunted me.
"Well I wouldn't have to like them if my husband was romantic."
"Hey I can be romantic."
"Prove it, Dean."
"Maybe I..." we were interrupted when suddenly a hand clapped onto Dean's shoulder. I froze as did he but he looked more annoyed than scared.
"Dean Winchester."
"Carlos Rivera." Dean turned with a fake smile as I just stood there looking at the man who knew my husband.
"It's been a long time boy. How have you been? You still hunting?" The man seemed pleasant enough but then again looks can be deceiving. He was a tall, very muscular man. Skin the color of cooked cinnamon and a slight accent, he was intimidating without Dean's warning.
"I've been good. Hunting with my brother again. How about yourself?"
"Not bad. Still hunting myself. Mostly close to home but you got to do what you can right? Who's this pretty thing?" He asked, eyeing me in a way that made me incredibly uncomfortable. Dean must have felt it to seems he stepped in between Carlos and myself.
"She's my wife. Been married about two years now."
"I'm Lucy." Dean looked back obviously peeved that I told Carlos my name.
"Hello Lucy. Are you a hunter too?" He asked, still looking at me like a predator does prey. Dean looked back to Carlos and stepped even more in between us.
"No. Just someone I met along the way." I didn't realize we were next in line until dean pushed me forward, making sure he was still separating Carlos and me. "It was nice talking to you man. Maybe we could get a beer sometime." Dean said, placing our things on the counter to be rung up.
"I would definitely like that. Catch you later." He said as he went to the next open register, causing me to have chills run down my back. He was creepy.
"Have a great day." The cashier said as she handed Dean his receipt and change.
"Thank you, you too. Okay let's go before he can follow us." Was all he said as he rushed me out to the car and sped off.

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