Chapter fifteen

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My heart stopped. Dean? Car accident? No. I looked back towards the living room and watched DJ. How could this happen?
"I'm still here. Um. Is he okay? Is he awake? What's happening?" I asked, frantic now. DJ was starting to noticed.
"All I can tell you is that it was very serious and it would be best to get here as soon as you can." That was never good. I thanked her and hung up the phone, thinking of what to do next. I needed to get to Jefferson City but what was I going to do with DJ? Ingrid was out of town for the next three weeks and my parents no longer live in town. I had no one and I didn't want to bring him to the hospital just yet.
I had no idea how long I was pacing before my phone started ringing. It was Sam.
"Hey. Listen, this isn't good. Dean's in pretty bad shape and we honestly don't know if he's going to make it."
"Oh my god."
"You need to get here soon, Lucy. There's forms to file out and you are the only one able to fill them out." I sat down at the table and wiped the tears from my face.
"I can't just leave DJ here alone while I travel across the state Sam. What am I supposed to do?" I asked. DJ was standing next to me now, holding my hand.
"Our friend, Bobby. He's more like our uncle. He is getting the impala before they find the trunk. I already talked with him. He is going to pick him up and take him back to his place. He's already on his way there. He should be there soon."
"Okay. I'm on my way once he gets here. I'll call you back." I hung up the phone and looked to DJ.
"Mom what's wrong?" He asked me, sounding scared.
"It's your dad sweetheart. He was in a car accident with your grandpa and Uncle Sam. I have to go there and figure things out before I can bring you so you're going to stay with your dad's uncle Bobby." He just nodded and hugged me. "Now go pack some things to go to his house. He'll be here soon." DJ ran upstairs and started packing his bags while I got ready to leave. I made sure I had his insurance paperwork and the card before I left so that I'd have it.
Bobby showed up not long after I got off the phone with Sam. He knocked on the door and I was a little surprised by his appearance. He was a surly looking older man with a beard and a truckers hat. His blue jeans and t-shirt were wore and dirty and his jacket has definitely seen better days.
"Hi are you Lucy?" He asked me.
"Yes you must be Bobby. Come on in he's almost ready. DJ come on bubby. You got to go." I yelled up the stairs. DJ came running down the stairs with his bags.
"Thank you so much for watching him. I really appreciate it." I said, grabbing my purse and the paperwork along with my keys and phone.
"It's no trouble. It was just a little shocking when I heard that Dean had a rugrat. Sam didn't tell me about the one on the way though. Congratulations." I smiled at him.
"Thank you. In his defense he didn't know about him until about a year ago so. He left town when I found out I was pregnant so I wasn't able to tell him." Bobby just nodded and smiled down at DJ.
"Anywho. You ready to go DJ? We got a bit of drive ahead of us." DJ looked to me.
"Is dad going to be okay?" I just kissed the top of his head.
"I don't know bubby but I'm going to see what I can do. You go ahead. I love you."
"Love you too." Bobby led him out to the truck he was driving. I looked to the back and saw how mangled the impala was. It was completely totaled, making me wonder about John and Dean. I knew Sam was okay but god, if the car looked that bad, how bad was my husband?

I drove to Jefferson City memorial and ran inside as fast as my pregnant belly would let me. I reached the desk and noticed the pretty blonde receptionist with a headset going through some papers.
"Hi, my name is Lucy Winchester, my husband was brought in with his father and brother." She looked up at me and nodded once before typing in the computer.
"What are their names?"
"My husband is Dean Winchester and he father is named John and his brother is named Sam." She started typing again.
"Okay, I will let the doctor know that you are here and he'll be right out to talk to you about your husbands condition." She said before dialing on her phone. I sat down in the waiting area because I couldn't stand anymore. My feet and back were killing me.
I was sitting there for a good five minutes before he came out being followed by Sam.
"Lucy?" I nodded and started to slowly stand.
"No please sit. I'll want to explain before we go back anyway." He said before sitting next to me. Sam didn't sit, instead he went back probably to see his dad.
"I'm not going to lie. Things are pretty bad. Your husband has sustained some heavy injuries. He lost a lot of blood, not to mention some brain trauma. He also has internal bleeding and he is not breathing on his own. I want you to be prepared for the worst." By the time the doctor finished explaining it all to me, I was left breathless. Dean was going to die. There was no way around it.

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