Chapter thirty one

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"Another...another what?" I was a little stunned by suddenly newsflash. Dean seemed to be freaking out and honestly, I didn't know what to say. I didn't even know if I was actually upset or not.
"It was a few years after you but before you found me. I think I was about twenty-two, twenty-three. I spent the weekend with this woman and apparently she got pregnant. His name is Ben." I nodded, relieved a little but still a little shell shocked.
"Does she know about us?" He nodded slowly, staring at nothing.
"Yeah. She knows and she wants to meet you. I'm not sure why this keeps happening though." I had to laugh at his last comment but he didn't find it amusing. "Something funny?" I just shook my head and kissed his cheek.
"You looked so scared to tell me. Dean this is actually good news. You have another son, get to know him."
"What just in time to die? How is this fair to him at all? To me? The timing couldn't be worse, Luce. It's got to be some sick cosmic joke that I'm meeting him now. Why didn't she tell me then?" I just wrapped my arms around him as his tears began to fall.
"Shhh. It's going to be okay." And we stayed like that for a while.

"We figured it's a changling. It's a monster that looks like a child and it feeds on mother."
"Yeah and anything that gets between the changling and its food source ends up dead. Katie's father with the table saw and Dakota's with falling from the ladder. It's all starting to make sense." The guys explained it all to me after I had both kids asleep.
"Alright. Well, you two can work on this more in the morning. It's late and I need some sleep." Dean looked at me with some skepticism and it made me wonder why. I just pushed it to the back of my mind and crawled into bed, making Dean check on Connie before he could climb in himself. When he did, he kissed me softly on the cheek, thinking I'm already asleep, and whispered into my ear.
"Hey no nightmares tonight. Only good dreams." Then he kissed me again and rolled to his side of the bed before falling asleep himself.

"Hey. Calm down. What are you talking about, Lisa?" I was woken up by Dean trying to quietly speak into his phone so he wouldn't wake anyone up. I looked up at the clock the hotel placed on the wall and it was after one in the morning.
My eyes quickly shifted to Dean as he stood from the bed and turned to Sam who was on the couch so DJ could have the other bed.
"Sam! Get up! Now! Lisa we're on our way, don't move." He hung up the phone and grabbed his jacket then his gun.
"What the hell, Dean?"
"The changelings got to Ben. We need to find them now." I sat up, looking between the guys, then to my sleeping children, hoping this conversation wouldn't wake them. "Shit Lucy. I didn't mean to wake you up. I'm sorry but I have to go." I just nodded, still groggy. I looked back over at DJ and he was now awake too, watching me. I looked back to Dean, grabbing his keys, running out the door when Sam barely had his shoes on. Grabbing his jacket, Sam met his brother in the now running impala.

I went back to sleep and it wasn't until about two hours later that I felt the dip in my bed, then someone playing with my hair, pushing it away from my neck. I jumped at the sudden cold of a hand pressing down on it. I turned over and saw DJ sitting next to me, smiling a sweet smile.
"What are you doing up?" I asked, laying back down, pushing the hair out of my son's eyes. He just shrugged.
"I couldn't fall asleep after dad left with Sam and now you're up. Let's play a game mom." I shook my head. He was actually odd. Saying no to sleeping, at three in the morning no less, wanting to play? No that wasn't really his style. He's twelve not five. He didn't really want to play games with me anymore, he's rather play video games.
My phone started to ring and I knew it was Dean hopefully with good news. I answered the phone and I could hear that he was breathing pretty hard and he sounded a little panicked.
"Dean, hey did you find..."
"Lucy get out of that room now!" Dean yelled into the phone.
"What? Why?"
"Just grab Connie and run. That is not DJ!"

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