Chapter twenty eight

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"Alright, well be safe. I'm going to stay in the room today. Last night still has me a little frazzled. Theres plenty of food and I'm sure DJ will be fine playing video games." Dean just nodded before kissing me and walking out the door.
Things were quiet for most of the day and Connie slept through most of it, which meant I was probably going to be up later than I want to be. DJ complained a little about being cooped up in the motel room but I explained everything to him and that it just wasn't safe at the moment or at least I didn't feel like it was.
Dean called at a little after five and explained that met with a couple, hunters themselves and where probably going to crash with them tonight. I told him that I understood, that it made it easier than coming back here just to go all the way out to wherever it was that they were going too.
"Mom, do you want the last slice?" I jumped at the sound of my sons voice. I completely zoned out, I couldn't shake this feeling that something was very wrong but I couldn't figure out where it was coming from.
"Oh ah, no sweetie you go ahead and eat it. I'm not hungry." He turned to walk back to the little table that was placed in the far corner of the room before stopping and looking back up at me.
"Is everything okay, mom? You seem on edge." I just turned and smiled at my son. I couldn't lie to him anymore, now that I thought about it. He's getting older and he was definitely smarter than I sometimes gave him credit for.
"I'm just worried about your dad, that's all. I'm sure I'm just overreacting." He didn't seem to buy it but let it go all the same.

The next morning seemed to drag as I made DJ breakfast and woke Connie up, getting her ready for the day. DJ seemed kind of sluggish this morning so I told to him no video games after dinner, he was definitely up too late last night. I tried to get things started for the day but something was bugging me. I looked around and noticed a few things out of place, little things that no one would really notice.
Connie's bed was moved a little further from the bed than I had placed it last night. I may have moved it myself, not really paying attention this morning but it didn't seem likely for some reason.
Then I noticed the table in the corner was pulled out a little farther that I remember it being from the wall. No one touched it since we went to bed last night.
Finally, and this one freaked me out, the blankets on the beds were switched. How did we not notice that when we first woke up. My bed had a floral quilt, white based with intricate patterns of roses and daisies and hydrangeas, colors of blues and pinks and reds and purples mixing together to make a beautiful design.
DJs blanket on the other hand had been a solid red comforter, light so he didn't overheat and have to take it off in the middle of the night.
"Deej, did you trade blankets last night? How'd you end up with mine and me with yours?" He walked over and simply shook his head. I looked around and tried to come up with an explanation.
"No, I thought you did it when you came back into the room last night." I froze. What?
"DJ I never left the room last night. What are you talking about?"
"It was about 3am and I heard door open so I thought that maybe you stepped outside to think like you used too. I just rolled over and went back to sleep." I looked around quickly and grabbed my phone, telling DJ to grab his sister and go to the front desk.
"Tell then someone was in our room. Hurry. Then meet me in your uncles room. He left the key behind for us. Go." He ran out and did as I asked. I grabbed a few things and ran over. I unlocked the door and quickly closed it behind me.
"I was wondering when you'd figure it out."

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