Chapter three

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I still wasn't able to speak, just seeing Dean in my kitchen standing right in front of me didn't seem real. I was in awe.
"Lucy? Can I...are you going to say anything?" He asked, suddenly standing in front of me now. I hesitated before I reached up to touch his arm, making sure that he wasn't a figment of my imagination. I had to make sure he was real.
"It''s really you. You're here." I said barely about a whisper. He smirked a little and leaned against the counter behind him.
"Yeah, I am. Now are you going to explain why you had your nine year old son call me last night? Is there something I need to know?" I suddenly looked down and again found myself rendered speechless. How was I going to explain to him that DJ was his son? After ten years, how was I going to tell him?
He started to reach for me but I flinched away unconsciously. He seemed stunned by my action because I had no reason to do so. He'd never hurt me and I knew that but because of Howard's actions the night before I was still on edge.
"I'm sorry." I said, stepping back to stand in front of him. I was suddenly dizzy. I placed my hand to my forehead and closed my eyes, causing the spinning to increase. I stepped around dean to steady myself on the counter. He noticed my action and helped me by placing a hand on my shoulder.
"Lucy? Are you alright?" I barely heard him. As I tried to get the dizziness to pass, he found a chair and helped me sit. "Lucy, talk to me. What's wrong?" I couldn't answer him as I laid my head on the counter top.
"I don't...I don't know." I answered. He still held on to me as I picked my head back up. I opened my eyes and nothing has changed, I was still dizzy. As it intensified, I grabbed hold Dean's jacket. Gripping as tightly as I could, I felt the dizziness start to take over and I passed out. But not before I heard Dean's scared voice.
"Dad! Call 911 and keep DJ out of here."

As I started to come too, I was acutely aware of the presence of at least two people with me. I could hear beeping and felt things attached to my body. Then I became aware of the room itself. I was in the hospital.
"DJ?" I called out, my voice rough and quiet. My throat was scratchy and dry from lack of water.
"Lucy? Hey, do you know who I am?" I opened my eyes and saw him standing over me.
"You're Dean. Of course I know who you are? Where's DJ?" I asked him, smiling.
"There was an emergency contact under mine, we called her. She has him right now." I nodded and closed my eyes again.
"I'm thirsty." He went out to find me some water and didn't came back until he had some.
"Are you alright? What happened?" Before I could answer, the doctor walked in and told Dean he had to leave until he was finished with his check up.

When he was finished, he called Dean back in and explained everything to us.
"Miss. Donovan, have you hit your head recently? Or had any kind of head trauma?" I nodded, reluctantly. "Well it seems you have a major concussion and we would like to keep you for a few more days just to keep an eye on you. We also found you have some bruising along your abdomen and arms. Is there anything we should know?" Dean looked at me, a questioning look on his face. I just looked at the doctor and shook my head no. I knew he knew I was lying but I didn't care. I wasn't telling a doctor my personal life, not this anyway.
After he just nodded once and walked out, Dean looked at me, no longer amused.
"What is going on, Lucy? What aren't you telling me?" He asked, urgency in his voice. I remember the last time I saw him, standing in front of me with tears in his eyes, thinking he was never going to see me again.
"Dean, I'm sorry."
"Just tell me one thing, is he my son?" He leaned forward placing his hands on the hospital bed. I felt my eyes tear up as I looked towards the door, knowing I can't run from this.
I looked back into those hazel eyes that I love.
"Yes, DJ is your son."

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