Chapter seventeen

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We've been home a week and we already are in the swing of things. Baby Constance is such a good baby that I was making Dean leave on a new lead. Sam had another premonition about a guy getting hit by a bus and knew they needed to check it out. Every time Sam has a vision it has something to do with the yellow-eyed demon.
"Constance is barely a week old and you expect me to leave? I don't think so, Lucy. No way. I can't."
"Look, Bobby is still hanging around and he's great with her. Believe me, we're going to be fine."I said, trying to convince him to go. He needed to do this. That bastard killed his parents and took the colt. The only weapon that could kill him and it only had one bullet left.
"Lucy I..."
"Just go ya idjit." Bobby said from the doorway while holding the baby. I smiled, seeing my little one. She was perfect to me, just like DJ. Her dark hair was already growing thick and her eyes were the rusty brown that matched my own.
"Bobby, I can't leave."
"Yes you can, Dean. We're fine. I promise. Now go figure out what is going on and save that guy before it's too late. That's your job remember?" Dean just chuckled and went to grab Constance from Bobby,kissing her forehead and whispering while I just looked on.
"Alright give her back. Kiss your wife goodbye. DJ get your butt in here. Your fathers leaving." I laughed at how Dean and DJ both listened to Bobby. DJ came bounding in quickly and told his father goodbye.
"Bye kiddo. You come here." I smiled lovingly and leaned up to press my lips to his. DJ gave a protest at how gross we were and ran put back to the living room.
"Bye, I love you. Bye Bobby we'll see you when we get back." Then he was gone. Bobby smiled at me, still holding Constance.
"I still remember when my wife looked at me like that." With that he walked into the other room, putting the sleeping baby in her bassinet.

"Lucy, the boys were arrested last night. I don't know what we can do." Arrested? Sam and Dean? That can't be right.
"Bobby, what do you mean arrested? I just talked to Dean. He said everything was fine."
"Lucy it just happened within the last few hours. Dean made me promise not to tell but I couldn't keep that from you." My blood turned to ice as I felt my heart stop. What in the holy hell am I supposed to do with a ten year old and a newborn?
"Grandpa Bobby, the television isn't working again. Can you fix it?" DJ came in the kitchen with us. DJ has grown used to calling Bobby grandpa Bobby and to be honest, we all kind of liked it. My dad really hasn't been around since they moved and he doesn't call much. DJ never really had a relationship with him to start with. He was starting to get a really good bond with John but then he died so that just left Bobby and he was happy to fill the roll.
"I'm coming buddy. I'll be in in a minute." DJ walked back in and we both just looked at each other in silence until Constance started crying so Bobby went to the living room and I went upstairs.
Once Constance was calmed, I found myself alone in my bedroom. I found I could barely breathe as I thought of Dean in a jail cell. What did he do? What could've possibly happened that he'd be arrested? I was scared, not knowing what could be done. Dean was strong but what is to happen if he can't get out of this one?

I found myself sitting at my table, dipping a tea bag in and out of the hot water in my cup. Slowly, I looked around and tried to think of a way to help my husband. Bobby didn't say what he was arrested for so I didn't know who to call or how to help. I was helpless waited for what comes next. It's been a few days and I needed to do something.
Bobby came down the stairs with DJ following behind. Bobby had the baby monitor in his hand, turned on so we could hear if the baby wakes even though you can hear everything in this house.
"Any word?" I asked, looking to DJ who still doesn't know about his father's dilemma. Bobby simply shook his head. I dropped my head in defeat.
"They'll get out of this, Luce. They've been through worse before believe me."
"That doesn't help me, Bobby. I need him home." Bobby nodded once and turned to DJ.
"Hey, kid why don't we go throw a ball around for a while?" DJ's face lit up and ran to get his shoes.
"Thank toy Bobby. I don't want him to know about this. Not until we know what's next." Bobby nodded and turned to go out the door.
Then we heard it.

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