Chapter twenty

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Things between Dean and me were kind of tense after that. I cleaned up his shoulder and then he went to take a shower. From there, bed. I did laundry and took care of Constance. DJ sensed that things were off so he just played his video games.
After about an hour, Dean came downstairs and found him still sitting there.
"Deej, get off the tv and go help your mother with something. You're always playing with this thing. Now go." I heard Dean say from the kitchen. I slowly stood and started making my way in there.
"But dad, I..."
"No buts DJ now go." He was mad and now he was taking it out on DJ. Great.
"Dad, I already..."
"Dean Jacob Winchester, do not talk back to me. I am your father and I told you to do something. Now do it." Dean was shouting now and it scared the sleeping baby in my arms and Sam had risen from the basement. I could see the tears in my sons eyes as his father yelled at him.
"Dean. Kitchen. Now." I said through gritted teeth., trying to talk over the now screaming Constance.
"You heard your mother."
"I was talking to you." DJ had started walking but when he heard me, he froze. Dean did too. They both looked a little scared but as DJ sat down, too scared to pick up his controller, Dean stalked passed me into the kitchen. Constance was still crying as I tried to calm her down. Sam quickly came over and grabbed her from me.
"Thank you." I said, not looking at him. I straightened out my shirt before charging into the kitchen after my husband.
"What the hell was that?" I asked.
"Are you kidding me? He was playing video games when I came home, he was playing them when I went upstairs and he was playing them when I came down. Then I ask him do something and he doesn't listen and you're yelling at me." I counted to ten in my head three times before answering him because I was about to hit him.
"If you had let him get a work in you might have learned something Dean. DJ has chores. He had to take the garbage out, clean out the dishwasher and fold the laundry every time I bring in a load. Then when he is finished, his reward is two hours of uninterrupted video games or whatever it is he wants to do. After that over, he helps
with dinner and sets the table. When dinner is done, I clear the table and clean the dishes before we do something before it's time to get ready for bed. That's the way it's always been, Dean." I said before turning to walk away. He apparently wasn't finished.
"How was I supposed to know that Lucy. No one ever tells me anything around here."
"Well if you were here more often then maybe you'd know more." His face turned red. I didn't mean to throw that in his face. Again. It just happened. I felt bad the second the words left my mouth and I couldn't tell if he knew that. He just pushes passed me and kissed the top of Dj's head before handing him his controller.
"I'm sorry buddy." He said as he sat down next to him, asking him how much more time he had left to play before picking up the second controller and playing with him. I saw Sam standing in the doorway with Connie in his arms.
"I didn't mean to." I said, tears filling my eyes as guilt filled my entire body.
"I know, but he beats himself up enough for not being here he doesn't need you doing it too." I looked back at the two playing games and laughing before turning away and going up to my room. I heard Sam put Connie in her room and I just cried as I realized that may have stepped over that line one too many times.

Sam and Dean left on a hunt not long after that fight and he still hasn't said a word to me. I tried to apologize but he wouldn't listen and to be honest. I didn't blame him one bit.
He calls to check on the kids but that's it. I was beginning to get scared. He's never stayed mad at me this long before. Now, Sam just calls so he doesn't have to talk to me. He comes home every weekend to be with the kids with or without Sam. Depending on if they are still working on a hunt or not. But he doesn't talk to me. Doesn't even sleep in our bed. I find him in the nursery in the morning, taking care of Connie.
That was why when I got a call from him, I knew something was wrong.

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