Chapter nineteen

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"Wait. What do you mean missing? How did you lose your brother? He's a freaking giant." I asked, trying to figure out what exactly was going on. Sam is missing and Dean is silently panicking. I only know because I know my husband. He doesn't let you know when he's scared but I can see it.
"I...we went to sleep at the motel and when I woke up, he was gone. He didn't take the impala but that doesn't mean he didn't steal a car. He could be anywhere. Wait...hold on he's calling me." I didn't get a chance to react because he had already clicked over. I waited patiently to hear what was happening. Finally I heard the click.
"Lucy?" I heard his voice again.
"Yeah. What's going on? Is he okay?" I asked, panicking myself a little bit.
"Yeah he's alive but I don't know about okay. He sounded a little freaked on the phone. He told me where he is, I'm going there now." He explained. We talked for a few more minutes and then ended the call because DJ came back in the room.
I turned to face the table, laundry had long been forgotten and now it was time to make dinner.
"DJ do me a small favor and pick something for me to make. Anything you want." I said, too stressed to do it myself. He smiled a sly smile and went toward the freezer. "Not ice cream." I said quickly. "It doesn't matter anyway. I kind of ate it last night. I'll buy you more tomorrow." He just gave me this slack jaw look and pretended to look offended.
"Mother I was saving that for my birthday." I laughed a little, folding some clothes as I joked with my son.
"Boy this was from your birthday." He started laughing and it was for a moment like it used to be. Just us, laughing and joking about little things, not worrying about anything more. Now with Dean and the baby, things definitely changed and I fear DJ may have suffered some for that.
"Sit for a second bubby. I want to talk to you about something." His demeanor changed a little and he slowly made his way to the table. "And grab some clothes while you're at it. Might as well work while we talk." We both laughed again but it wasn't the same as before.
"You love your dad right? I mean you enjoy having him in our lives?" He seemed to think for a second before grabbing a shirt and folding it.
"I mean yeah. I love dad. I finally have one and when he's here it's awesome. We play games and he helps me with a lot of stuff, but then he leaves with Uncle Sam or grandpa Bobby and it's like how it used to be. Everything changes and it really sucks. Dylan is always talking about how his dad is overseas all the time and the only time he gets to see him is by video. Dad doesn't even do that. It's just a phone call every few days." He explained. It hurt to know how he feels about this. I didn't really understand until now how Dean's  life was affecting him.
"I know it sucks Deej but I know that your dad loves you and wants to be here with us but his work doesn't let him do that. He has to leave. Just like Dylan's dad only it's a little different." I realized too late that I let too much slip into the curious mind of a twelve year old.
"Different how? What does dad do exactly? I know that you all say pest control but since when do pest control guys have to travel?" Crap. I was not prepared for this yet. This is not my conversation to have with him.
"When your dad comes home in a few days, ask him. Okay? That's for him to talk to you about." I can tell he didn't like that answer but it's the one he was getting. It was not my place to tell DJ about his father's "work".
"Chicken." I looked over at DJ with a questioning look on my face.
"Chicken. For dinner. You asked me to pick something to make for dinner and I pick chicken." I smiled before telling him to take it out of the freezer and to place it in the microwave. Once he did that, I put it on defrost and went to put the folded laundry away.

"Dean?" I said, out of breath because I ran to answer my phone.
"Yeah. I found him. He doesn't remember anything and we went to a house but it's not looking good. We need to spend a few more days here just to figure it out and then we'll be home. I promise. Tell the kids I love them and I'll be home soon. I love you."
"I love you too. I'm glad everything is alright." We said goodbye and hung up the phone.
"Was that dad?" I heard DJ ask from behind me, making me jump.
"Yeah. He said to tell you that he loves you and that he'll be home in a few days with Uncle Sam. Alright, help me with dinner so we can eat sooner." He smiled as he walked over to the counter and started helping.

When Sam and Dean came home, there was some tension that I couldn't place. Sam just went straight to his room in the basement and Dean wouldn't talk about it.
"He was possessed and some things happened but it's all taken care of." He shrugged off his jacket and that's when I saw the bandage around his shoulder.
"Oh my god, Dean what happened?" I asked pulling him so I could take a better look at it.
"It's nothing, Luce. I promise I'm fine." I pulled him into the kitchen and sat him down, grabbing the first aid kit from the cabinet. "Lucy, I'm okay. Jo already took care of it." I stopped. I never cared for Jo. From what Sam always said, no matter how many times Dean would tell her he was married, she tried to make advances. Now I was never there but why would Sam lie about that.
"Where did you run into her? I thought she ran off after her mother told her how her father died." I asked, jealousy seeping into my voice and it must of have been obvious because dean glared up at me.
"That's what you took from that? Jo? The demon that was possessing Sam was going after hunters and she was next on the list. She was working in a bar and I thankfully got there before she got hurt. The demon shot me and she got the bullet out." I felt my eyes widen like saucers.
"Sam shot you?!"
"Here we go. Look Lucy this happens more than you think. I get hurt all the time but I'm always okay."
"And what if next time you're not?" He froze. "Dean what if next time you don't come home to me? Did you ever think of that? I can't do this without you Dean. I can't raise two children by myself. It's hard enough now when you're not here but at least you come home. Don't you dare tell me it's okay because it's not. "

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