Chapter twenty nine

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I froze at the sound of a familiar voice of someone I didn't know. I was too scared to turn around so I just stood still, unmoving as the sound of the man slowly stood from his chair, the old metal frame groaning with age as he did. I just closed my eyes as he slowly made his way over to me and pulled my hair over my right shoulder. I could feel his breath on my skin, smell the alcohol as it drifted by me and tainted the air around us. I was shaking as I wondered what was going to happen next.
"You remember me don't you? From the supermarket the other day. You were with your hunter husband." He whispered. Carlos. He found us somehow. I heard DJ outside and quickly locked the door. If he didn't have help, I didn't want him in here.
"Mom?" He yelled as he tried the doorknob to no avail. He then started knocking. "Mom, open up. Connie's heavy and she would stop squirming." I felt tears run down my cheeks as I still didn't open my eyes.
"Uh, just go back to the room sweetie. I'll be over there in a second. This door is acting a little funky. I can't get it to open again. But our room is clear. I checked it out before coming over here." Once dean explained his world to DJ, he also explained the code words to him as well. I'm hoping he caught mine and goes to get help.
"Okay mom. I'll see you in a second then." My heart thumped in my chest with every step he took away from the door and away from me. Away from the danger that was now standing against me. He was pressing me up to the door and it seemed like he was smelling my hair. I was openly sobbing now, scared of what he was going to do to me. At least the kids were safe.
He quickly grabbed me and threw me to the ground, suddenly on top of me, straddling my hips, that was when something in me clicked and I started to fight. I couldn't let this happen. I wouldn't, not with my kids in the other room.
I clawed at his arms which caused him to lash out and punch me. I was dazed now which is all he needed to take control. I felt him rip my shirt open from top to bottom but I was too out of it to scream, all I could do was let this happen and wait for it to be over, hoping he'd let me live and not harm my babies.
Suddenly, the door busted open and Carlos was ripped off of me. I was still out of it so I didn't register that a pair of arms had grabbed me and pulled me up at first but when I did, I started to fight again, I pushed them away and kept hitting them until they let me go.
"Hey, hey hey. It's okay. It's me, baby. It's me. I got you. You're safe now." I looked up and saw the hazel eyes that could make anyone feel safe. Make anyone feel at home with just one glance. It was Dean. I started to cry again and I turned to see two cops, one was taking Carlos away in handcuffs and the other was standing by DJ. I suddenly couldn't breathe and was gasping for breath. Suddenly, Dean had me on the ground and was rocking me slowly. I couldn't believe that just happened. Not to me, no. It couldn't.
Sam was suddenly there too, with Bobby and they were taking the kids away. But not before Sam handed me a new shirt and pair of pants. I looked down, not realizing that Carlos had gotten my pants off. I luckily still had my underwear on so I could count my blessings there.
"And who are you sir?" The officer asked as nicely as he possibly could.
"I'm her husband and that is my brother and my uncle. We were working a job nearby and we had left last night. We were due back tonight but we got back earlier than expected. We came back to find my kids outside, taking to the lady at the front desk and cops suddenly everywhere. I..." he suddenly broke off and I felt him tense against me. He was breathing hard and I just pulled myself closer to him. If that were even possible.
"Okay." The officers voice seemed to soften and he patted Dean on the shoulder once before leaving it there to squeeze it. "We'll wait in the other room so she can get dressed. We'll talk more then." I felt Dean nodded as he slowly lifted me up and walked me over to the bed. We didn't say anything as he set me down and started unfolding my clothes. He started with the jeans as I held the remanence of my shirt closed. He lifted one leg and pulled the pants on before lifted the other leg and pulled my jeans up to my knees. He then grabbed for my shirt, pulling it down my arms gently.
"DJ saved me." He froze, looking up at me as I spoke quietly. "Because of what you taught him. He saved me." Dean just rested his hands on mine, gently squeezing, afraid he might scare me or something.
"How's that?" He asked softly, a smile loving, prideful smile playing at his lips.
"I told him the door was acting funky." I said with a suddenly laugh, like something was actually funny about this situation. "You taught him what the code words that you and Sam use meant and I listened in because seeing my husband teach our son something that his father taught him warmed my heart so much. He knew that it meant someone had me and that I needed help. And he protected his little sister." Dean suddenly grabbed my shoulders and pulled me to him. I grabbed the back of his shirt in my fists and cried with everything I had in me. All my energy was gone and my head was pounding.
"Yeah baby?"
Your clothes stink."

Once I explained what happened to the police and everything was said and done, they left. I was told to get my head looked at for a possible concussion but I really didn't want to. Dean made me do it anyway and they told me I had nothing to worry about except a really nice shiner that was already starting to form.
"Hey, you want to eat something?" I shook my head but Dean shoved the plate in front of me. "I may have asked but it wasn't a request. I was being polite." I laughed a little and looked over at DJ. He had been quiet since this all happened and it had been a few hours since the police left but he won't talk.
"Sam, can you take Constance to see Bobby please?" I asked. He seemed to understand so he grabbed the baby and walked out the door. DJ looked alarmed that his sister was leaving his sight but I stopped him.
"Hey. Bubby. we haven't had a chance to talk yet." He looked over at me and shrugged. I looked to Dean and he shrugged a little to. Like father like son.
"Hey, Dean, buddy. I want to tell you how proud of you I am for what you did today. You really saved the day by listening to what I taught you. Knowing that your mom was in trouble without having to be told outright is amazing. That guy could have hurt you or your sister if she had yelled for you to help. I'm really proud of you." DJ didn't look up from his plate as he pushed his peas around with his fork. He never really liked peas I don't know why I gave them to him.
"Am I a hero? Like you and Uncle Sam?" I smiled and kissed his head.
"Yeah bud, you are. A real hero."
"Then why does it feel like this?" He said suddenly. I leaned down to meet his eyes though he wouldn't let me.
"Like what sweetheart?"
"There's like this...feeling in my stomach. I don't know what it is but it won't go away. I kind of feel sick."
"Deej. Your body is still trying to register what happened. It's still trying to sort through all the information and all the events to get a clear view of it. That's completely normal and once the shock is gone and your adrenaline stops, you'll probably pass out but it will eventually just be a memory." DJ nodded and then went over to his bed before pulling the comforter over his body and curling into a ball.
"How are you doing?" Dean asked me. I took in a deep breath and thought of a good answer.
"I don't know. That was almost...he almost..." I felt myself start to break down again, my body begin to shake, tears fill my eyes. 
"Hey. I'm right here. Are you okay?" He asked, placing his hand on mine. I looked into his eyes then, my widening with the realization that I wasn't.
"No. I'm not. But I will be. I will be."

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