Chapter twenty four

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"No! Absolutely not. It's not going to happen Lucy. So please drop it." Dean yelled at me, clearly angry.
"Dean, what she's saying makes sense. Yeah it's not perfect but it could work out. Just give it a..."
"No, Sam. I am not putting my family in danger. I can't do that. They can stay here with Bobby and we'll come back on the weekends like we always do. End of discussion." I was beginning to boil, he was really irritating me with this whole "it's to dangerous thing" he's got in his head.
"So what?" I said before he could walk away. "We only see you on weekends for the next year and maybe, maybe we'll get to see you before it happens? How is that fair to DJ, Dean?"
"How fair is it to DJ to have to watch his father getting torn to shreds in front of him by a hellhound?" I took a deep breath because at that point he was right. I don't want DJ to see that, but I had to do something.
"You have a year to live Dean. Less now and I want to spend the rest of it by your side, on your hunts, at home, anywhere in the world. We can sell the house and use the money to travel around and we can come back here to Bobby's when we can. And the day before it happens, we'll leave. The kids and I come here and wait for Sam to call us. And the day before that we'll have a great day with the kids so they can have last hurrah with their dad. Please, Dean. Just think about it." I explained in a calmer voice. He calmed a bit himself and seemed to be thinking about it.
"Lucy, would sell the house? Drive around in an old car with the kids and Sam and me? You
Want to do that?" He seemed utterly shocked by this.
"Yes, Dean I would. I want to be with you. Now I'm not saying that I'm actually going on hunts with you. I'm going to stay at the motels with the kids. My job is from home now. I can work from the road. It won't be that hard." He smiled and pulled me into his arms and kissed me.
"I love you, Lucy."

Later that night, Dean went to get dinner which left me and Sam alone. DJ was watching movies and Connie was asleep. Sam sat across from me at the table drinking a beer as I just sat there.
"Luce, can I ask you a question" I simply nodded. "You know dean loves you, I know that but do you realize how much?" I sighed, playing with my tea bag that was hanging out of my cup. I nodded.
"I mean I think I do but does one really know how
much someone loves them? I love him more than I can ever tell him. More than I can explain, but does he know that? It's a feeling that can't be explained."
"It can be shown. When I'm with him on a hunt, he's focused, fixated on what's in front of him. Ready to fight at a seconds notice. When he's here, he lets his guard down, he smiles, laughs, and behaves in ways I've never seen before. When we sit in those motel rooms, he doesn't sleep much and he rarely smiles. When he gets a call from you, it makes his day so much brighter knowing he has someone to come home to. Lucy, when he told me what had happened, it crushed me. My brother is going to die in a year and it's because of me. But when we were driving back, I noticed he was on edge and honestly I think he was shaking a little bit. He knew what he did and he was terrified to tell you. He was grieving and didn't know how to deal with it. His thinking wasn't there, his mind absent of all thought. But when we were driving home, he broke and realized he messed up." I felt tears on my cheeks as Sam explained my husbands actions. Dean did what he did because he loved his brother and couldn't live without him.
"Lucy he would have done the same for you. Or even he kids." I nodded, wiping my face dry.
"I know." I said, looking down at my cup, voice breaking. "Sam, I don't blame you for what's happening. You shouldn't either. It's not your fault." He smiled at me before finishing his beer and throwing it away. He walked over to me and leaned down until his eyes met mine.
"He loves you. He just wants to keep you safe. Sometimes he can be overbearing but it comes from his heart." I smiled again as he kissed the top of my head.
"Hey." we both turned to see Dean walking in with bags of food in his hands. "That's my wife. Get your own." He said, grinning like a mad man, setting the food down before coming over to kiss me on the lips slowly. I smiled as he pulled back and laughed when we noticed Sam leaving the room yelling;
"Get a room!" Dean grinned, face full of mischief.
"Good idea." And I laughed as he pulled me up the stairs and slammed our door shut behind us.

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