Chapter six

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"Oh my god, Lucy what were you thinking?" Dean said, placing both hands flat on my bed, leaning over. I just placed my head in my hands and tried to breathe. The fear in my heart was too great. I couldn't believe that happened.
"I didn't...he wasn't..." Dean placed his hands gently on my shoulders and tried to talk to me in a calming voice.
"Hey, hey calm down. Come here. I've got you." He pulled me into his arms.
"He wasn't like that before." I said as I started to calm down. I was crying so hard that I would hiccup. "He was sweet and caring and he seemed to really like DJ. I never thought he would do this. This only recently started. Dean, I'm really scared."
"I know you are Lucy but you need to breathe a little bit. He's gone now and I'm not letting him come back. You and DJ are coming back to the motel with me and my dad and we're going to figure this out. I promise you two will be safe." I just nodded and desperately grabbed for his jacket.

I had a concussion and some minimal internal bleeding that they were able to fix up. Once the doctor was satisfied with my health, he signed me out.
"My dad already got your clothes and things from the house yesterday. You should be set for right now. Let us know if he missed anything. You know my dad really loves DJ. They've been doing things all week. He took him out to play catch the other day."
"That's great. I'm glad they're getting along." He looked at me funny and sat down in the car next to me as we waiting for my wheelchair to get me out of here.
"Is something wrong?" He asked suddenly and I looked up at him.
"Nothing, its...its nothing." I could see he didn't believe me. "Look, I know what you do. I can tell nothing has changed. How long is this going to last? Dean, this is great don't get me wrong, you're getting to know your son and he's getting to know you but that scares me a little. Is he going to get to know and then lose you. He's already lost a dad once I don't think he can handle it again if you leave." He looked shocked, utterly shocked that I even suggested him leaving.
"Lucy, I'm not....yeah I'm still hunting, Lucy but I'm not leaving him. Not this time. I refuse to let him go again. I'm his father and I want to be in his life."
"But you just said that you're going to be hunting, coming and going constantly. That's going to mess with him." Dean seemed like he understood where I was coming from. I mean I understand he wants to be a part of his son's life but he can't be part of it if he isn't here.
"You say they like I'm going to just leave one day and never come back. I'm not like that Lucy and I want to be in his life. I am his father. He needs a father." He was sounding desperate now.
"I know he does, believe me and it's on me that he doesn't have one but..."
"No. No buts Lucy. I'm not walking away this time. He is my son and I want to be in his life. There is nothing you can do now. I'm sorry." He was fighting so hard and I couldn't believe it. I've never seen anyone fight this hard before, not for one person.
"Fine. I won't fight you on this anymore but we will talk about it later. Figure things out." He just nodded. The nurse came in then with the wheelchair and I was off.

After a week in the hospital, I thought anything would be better. Turns out, I was wrong. The motel Dean and John were staying at was atrocious, it looked like it hadn't been really deep cleaned in ages, the beds looked worn down and over used, the white curtains were yellowed with age and the whole room smelled of cigarette smoke.
Dean helped me into the room and led me to the bed, sitting me down. He went out to the car and grabbed my things from the trunk before coming in to sit next to me.
"Where's Sam?" I asked, noticing the change in Dean after I asked. "You always talked about him when we were in school and now I haven't so much as seen him. DJ never says anything either."
"Sam...uh....Sam left. He ditched us and went off to Stanford. He's been gone for about two years." He seemed upset about it. But going to school didn't sound like he was ditching them.
"He went to school?" I asked, to make sure that I had heard him right.
"Yeah, but it's not the fact that he left, it's how he left us. He waited until the day he was leaving to tell us. He got into a huge blowout with my dad and just left. Said he didn't want to be like us, he didn't want to fight monsters anymore and he rather do anything else, be anyone else. I'm not going to lie, it stung to here him say those words." Listening to his story broke my heart a little, hearing that your brother doesn't like who you are and doesn't want to be like you would hurt anyone.
"I'm sorry that happened. I know how close you used to be with him." He just nodded with a sad smile. Before anything else could be said John and DJ came in, DJ running through the room before jumping on the bed.
"DJ you know better than that. Do not run inside and don't jump on the bed." Dean and John laughed a little as DJ just now noticed I was in the room.
"Mommy!" He ran up to me and wrapped his arms around my neck. It was good to be back.

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